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    Utiliser "deluding" dans une phrase

    deluding exemples de phrases


    1. Friendship after all? I was probably deluding myself, but we were still here, and I thought the worst was over

    2. (Even those armchair generals who imagine a victory at Gettysburg would bring US defeat are deluding themselves

    3. I could look around the entire estate like a crazy person, but I'd be deluding myself

    4. ‘You are deluding yourself if you think sinners will respond to such a simple message,’ he responded thinly

    5. Avi wondered if she was deluding herself, but rationalized that trying to stop her mother once she set her mind on something was next to impossible

    6. Stop deluding yourself

    7. "Or maybe I'm just deluding myself

    8. Sometimes she felt encouraged and hopeful that her relationship with Joel was deeper than mere friendship, and other times she wondered if she was simply deluding herself about the depth of Joel’s feelings for herself

    9. Was he really that great after all or was he just constantly deluding himself? If he was as awesome as he tells himself he was, then why can't he tap into that and get Blondie to quit being crazy?

    10. He was, unconsciously, eager to see her while deluding himself that his heart was turning cold

    11. What better way of deluding the masses into thinking that these Royal families were on their side, but to go to war? The schizoid split between the familial/clan togetherness of European royal society all being intermarried with each other and related to each other, and each royal family’s nation going to war against the other so millio0ns of the lower class could die in their name as mortal enemies while they retained their fucking personal friendships is a moral ethical filthiness born of pure royal stupidity, royal smugness and royal arrogance

    12. "� Happily and not paradoxically, this nature of the becoming self, in that it is becoming, precludes our deluding ourselves into believing we can ever possess it

    13. Deluding the whole world into believing that a 2-minute jet fuel fire can collapse a 100 story steel girder high-rise office building

    14. symbolizes all the lies told about heaven, the Creator, and the true nature of reality by priests and their ilk to increase their status and wealth by deceiving and deluding whole populations

    15. primary tool for deluding and brainwashing populations, controlling the empire, and profiting from

    16. He wondered if he was deluding himself to believe that he actually did have some constant self which would accompany his journey through life, or if this was just a coping mechanism people used to make sense of the world

    17. to a stock's price is deluding themselves

    18. And for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness" (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12; See 1 Timothy 4:1-3)

    19. There is nothing more dangerous than this licentious and deluding art, which changeth the meaning of words as alchemy doth, or would do, the substance of metals, making of anything what it listeth, and bringing in the end all truth to nothing

    20. And for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness" [2 Thessalonians 2:3-12; See 1

    21. Wherefore they threatened, that the cage nor irons should serve their turn, but that they should die, for the abuse they had done, and for deluding the men of the fair

    22. It’s a shame I didn’t think to clean the heads of the recorder, as there are 78 rpms by Memphis Minnie or Charlie Patton that have better fidelity, but there is enough of an imprint on the oxide to show that we weren’t entirely deluding ourselves

    23. Why had he come obtruding his life into hers, hers that might have been whole enough without him? Why had he brought his cheap regard and his lip-born words to her who had nothing paltry to give in exchange? He knew that he was deluding her—wished, in the very moment of farewell, to make her believe that he gave her the whole price of her heart, and knew that he had spent it half before

    24. “I will make the world acknowledge you a beauty, too,” he went on, while I really became uneasy at the strain he had adopted, because I felt he was either deluding himself or trying to delude me

    25. In a diversified institutional portfolio, with 50-plus names, you're deluding yourself if you think you can have some unique inside scoop on more than a handful of the names you own

    26. Money lavished by hundreds of millions, tens of millions of disciplined troops, weapons of astounding destructive power, all organizations carried to the highest point of perfection, a whole army of men charged with the task of deluding and hypnotizing the people, and all this, by means of electricity which annihilates distance, under the direct control of men who regard such an organization of society not only as necessary for profit, but even for self-preservation, and therefore exert every effort of their ingenuity to preserve it—what an invincible power it would seem! And yet we need only imagine for a moment what will really inevitably come to pass, that is, the Christian social standard replacing the heathen social standard and established with the same power and universality, and the majority of men as much ashamed of taking any part in violence or in profiting by it, as they are to-day of thieving, swindling, begging, and cowardice; and at once we see the whole of this complex, and seemingly powerful organization of society falls into ruins of itself without a struggle

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