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    Utiliser "defensible" dans une phrase

    defensible exemples de phrases


    1. naturally defensible,” he said thoughtfully, “And with castles to add

    2. That panel of scientists then reported that, “…the agency had overstated the risks of dioxins and that its conclusions were not scientifically defensible and that it would not endorse its report

    3. That panel of scientists then reported that, ―…the agency had overstated the risks of dioxins and that its conclusions were not scientifically defensible and that it would not endorse its report

    4. Sebastian and his team began building decoys and defensible positions

    5. Where before, the humans had been surrounded by thick forest on all sides, they now had defensible cliffs on three sides and only one side from which they could be attacked

    6. Outside of Corendar, Trenant Keep was the largest and most defensible structure on the entire island

    7. She had given up on reaching her friends for the hope of finding a defensible position

    8. If these criticisms are defensible, we escape the difficulties involved in the doctrine that unregenerated men possess no pneuma, or spiritual faculty

    9. If men can be persuaded to cast aside the unscientific contention for natural immortality, with its inference of everlasting misery as 'the curse of the law,’ and to adopt the simplest sense of Scripture language on life and death, —the coherent evangelical system, as taught by the apostles and prophets, becomes again defensible, victorious, intelligible, and self-consistent

    10. It must, at the commencement of this chapter, be admitted that the present argument, if sustained, will result in nothing less than a redistribution of the pressure of the motives of hope and fear in the sphere of religion; and therefore will operate a revolution of the most momentous character, defensible only on the ground of Divine Authority clearly demonstrated, and solidly established

    11. This furnishes perhaps the least defensible of the items in the charge of neglect brought against his contemporaries

    12. ” I explained, “I have taken no drugs whatsoever since then” (true), and said, “I use alcohol only in moderation” (not exactly true, but since most of my binge drinking was alone, at night, to get to sleep, probably defensible)

    13. It was going to be a wretched, miserable night of rain and wind, the last thing men trying to find defensible solid land in this Langhorne-forsaken swamp needed

    14. Easily defensible, single entrance, thick walls, and a door with many locks

    15. To carry this discussion to a logical extreme, we might suggest that a defensible investment operation could be set up by buying such intangible values as are represented by a group of “common-stock option warrants” selling at historically low prices

    16. Singleton made more than 130 acquisitions of small, high-margin manufacturing and technology businesses that operated in defensible niches managed by strong management

    17. I am not for yielding to either nation, but, let our conduct be consistent, impartial, and defensible

    18. I am not prepared to defend it, and do not believe that it is defensible

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    Synonymes pour "defensible"

    defendable defensible