Utiliser "dance step" dans une phrase
dance step exemples de phrases
dance step
1. “I’ll still have to spank her and tie her up and such, but I won’t have to physically hurt her as much, and I won’t have to be nasty emotionally! I can be as nice and as loving as I want while I’m doing it!” Mark crowed in joy, whirling Talia around with a few spontaneous dance steps across the cool black sand
2. jerky dance step of his that really scared the hell out of the
3. During the wait, Stallman practices a few dance steps
4. She seemed more of a second version of Amaranta when the latter had not known bitterness and was arousing the house with her dance steps at the age of twelve or fourteen before her secret passion for Pietro Crespi was to twist the direction of her heart in the end
5. “Look at how my darling cannibal has grown!” Before he had a chance to react she had already put a record on the portable phonograph she had brought with her and was trying to teach him the latest dance steps
6. Her festive genius was still so alive then that when she received new records she would invite Gaston to stay in the parlor until very late to practice the dance steps that her schoolmates described to her in sketches and they would generally end up making love on the Viennese rocking chairs or on the bare floor
7. And then she forgot about the manuscripts, went to the door with a dance step, and from there she threw Aureliano a kiss with the tips of her fingers as she had said good-bye to her father on the afternoon when they sent her to Brussels
8. Watched by amused customers and by the befuddled sales lady of the oriental boutique, she did a dozen dance steps before stopping and bringing the two fans to the cashier, putting them besides the wide conical peasant hat she had already selected
9. He suggested that meanwhile he will act as my partner to show the dance steps to the others
10. One of the persons in attendance stepped forwards
11. The first few times, just to pull the horse a few feet, the trainer has to hippety hop around for about 10 yards in addition to a few impressive dance steps with a few curses at the whole pole bending business
12. The bodies did appear to move in some sort of sequence to the music and lights but any similarity between that movement and dance steps was purely coincidental
13. now that every dance step in this manual should be done
14. foundation for most of our other dance steps, and this is an-
15. dance step itself special---the sleeping man seems to think
16. thinking, when they don't have any real dance steps in their
17. dance steps, hence they have over the years openly burned up their
18. the middle of a dance step with her hands held high and index fingers pointing
19. He was so innovative! His dance step “moon walking" was unseen, till he showed it in the “Billie Jean" video clip
20. Everyone remembers "Billy Jean", "We Are the World" and his marvelous dance steps
21. His style wasn’t conventional, but I didn’t mistake this for a dance step
22. Urbino Daza, after the aperitif of port and half a glass of red wine with the meal, and above all after their triumphal conversation, he tried to reach the third stair with so youthful a dance step that he twisted his left ankle, fell backward, and only by a miracle did not kill himself