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    Utiliser "deli" dans une phrase

    deli exemples de phrases


    1. It was only when Esther did the catering for one of Monty’s specials that he recognized the woman from the deli next door

    2. They got on well, very well, each time they met after that, even at her Deli

    3. some cold cuts, bread and those fancy deli chips that Mother preferred

    4. The forces at large would remove him from his office and plant him in a deli somewhere or perhaps, in construction

    5. The church is a two level red brick building nestled between an abandoned deli with a For Sale sign in the window and a check-cashing place

    6. * 8 ounces thinly sliced cooked deli roast beef

    7. remainder of the deli meat is all protein, that would mean that the

    8. In order to save money on this type of reception, check your local grocery store deli for prices on "meat and cheese" trays as well as

    9. I’d buy a roast beef and salad roll and a bottle of ginger beer from the deli in Rose Bay and relax here feasting on my lunch

    10. Alex finished his chicken salad sandwich at a nearby deli for his

    11. and dialed her number on his cell phone, then left the deli for the short

    12. He cursed and moved the food to the wrapping in which it had been sealed by the deli

    13. "But, dear GAWD, what passes for takeout here is not to be believed! The restaurants aren't bad--got to keep the tourists fed--but the takeout? I mean, the deli at the supermarket? And the Chinese? HONEY!!! I can't even bear to THINK about the Chinese!" He shuddered dramatically

    14. There is a deli store and coffee shop on the block

    15. Michael quickly comes out the deli and shouts, “What's the matter Diane?!”

    16. A man in a deli is reading a newspaper with a headline that reads: DIANE D APPEARS DAZED OUT AFTER SHE FALLS AND LANDS ON STAGE FLOOR!

    17. Emma and Jake walked through the produce department, past the bakery, and to the other end of it, where the deli was located

    18. A group of older women shuffled into the deli with thick prescription glasses and large, boxlike sunglasses covering their sunspots

    19. Back at Chuck’s deli, the dinner crowd was being subjected to every trick in Chuck’s dirty-tricks handbook

    20. “WTF? Are you guys crazy? You could have parked at my deli for free

    21. Chuck was almost back to his deli

    22. I need to pay Chuck a visit, he thought, but when he showed up at Chuck’s deli, he was told Chuck had taken the morning off

    23. Chuck, who had been apprised of the action at Bernie’s, was waiting for Marcus and Dwayne in the back of his largest deli

    24. He was rarely without it and in his deli, never

    25. He wore a Chuckles’ Deli T-shirt with a large, imposing picture of himself on the front

    26. As they made their way toward the storage area in the back of the deli, Marcus made it clear to Dwayne he had neither the intention nor the desire to lose any more to these customers

    27. Was the driver in on it? Or did he jam the gears twice because he and his machine were being interfered with by undead evil ghouls? The young Serbian boy with a sandwich in his hand comes sauntering out of the deli, and lo and behold…the archduke whom he had sworn to kill is sitting there right in front of him… and just at that moment… the car is at a standstill!

    28. The person responsible for the mistake accuses the lowest man in the chain of command of making the mistake; thus causing the confusion in the driver’s nervous system and his mishandling of the clutch and gears, causing them to jam, stopping the car in front of Schiller’s Deli just as Gabriel Princep comes outside with a sandwich in his hand

    29. She ordered a salad, he chose an egg salad sandwich—the only thing in the deli that qualified as meat in any form, and they found a table in the corner

    30. She noticed he studied the room before sitting down, and took a seat with his back to the wall so he looked out over the deli

    31. He’d once gone into a deli in a town near the trail in southern California, ordered a sandwich with two pounds of roast beef in it, and eaten it in six bites

    32. I walked to the co-op with Monster on my back, my ski pole dangling from my wrist, and a box in my arms, taking over a table in the deli section of the store to organize my pack

    33. They met in a crowded deli not far from her office and over salads managed to reach an agreement

    34. On the way home I stopped at the deli and got a medium black coffee and a slice of hermetically sealed cornbread

    35. We bought powdered donuts and coffee from the only deli still open, and they sang “Happy Birthday

    36. In the mornings I just got deli coffee and sat on my stoop

    37. But you haven’t smelled coffee until you’ve smelled hot, sweet deli coffee at let’s say four-thirty in the morning on the night you’ve seen your first murder

    38. Outside, office workers carried bagged lunches from the deli

    39. One reporter had spread deli napkins on his shoulders to catch falling makeup as he touched up his face for the cameras

    40. He found a deli and bought a cold beer, keeping it in a paper bag

    41. The cripple’s course had been fit-and-startful—a long pause at Cooper Square, while Charlie crouched A behind a parked car pretending to tie his shoe—and then into a deli for a brown paper bag

    42. At lunchtime, on the pretense of going to shoot hoops, I’d head over to the Promenade and drink vodka out of a deli cup, then come home and lock myself in my room and conk out until my little sister banged on the door

    43. He bought Benzedrine strips from hopheads and dissolved them in cups of deli coffee and waited under his favorite streetlamp

    44. In the kitchen, the heating element on the coffeemaker has come on with the power, coaxing a curdled deli smell out of yesterday’s coffee, but no one’s there

    45. Or she imagined it cut into thin, coronal slices, like a deli ham, and adhered to glass slides

    46. Samantha Hawes reappeared with a pot of coffee, deli sandwiches and assorted salads on a tray

    47. The local bodega had a handpainted sign scrawled in red letters on yellow: FIRST STREET DELI AND TOBACCO, OPEN 24 HOURS

    48. Put another way, the Western charting shows the customers entering the deli and the Japanese candlesticks show how hungry they are

    49. I love deli sandwiches and sodas, but now for lunch I eat a Greek salad with grilled chicken and water

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    Synonymes pour "deli"

    deli delicatessen food shop