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    1. How can it be supposed that he should be the only rich man in his dominions who is insensible to pleasures of this kind ? If he does not, what he is very likely to do, spend upon those pleasures so great a part of his revenue as to debilitate very much the defensive power of the state, it cannot well be expected that he should not spend upon them all that part of it which is over and above what is necessary for supporting that defensive power

    2. He continues giving more time to make allowances for the world to tire, debilitate and exhaust its will

    3. Guilt can be a destructive feeling that will debilitate you

    4. If civilization survives long enough to genetically debilitate the human species into extinction: then civilization will die: along with the human species

    1. Though debilitated by their time underground, their feet did not fail them as they shot down the passage

    2. Parmayan continued: ‘The evil ones have rendered you in a debilitated state in order to send a message

    3. This great sinking fund, too, might be augmented every year by the interest of the debt which had been discharged the year before ; and might, in this manner, increase so very rapidly, as to be sufficient in a few years to discharge the whole debt, and thus to restore completely the at-present debilitated and languishing vigour of the empire

    4. Now segments of that solid buffer of liberty have become debilitated through political correctitude, loss of a moral compass, or the bribery of government “assistance

    5. I was also physically, morally, and spiritually debilitated from constant hard living

    6. Shutting down all interference from outside—Isabella’s focus on the boy, Johan’s impatience mixed with compassion, the air’s bite, all the noise of the waking world—Simon concentrated entirely on sending what little peace he had out from his mind, through his body and into the boy’s struggling one, praying all the while that the physical contact would do what his debilitated power could not

    7. Aya! There is no help for it—little can I offer you in payment for this debilitated craft

    8. administered to children, to the very ill, debilitated elderly and even those on

    9. Sooner or later, they would be back in the sea-water, and they were too debilitated by fear and sickness to survive for long

    10. debilitated women on my books, even with a buyer lined up

    11. Takina still felt very much debilitated, but was loath to admit this to a toad

    12. When once your body is debilitated by old age, nobody

    13. He was weak, incapacitated, debilitated

    14. Whatever happens in our lives no matter how far we feel we have wandered into some inescapable morass, or simply become so totally distracted and even debilitated we feel we have lost our connection to our becoming self, our search continues unabated

    15. alas! I am fearfully exhausted and debilitated by this attack

    16. It is thus that human weakness fails, from its debilitated and imperfect organs

    17. The risk of having anyone discover that Rosemary was institutionalized and in such a debilitated state was a public-relations problem for a family with political ambitions

    18. ” Joe, in his debilitated body, had now lost the ability to walk and speak, just as his powerless daughter once had

    19. THAT EVENING, VERY LATE in Washington, President Kearney was feeling completely debilitated and old, decades older than his forty-two years

    20. They rid the place of Tom's poor booze and overloaded on John's, vanquished the brandy, debilitated the sherry, and invited all the lords and ladies down to Finn's to improve the talk

    21. This whole costume was, if we may so express ourselves, debilitated; the seams were white, a vague button-hole yawned at one of the elbows; moreover, one of the coat buttons was missing on the breast; but this was only detail; as the hand of the statesman should always be thrust into his coat and laid upon his heart, its function was to conceal the absent button

    22. We are so accustomed to our pampered or debilitated representatives of intellectual labour, that it would seem very strange if a learned man or an artist were to plough, or cart manure

    1. It is the nihilism that debilitates me

    2. The riches that one seeks need not be extravagant, for it the seeking that debilitates, and thus causing a belief in the world’s deceitfulness, again choking out God’s Word with its’ lies

    3. The WE-THEY obsession of the Islamic ethos debilitates the Musalmans with troubled minds

    1. According to the information, he was employed at a local school teaching music having graduated two years earlier, though there was a note that he was on intermittent sick leave due to the serious and debilitating form of migraine from which he suffered

    2. to themselves that is so debilitating, abusive and unconscious

    3. It was debilitating and she writhed on the ground

    4. If it wasn't for her nearly debilitating norrot habit she probably could have been very good

    5. Neither does legalizing drugs promote the health of an individual otherwise under the influence of mind altering, physically debilitating drugs, in whatever manner or conditions such drugs are administered

    6. Rage came! What rage! She kicked the walls of the tub and pounded her fists against the wall then, succumbing to defeat, sagged into the comfort of debilitating sobs

    7. And I can see my darling sister Wanda again, now free of debilitating old age and memory problems, Wanda as she was, brimming with life, caring for others, protecting the weak and vulnerable

    8. A veteran of campaigns and peace-keeping in three countries, he was a tough guy who had long forgotten such debilitating fear

    9. Apparently a physical therapist named McKenzie had a patient come in with debilitating back pain

    10. The heat was as always unbearable and the moisture nearly debilitating, but they trudged along hoping to strike lucky soon

    11. with debilitating injuries and illnesses by

    12. debilitating disability that the par-

    13. ” Manzi is particularly disturbed about global warming, which would require a debilitating reduction of trillions of dollars of economic growth and development in the near term

    14. The commanders of the Civil War, the radical strategists at the core of the Democratic Party, and often a majority of the Supreme Court, have cleverly shaped the civilizing element of toleration into the debilitating requirement of political correctitude

    15. While I would be lying to say I�m �cured,� I can confidently tell you that my baseless fear and rampant, debilitating anxiety now has an underscore of a faith I didn�t understand before

    16. What made the whole transformation into the type of lawyer that I never wanted to be so debilitating was that that bastard Mack used the happenstance of his near fatal illness plus my showing up two and one-half years early from Chicago to get out of not only the legal profession entirely but Motorola and government contracting specifically

    17. My god, that just HURTS! It is devastating, debilitating,

    18. normally, or was the headache completely debilitating?

    19. arrogance as a tremendously debilitating aspect that makes them

    20. Since my father despised nepotism so much, I wondered, why had he brought me into his business? It may have been my mother’s influence, but it was a debilitating change in the career path on which I had started

    21. They will not be debilitating nor will she have to be motionless for long periods of time

    22. You have severe, debilitating headaches that cause you to vomit and

    23. debilitating headaches have a high cost not just for the sufferer, but for

    24. You have severe, debilitating headaches that cause you to vomit and huddle in a dark room for hours

    25. Thulsa could hardly believe his luck; the enemy had endured twenty years of peace, which obviously had a debilitating effect on its army, they just simply had never expected this to happen

    26. debilitating nor death threatening condition, it still causes some grave

    27. Perhaps if, like Francis Bacon, I'd been horsewhipped as a boy, or thrown onto the streets to fend for myself, or been sold into slavery, I too might have become a tortured, drug-raddled soul living a life of towering highs and debilitating lows with an entourage of devoted sycophants encouraging my physical and mental self-destruction

    28. own life because of the debilitating and far-reaching effects of mental

    29. One of the most debilitating aspects of arthritis is the persistent pain it brings to the sufferer

    30. 12 This worshipful practice of your Master brings that relaxation which renews the mind; that illumination which inspires the soul; that courage which enables one bravely to face one's problems; that self-understanding which obliterates debilitating fear; and that consciousness of union with divinity which equips man with the assurance that enables him to dare to be Godlike

    31. debilitating to others and to the woman herself?

    32. The other kind of ignorance is the perniciously debilitating kind

    33. According to a long-term Finnish study, smoking not only shortens your life by around 10 years, but it also lowers your quality of life in old age, as smokers are more likely to suffer from debilitating illnesses

    34. Sanders, like a large number of the study volunteers found that they were unable to discontinue the medication without experiencing debilitating withdrawal symptoms

    35. The machines are exceptional in their quality, but if a person is unable to reach the infirmary or a medical unit within a prescribed amount of time, considering their condition, it could mean a debilitating illness or his or her death

    36. Admiral Sherman had been called to Earth to consult on efforts to develop a strategy against the Swordsmen and the current campaign to stop the Third Force’s debilitating random attacks

    37. The inertial compensator, which made the rapid transit possible, worked, but its side effects were debilitating

    38. Each heard their story about the sabotage at the nuclear test facilities and the plot by a single rogue Swordsman to embroil them in a debilitating series of wars

    39. debilitating effect on the life of the city

    40. Dad suffered a debilitating stroke while I was still with my first wife, and Mom had an enlarged heart that threatened her life

    41. It would be difficult to consider her, in such a frail and debilitating state, as a suspect in this twisted murder, but it was his obligation to treat her with the same reservation as he would any others during the investigation, until she absolved herself of all guilt

    42. It was encouraging to see the vitality of the hotel was slowly returning as if it had been plagued by a debilitating illness and was now only recovering, showing some signs of colour in its cheeks; perhaps since the first inquest had been disposed, the aura of darkness surrounding the disappearance and the apprehension of this pending storm, whose towering thunderclouds could be seen churning several miles from the shore, was being overshadowed by the jovialness that the hotel itself possessed and attempted to exude through its bright floral arrangements and charming atmosphere

    43. One month of fighting on Guadalcanal to keep possession of Henderson Field had produced many casualties, but what was really starting to hurt the division was the growing number of malaria and dengue fever cases that were debilitating the men

    44. The pain was piercing and completely debilitating

    45. Joahaz was an upright man, and lived among the Ammonite clan of people from the north, but they could, in no way help with this debilitating ailment

    46. though they knew beforehand that the children would likely suffer from a debilitating health defect

    47. debilitating effects of boredom and apathy

    48. Now, we have with my helicopters a viable alternative to those debilitating jungle approach marches our troops had to endure before

    49. Those who didn’t die in the first days and weeks following the nuclear blasts then had to face starvation and the debilitating long term effects of radiations, including stillbirths and deformed babies

    50. “Second of all, no one wants to be a victim of a UFO encounter, and not just because it’s not fun being probed and violated, but because the amount of ridicule and stigma associated with coming forward as a witness to something unusual is debilitating

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    Synonymes pour "debilitate"

    debilitate drain enfeeble cripple weary sap enervate fatigue prostrate wear out