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    dean martin exemples de phrases

    dean martin

    1. A singer called Dean Martin was doing what in the day

    2. This was the time of Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Sid Caesar, Imogene

    3. The career spy lives alone, and has just finished a breakfast of coffee and cereal, accompanied by a recording of Dean Martin singing “Return to Me

    4. And there’d be Frank Sinatra with Dean Martin and Sammy Davis with Peter, walking on the beach, chain-smoking like mad and tossing their cigarette butts into the ocean as if to say, ‘Screw Mother Nature

    5. Marilyn had the director of her own choosing, George Cukor, and the leading man of her choice, Dean Martin

    6. One question that’s never asked in regard to Marilyn’s invitation to perform for the president is this: What in the world were Bobby and JFK thinking? “This manipulation of Marilyn, already so sick, was as low as it got,” said Jeanne Martin, wife of Dean Martin, who was costarring with Marilyn in the beleaguered Something’s Got to Give

    7. ” Even more outrageous, Marilyn viewed the rushes of a bedroom scene between Dean Martin and Charisse, wearing a revealing negligee

    8. and Dean Martin for my biography of Frank Sinatra, I learned that both found it very difficult to imagine Peter ever implicating the Kennedys in Marilyn’s death—especially if it was true (and it’s not, as I have explained in this book’s text)

    9. Regarding Dean Martin: I must admit that I practically stalked Mr

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