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    Utiliser "deploring" dans une phrase

    deploring exemples de phrases


    1. Then for a while the teacher bashing would be nonstop, deploring tenure and promoting merit pay, never mentioning that tenure was a weapon against favoritism and unfair firings

    2. True to their tradition of blind obedience, most of them concentrated on the military role and ignored politics, whilst deploring the lack of political direction

    3. He wasn't, I think, deploring what I deplore, the absence of a sense for the anonymous in gods, of a sense of the dignity of separation, of retirement, of mystery, wherever there is even one spark of the Divine; I think he thought they had all been, and that neither incognito nor in any other form would they appear again

    4. Berunni Twenty-Arms brought down many an edifice as he pursued Agni and the latter charred his share of buildings while deploring:

    5. And I remember an Egyptian intellectual, who, deploring the new manners and morality, said that Egyptians should return to the values of the village

    6. They were deploring Emma's death, especially Lheureux, who had not failed to come to the funeral

    7. One day when I was reproaching him for his unavailing searches, and deploring the prostration of mind that followed them, he looked at me, and, smiling bitterly, opened a volume relating to the History of the City of Rome

    8. A few men, the least impressed of all by the scene, pronounced a discourse, some deploring this premature death, others expatiating on the grief of the father, and one very ingenious person quoting the fact that Valentine had solicited pardon of her father for criminals on whom the arm of justice was ready to fall—until at length they exhausted their stores of metaphor and mournful speeches

    9. His brothers had not replied at all, seeming to be indignant with him; while his father and mother had written a rather sad letter, deploring his precipitancy in rushing into marriage, but making the best of the matter by saying that, though a dairywoman was the last daughter-in-law they could have expected, their son had arrived at an age which he might be supposed to be the best judge

    10. I went home and found Savéliitch deploring my absence

    11. A superb subject of antitheses for humanitarian rhetorics! Indeed, it does not let pass an occasion for deploring such juxtaposition and for asserting that this will kill that (ceci tuera cela),[12] that the union of the nations through science and labour will conquer the martial instincts

    12. I was astonished, sir, to have lately read a letter, or pretended letter, published in a prominent print in that quarter, written not in the fervor of party zeal, but coolly and deliberately, in which the writer affects to reason about a separation, and attempts to demonstrate its advantages to different sections of the Union, deploring the existence now of what he terms prejudices against it, but hoping for the arrival of the period when they shall be eradicated

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