She could tell before she got in here that they weren’t going to get her home by making her lie in a tank with a dead man
dead man and his bicycle when they heard the lorry approaching,
A couple of happy shoppers mistake him for a tramp in someone's cast-offs, a missing person in a dead man's suit
Who was the other dead man? Ozzie or Andy? And how had he died? Again, he saw Sheila in the last hours of her life … surely it hadn’t been a repetition of that?
As the doctor knelt by the side of the dead man to
the photograph of a dead man’s arm hanging
She pulled a gun out of the dead man’s pocket and pointed it to her skull
‘Of course I mean the dead man
when the dead man was found in your woods?’
there – around the time the dead man was found?’
his attention focused on the dead man hanging from the shackles in the middle of
When John, the Apostle, saw Jesus in his glory, he fell down as a dead man (Revelation 1:17)
"Fifteen men on the dead man's chest-- Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!"
‘This is ridiculous,’ said the dead man’s friend in
the dead man stagger out of the dormitory late last night
Poor Victor was a dead man in four days--a strong, hearty young fellow
‘You look young for a dead man
With Archie gone it was nearly unbearable and a black mood descended on me and I moped about the ward like a dead man walking locked into my depression
” I knew now that nothing on earth could save the fucking shit from death he didn’t know it but he was a dead man walking
Eventually we boarded Lorries and were transported close to the front we the disembarked and started our march to ‘Dead Man’s Farm’
Five days later we left the reserve trenches and made our way back to ‘Dead Man’s Farm’ where we received more fatigues and working parties
So we hitched a lift back to ‘Dead Man’s Farm’ but when we got there we could find no sign of George either in the barn or around the farmstead
Once more our relief time came and we made our way back to ‘Dead Man’s Farm’ as things really began to heat up
Shortly after this we were relieved and made our way back to ‘Dead Man’s Farm’ once again to the fatigues and working parties that awaited us there
You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you? There was a dead man outside the
The wily priest always has a pre-selected victim named in the silent revelation; one who is either rich or unpopular, and though the dead man has probably died of colic and stomach-ache, the culprit may be put to death for witchcraft, or heavily fined, whichever is deemed expedient
Modest, he wasn’t, but compared to the dead man on the floor, he was a gentleman
“Remember that dead man you saw outside of the icehouse?” Amaranthe asked
The gouges tearing flesh and bone apart appeared the same as those she had seen on the dead man outside the icehouse
In Cuba it was frequently impossible even to discover the regiment of a wounded or dead man, countless mistakes arose, and for weeks families at home endured a terrible suspense, when some loved one, whose body had probably been buried without identity by a fatigue party, was posted as missing
Nothing prevented the police from using whatever ammunition they wanted for a dead man can tell no lies
The sworn testament by one of the dancers that she had seen Frank arguing with the dead man earlier that evening in the club, added weight to the Prosecutor’s contention that Frank had beaten, then stabbed the man to death
Nadir realized in shock, that he was crouching beside a dead man
I’m a dead man, ain’t I?” I said mostly to myself, believing that pretty soon I’d be in custody for felonies committed in fifty-one states (counting the job in Puerto Rico)
Cutting the dead man’s finger off with his Swiss army knife, he placed the top of the dead finger on the laptop
“Move,” Edgar commanded, the point of the pistol identifying to whom he spoke, “and you’re a dead man
I looked at you, Mr Dalton, and saw a dead man
“This man,” Raul said with his hands laid atop those of the dead man, “was pure to the core, good, honest, and my most loyal friend for many, many years
” He returned to crouch over the dead man and, while Elizabeth watched, he began rifling through the pockets of his jacket, turning up the man’s army paybook, some snapshots that Colling consciously did not look at closely, a worn Wehrmacht-issue Polish phrase book and a tattered Esso map of Poland
Other entries seemed to be expense notations, and Colling cursed the dead man under his breath when he saw that most of them were for lodging and meals for which Colling himself had paid
He then took the dead man by his heels and dragged him until he could roll him under a fallen tree trunk
He had the dead man’s notepad in his hand, and he flipped to the inside front cover
Poor old Fred didn’t know it, but he was already a dead man
No matter how unfortunate this event was for the chauffeur, it proved to be the opposite for Hermann,because he was offered the dead man’s position the following day
This supposedly suggests that Jesus compares a grave and dead man’s bones to something unclean, hence cremation is acceptable
bravery wasn’t his calling card (he once hid from battle and scalped a dead man)
evolution and sublimation, as a walking dead man could not have evolved and
god, which was then a dead man, and delivered to those who were under him ceremonies and sacrifices
5 Who did raise up a dead man from death, and his soul from the place of the dead, by the word of the Most High,
12 But they sorrowed over Adam, because he was fallen like a dead man, he and Eve; and they said in their thoughts, "Adam has not died in this place; but God has put him to death, for his having come to this place, and wishing to get into the garden without His leave
' I saw the spirit of a dead man making suit, and his voice went out to Heaven and made suit; And I asked Raphael the angel who was with me, and I said to him: 'This spirit which makes suit, whose is it, whose voice goes out and makes suit to Heaven?' And he answered me saying: 'This is the spirit which went out from Abel, whom his brother Cain killed, and he makes his suit against him till his seed is destroyed from the face of the Earth, and his seed is annihilated from among the seed of men
12 But they sorrowed over Adam because he was fallen like a dead man he and Eve; and they said in their thoughts "Adam has not died in this place; but God has put him to death for his having come to this place and wishing to get into the garden without His leave
thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a
' I saw the spirit of a dead man making suit and his voice went out to Heaven and made suit; And I asked Raphael the angel who was with me and I said to him: 'This spirit which makes suit whose is it whose voice goes out and makes suit to Heaven?' And he answered me saying: 'This is the spirit which went out from Abel whom his brother Cain killed and he makes his suit against him till his seed is destroyed from the face of the Earth and his seed is annihilated from among the seed of men
To the dead man in a tomb
service, but the dead man’s mother was absolutely
The Wolf helped the dead man slowly fold to sit at the base of the tree
He grunted and placed his right hand flat on the dead man's head and with what remained of the church victim's blood on his thumb, he traced the sign of the cross on his forehead
He also knew he had to keep moving before the dead man was discovered and linked to him
Dhafi and the mysterious dead man had a heated discussion
"As you can see, this dead man is embracing a Bible
Ralph can see the marks of tears on the boy’s cheek and the quivering glances he casts in the direction of where the remains of the dead man lie but he does not falter
41 So they took away the stone from the place where the dead man was lying
Wolf, splattered by the blood and gore of the dead man lying next to him, struggled in his own blood to put his last magazine into his M-16
Ai, none-the-less, he would leave the stiletto in the dead man's stomach
17 And the day after he was going to a city called Nain and his disciples with him and a great multitude; And when he was come near the gate of the city he saw a crowd accompanying one who was dead the only son of his mother; and his mother was a widow and there was with her a great multitude of the people of the city; And when Jesus saw her he had compassion on her and said to her Weep not; And he went and advanced to the bier and the bearers of it stood still; and he said Young man I say to you Arise; And that dead man sat up and began to speak; and he gave him to his mother; And fear came on all the people and they praised God and said There has risen among us a great prophet: and God 23 has had regard to his people; And this news concerning him spread in all Judaea and in all the region which was about them
Jesus said to her Did not I say to you If you believest you shall see the glory of God? And they removed those stones; And Jesus lifted his eyes on highand said My Father I thank you Since you did hear me; And I know that you at all times hears me: but I say this to you because of this multitude that is standing that they may believe that you did send me; And when he had said that he cried with a loud voice Lazarus come out; And that dead man came out having his hands and feet bound with bandages and his face wrapped in a scarf
a dead man who wasn’t really dead, one that had transformed into
He thought to himself, “This is it! I’m a dead man!” He
"If he were still locked up, our authorities in Hackett and Fort Smith would know our local dead man was not the real
Quieter than a dead man on a bed
How had this dead man managed to wound him? He had never suffered even a scratch in over two hundred fights since leaving the Temple and they were just the ones that he could remember
Yet the dead man had quickly changed to a variant of Nordheim freeform which had thrown him, for it was not the newer form in practice today; instead it was an ancient style like that practiced century’s ago, most strange?
Corvus knew that if he made it around the corner to raise the alarm he would be a dead man and so he threw his huge axe after him
leadbeater says that a dead man is often aware of the feelings of the family
Henry stood over the dead man for a moment before more soldiers started to run out of the cabin
„You"re a dead man if you stuff this up
Taking care not to make any creases, he pressed the letter against the fingers of the still warm, but by now dead man on the floor behind him
Dead man walking, for sure
dead man, or an exact imitation of his handwriting; but even in such an
The dead man lying on the
After the first shock has passed you realize that it’s nothing but a dead man, an empty
“There are more Iraqis around here,” the captain said, wiping the blade of his knife on the dead man’s sleeve before he put it back in its sheath, panting
"Then the dead man at the gate—" began Conan
But they did not know from which village the dead man was come, and we had left no trail a Kshatriya could follow
She put out her hand to brace against the dashboard as they took Dead Man’s Curve and down the long hill into town
Brawny arms swung the dead man over the rail, and a dozen fins cut the water as he sank
Conan shook his head and straightened to scowl down at the dead man
The slayer had stepped into the pool of blood in which the dead man sprawled
“He is dead man…Jones set his two bodyguards on his with baseball bats and they pummelled him until he collapsed
2 Jesus knew, and so did the people, that these Sadducees were not sincere in asking this question because it was not likely that such a case would really occur; and besides, this practice of the brothers of a dead man seeking to beget children for him was practically a dead letter at this time among the Jews
Conan lay stiffly, like a dead man, but his eyes glared up at them, wide open, and blazing with helpless fury
Valerius frowned down at the dead man, cast a swift glance about the empty chamber, and stepping swiftly to the door, cast it open suddenly
Beck looked down at the man and said, “I will stop when you tell me your real name and not that of a dead man
Aguero walked across to the first body and stared at the pool of blood seeping from the dead man
Before he could strike, a scaly staff licked out and touched his breast, and he fell as a dead man falls
With measured, mechanical steps the dead man moved toward a black arch
The dead man strode straight on, looking neither to right nor left, his pace as changeless as the tramp of doom
'When we employed the Heart of Ahriman to bring a dead man back to life,' Orastes said abruptly, 'we did not weigh the consequences of tampering in the black dust of the past
The smoke was like a blue rope about his neck; then it faded and was gone, and Orastes slumped to the floor a dead man