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    Utiliser "crusty" dans une phrase

    crusty exemples de phrases


    1. One of the men, DAVID WELLS, a crusty old fart about 65, vigorous with

    2. Right below him on the desolate plain was an endless field of dogs, mainly dobies, stiffs and weilers; too thin, a little bloody, with dripping mouths and crusty yellow teeth

    3. One day, attracted by the unrivalled opportunities being offered to skilled people by this new broom sweeping through government’s old and crusty cobwebs of social patronage, two provincial public relations specialists arrived in the city determined to make their fortunes

    4. complement of gunners, a rough and ready crew, led by a crusty old

    5. The Colonel cleared his throat and everything in the room went quite and I must admit that he looked a crusty old bugger to say the least

    6. Arms laden with wine bottles, crusty food plates, and newspapers, she wore a harassed expression but struggled to smile for Amaranthe

    7. festivities, cranky, crabbed, and crusty though he was

    8. The blood that had oozed from a torn ear, long dried now into a crusty dark-brown patch, began to attract the foraging insects

    9. “All the heat gotten to you, Bobby?” she said, and tore up a leg off the roast chicken all of the sudden, careful to chew on just the thick, brown and reddish, crusty skin

    10. Wipe away that crusty mess

    11. The crusty looking booth operator marched out and

    12. If you were on the crusty surface of the Earth, however, you would have immediate access to it

    13. He was in the office on his crusty corpulent hindquarters surfing the Internet

    14. ” Crusty spread his hands proudly over a bed covered with black satin sheets, with built-in Lava Lamps on the headboard

    15. “Hmm,” Crusty said, stroking his leathery chin

    16. When Annabeth didn’t want to lie down, Crusty pushed her

    17. “So, Crusty …” I said, trying to keep my voice light

    18. If Crusty were human, I couldn’t hurt him anyway

    19. bread had browned crusty hot in the oven

    20. becoming crusty with dried blood, and a white pulpy stuff that was

    21. A few remnants of paper plates and plastic sporks and foons with crusty bits of cake icing or ice cream on them still littered the back yard, mementos of yesterday’s festivities

    22. A layer of the barrier’s smart-polymer foundation is melted into a hard crusty, charred resin

    23. Ceder gasped—it was bigger than the boat, barrel-chested, and had a long beard of crusty shellfish and clams that clattered like symbols when the river kraken hit the water again at full speed

    24. The room had been crusty with years of dirt on the first day of class in August, when it was supposed to have been washed and waxed

    25. If the trap held pigs, the crusty old boar would lift the trap and go under, let it fall in place and dine on the smaller trapped pigs while ignoring the bigger ones; who partook of this serendipitous largess with ill-concealed gusto

    26. Carved into her crusty concave cheeks

    27. He waved us over while he steadily walked to a crusty old pickup

    28. She settled for a fresh salad and crusty white bread, with a cool glass of sparkling water to refresh her

    29. The hobo wiped his crusty bloodshot eyes with the sleeve of his shirt, squinted at me and then smiled

    30. Breakfast was a crusty roll smeared with peanut butter

    31. The crusty roll was made in an old oven he had restored two years ago

    32. “This bread is really crusty and delicious and the bisque is exquisite

    33. With her fingers, she cleared out some of her crusty eye boogers, then rubbed her itchy, dry eyes

    34. Swearing under his breath at having to leave his men at such a time, Skorzeni returned to his maintenance shop to brief his senior NCO, a crusty sturmscharführer12 who could find engine parts in the middle of a desert if need be

    35. Serve with any kind of crusty bread

    36. "If that old man, or that crusty hag try to come at us or anything, we hit 'em with this, not anything else! Jose nodded seriously

    37. The Crock-Pot wasn’t as filthy as I had anticipated, but the frying pan made up for the other’s shortcom-ings thanks to a firm, crusty layer of congealed fat that had wedged itself into the bottom of the skillet

    38. The lieutenant in charge of the group hesitated for a moment, looking at his second in command, a crusty sergeant that would have fit well inside a penitentiary if he had not been in the army

    39. into Mrs Jenkins from the Crusty Cob bakery when he belted it around the head with a sack of

    40. The cold sore will develop into a crusty scab which may last for up to 2 weeks

    41. cos it was a little bit crusty round the edges

    42. ignore the fact that the handle was inexplicably crusty, presumably as a

    43. “They do a very good bowl of chilli with crusty bread for about a fiver, but I wouldn’t recommend that in your state!”

    44. “I may look hard and crusty, but I’m as thin as rice paper

    45. It rose up through the hardened, crusty snow, slithered and twisted around her legs and slid its icy tentacles into her chest

    46. She set her feet as firmly as she could on the crusty snow

    47. She landed on the cold, crusty snow

    48. matter, solid and crusty like charcoal

    49. Serve in bowls, maybe with some crusty bread

    50. You on the other hand are nothing but a dried crusty cum stain on society

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    Synonymes pour "crusty"

    crusty curmudgeonly gruff ill-humored ill-humoured crusted crustlike encrusted