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    Utiliser "depersonalize" dans une phrase

    depersonalize exemples de phrases


    1. Without education he is like an “alien entity”, depersonalized to feel like machines

    2. One has become depersonalized by their participation in a meta-Nism, to the extent that that meta-Nism is all that can create meaning and purpose

    3. We would not have the thousands of new diseases created by hospitals trying to kill microbes and viruses which mutate and become a hundred times more deadly, we would not have all the toxins and poisons in our food which make us sick and fat and addicted to these poisoned products, we would not have the industrialized slaughter of 100’s of millions of animals in feedlots and the creation of yet more diseases and plagues from this inhuman abomination of depersonalized butchery

    4. The problem with civilized societies is that the only way to have a healthy economy is by the depersonalized exchange of goods and services for money

    5. Over the previous few days, we had been consumed—and perhaps even a little distracted—by the technical details of the search, which were provided to us in the depersonalized language the military adopts when looking for anyone or anything

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