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1. Yet again, I come back to the question of whether it is fair to any man to deprive him of fatherhood …
2. never deprive it from another
3. “For whom then, do I labor, and deprive my
4. 'You will not deprive the Italian States of a
5. • You deprive yourself of the mental freedom you need to
6. • You deprive your mate of the truth about how you feel
7. • You deprive your mate of the opportunity to meeting other
8. • You deprive your mate and yourself of the chance to find
9. Were those high duties and prohibitions taken away all at once, cheaper foreign goods of the same kind might be poured so fast into the home market, as to deprive all at once many thousands of our people of their ordinary employment and means of subsistence
10. Unless, therefore, they annually save some part of them, unless they annually deprive themselves of the enjoyment of some part of them, the revenue and wealth of their society can never be, in the smallest degree, augmented by means of their industry
11. From the insolence of office, too, they are frequently indifferent how they exercise it, and are very apt to censure or deprive him of his office wantonly and without any just cause
12. But should the sovereign attempt irregularly, and by violence, to deprive any number of clergymen of their freeholds, on account, perhaps, of their having propagated, with more than ordinary zeal, some factious or seditious doctrine, he would only render, by such persecution, both them and their doctrine ten times more popular, and therefore ten times more troublesome and dangerous, than they had been before
13. No one, least of all us, likes to deprive a cat of his freedom, and it hasn’t been easy
14. He had discovered somewhat to his surprise that the cruelest thing that could happen to a human – excluding torture – was to deprive them of their social ties
15. What a cad that Paul was, to deprive Mother of a new female to feed! Mother said that
16. Would have been cruel to deprive us our tradition which is the same under all race groups! Attacking us whilst barbecuing, was seen as very mean-spirited and against the rules of war and common decency
17. It does not yet include some of the dictatorial rules from the EU that deprive their
18. I don’t believe in slavery, but I don’t think the Federal Government had the right to deprive the states of their rights, which established a dangerous precedent which is with us to this very day only much worse
19. deprive you of, or interfere with in any way, things of such value that they can
20. Don’t imagine that this will deprive them of their goodness
21. “Let her make that decision, it would be wrong for you to deprive her of the choice
22. and that nothing can deprive you of your heritage, of what you
23. One hundred years ago, those glaciers were more than sixty miles longer and more than half a mile thicker, but that is no reason to deprive the tourists from enjoying their magic charm
24. In her mushrooming despise for men and her often expressed desire to force Roger into moonlighting by “pumping gas”, she failed to realize that the amount of child support she was demanding would deprive the other children of even the essentials for survival
25. 23 For when he heard the cry and saw them all on the verge of destruction with tears he angrily threatened his friends saying 24 you have governed badly; and have exceeded tyrants in cruelty; and me your benefactor you have laboured to deprive at once of my dominion and my life by secretly devising measures injurious to the kingdom
26. 22 Why withdraw ourselves from a most sweet life and deprive ourselves of this pleasant world? 23 Let us not oppose necessity nor seek vain-glory by our own excruciation
27. Take heed therefore children that these dissensions of yours do not deprive you of your life
28. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws
29. Killing myself would put me out of my misery, but it would deprive my children of
30. It‘s not ―normal‖ or ―Constitutional‖ to deprive human beings of basic necessities such as a blanket, mattress, shower, etc
31. -What for? To deprive me of the exciting show to delve into the depths of your mind? –She said funnily - but don't worry, it is not all the time
32. And given that at that time, you stole me a kiss; I don't see why I should deprive to steal one from you
33. If you cut yourself off from even one of God’s children, you deprive yourself of something of God’s riches that could have come to you only through that other child of God
34. Theft is often defined as the unauthorized taking of property from another with the intent to permanently deprive them of it
35. - the requisite intent to deprive the victim of the property permanently
36. - The intent to deprive the owner of the property permanently
37. One commits larceny by taking something of value without consent and with the intent to permanently deprive the rightful owner of the object
38. The intent to deprive the items' rightful owner (typically the store) of possession of the items, without paying the purchase price
39. They thus abandon themselves to the enjoyment of their lusts and deprive their souls of the joys of virtue and the pleasures of righteousness
40. It would be equally unjust to deprive the genius of all his increment of wealth
41. important for your loved ones, you deprive them of that very thing
42. He recounted how the Adjuster had warned him about the inability of any power or personality to deprive him of the creator prerogative of independence of time
43. Plan to Cheat 3 - 4 Meals Per Week with the My Fresh Balance Diet PlanDon't deprive yourself of the things you enjoy, but Binging on High Sugar, High Bad Fat, and Refined White Flour Foods should be limited to no more than 3 – 4 meals of the 35 to 42 meals consumed per week
44. To deprive a Gemini of conversation, or of books and magazines, is cruel and unusual punishment
45. And even you, my good man, would not dare to deprive the dogs of the privilege of obtaining the crumbs which chance to fall from the children's table
46. willing to herself deprive,
47. 1 How foolish it is for material-minded man to allow such vulnerable theories as those of a mechanistic universe to deprive him of the vast spiritual resources of the personal experience of true religion
48. Juggling classrooms, difficult parents and girlfriend, and keeping up with his commitments to the team as well as his good impression on Cynthia’s parents, he would deprive himself of sleep, cash and meals in order to fulfill his role for Cynthia, picking her up here and there, helping her with her essays, taking her out to suitably good restaurants and shows, et cetera according to her schedule and demands such as the demand to be fashionable vegan and alcohol free
49. “Clearly one way to stop the killing,” Greg said, “is to deprive renegade governments of the weapons with which to make war
50. Petra was tormented by an unknown fear, as if instinct were telling her that Meme, by just wanting it, could succeed in what Fernanda had been unable to do: deprive her of a love that by then she considered assured until death
1. I have been deprived of the luxury of caring what my beloved thinks of me, and so I write
2. They were almost hollow deprived of
3. People don’t have a bit of land where they can grow things, they are stuck in damp, high rise flats in deprived areas with no hope of escape
4. Nearly all customers were sleep deprived, overzealous students who'd never
5. They would have deprived their self if they had kept
6. Socially, educationally and in almost every way you care to think of, she was a deprived person
7. Deprived of their focal point, her eyes dropped to the shingle by her feet, idly scanning the ground up rocks littering the shore
8. Music and books are his bag, and this morning, deprived of instant television news, Shaun has no idea what Ken is talking about
9. ” She hadn’t studied the learning deprived
10. When, by the destruction of monasteries, the poor had been deprived of the charity of those
11. Feeling deprived of your favorite
12. then is it greater and more lasting? Because it has deprived
13. precisely because they attack only bodies deprived of
14. Heaven be deprived of qualities God has given to us,
15. Secondly, Though a great number of people should, by thus restoring the freedom of trade, be thrown all at once out of their ordinary employment and common method of subsistence, it would by no means follow that they would thereby be deprived either of employment or subsistence
16. inconveniency, they were not thereby deprived of all employment and subsistence
17. I’ve deprived my child of his father
18. Such sacrifices, though they might frequently be agreeable to the interest, are always mortifying to the pride of every nation; and, what is perhaps of still greater consequence, they are always contrary to the private interest of the governing part of it, who would thereby be deprived of the disposal of many places of trust and profit, of many opportunities of acquiring wealth and distinction, which the possession of the most turbulent, and, to the great body of the people, the most unprofitable province, seldom fails to afford
19. and the Barclay students are deprived of a
20. He is as much mutilated and deformed in his mind as another is in his body, who is either deprived of some of its most essential members, or has lost the use of them
21. It had been part of his private little rebellion at God who had deprived him of parents
22. I believe that was around the time that Italy, under Garibaldi and Mazzini, became a modern nation and deprived the Vatican of their Papal States
23. Otherwise, in some way, life would become less bearable; he had already been deprived of one important thing
24. The triggering device behind these uprisings has been, among other things, a growing perception of (native) French complacency, indifference and (perhaps) bigotry by a (weary) nation that has grown accustomed to its creature comforts; supported by emerging working classes who feel deprived of its social and political rights as well as uncertain of their own proper role in French society
25. Unfortunately, the drizzling and, at times, heavy rain of the first day interfered with our determination as tourists and deprived us from appreciating the night life of that stunning city, such as enjoying the sunset in one of the bars in front of Sentosa Island, or observing the nocturnal animals in the only Night Safari in the world, or participating in many other entertaining and instructive opportunities which can be found in the late evening in that large attractive modern city where East happily meets West and where the old and the new harmoniously mingle in a dramatic contrast of style and substance
26. Clinton’s bombing killed hundreds, and by some estimates deprived the country of much of its medical needs, killing thousands indirectly
27. The deal was that the wife would get her rocks off by having her oxygen deprived as she was getting screwed
28. Just let them stew, deprived of all sensory inputs
29. The remains of the predator now severely lacerated by many smaller teeth, was covered and hovered over by myriad insects as they feasted on and disposed of the larger animal life that had been deprived of its essence
30. It was discovered early on, that deprived of it, an animal lost all ability to coordinate the actions of its limbs even before the death that quickly followed
31. It is dependent of the State, even with the label of deprived initiative, without having full dominion of its businesses
32. b) We create dependency, by which people are deprived of the learning and good that comes from making mistakes
33. We shall now look at instances where people were deprived of a proper burial and under what conditions it happened
34. These policies produced a culturally deprived society that ultimately failed to sustain itself as a superpower
35. labour is in vain without fear; 17 Because God has deprived her of wisdom, neither has He imparted to her understanding
36. of my days, I shall go to the gates of the grave; I am deprived of the residue of my years
37. Since you deprived him of that and instead were instrumental in making short work of the plot, he was forced to honor you instead
38. 6 If he prevail, he shall hardly receive the half, and he will count as if he had found it, if not, he has deprived him of his money, and
39. 21 For grace is not given, him from the Lord, because he is deprived of all wisdom
40. They have been deprived of love and attention
41. The mountain lion had tried David out, and been killed, he had deprived a powerful
42. 7 Therefore I, being deprived of my ancestors'
43. obtruding himself, exclaiming, that he ought to be allowed and saying Be it that they were deprived of this honour, I ought not to be
44. pavement, powerless, with limbs paralyzed; by a righteous judgment deprived of the faculty of speech
45. cruelly deprived of their lives
46. should be deprived of them, resisted as well as they could
47. 6 "Why, O Adam, has he not kept his agreement with you, not even one day; but has deprived you of the glory that was on you, when you did yield to his command?
48. Deprived of the fruits of their labor the industrious also began showing up late and worked less hard
49. "The only problem with that type of reporting is that friends and relatives living away from the flooded areas are deprived of information about areas near Johnstown," said Bob
50. Deprived of attention, it will slow down and reveal
1. of senseless thought which deprives of person the release of his or her
2. completely different thing from reciprocal utilization, which deprives
3. disrupted sleep that deprives them of having normal and comfortable sleep
4. This person’s compensatory act of self-absorption deprives him of the ability to care for other people’s feelings
5. Indeed, the majority of people are opposed to abortion, which deprives birth to a fetus
6. Perhaps, a woman prefers to preserve her love in the recess of her heart, as if its exposure, even to her lover, deprives it of its pristine purity
7. And ironically, it is his dual attitude towards women that denies the fair sex of Islam the feel-good that a normal socializing would have afforded them! Though the medieval man’s attitude towards women was no different from that of Muhammad, the burkha that Islam ordains them, deprives them whatever little freedom their sisters of other faiths have! Thus, if the globe were to become an umma as Muhammad had dreamed, and should its mullahs come to reign, as they would in such an eventuality, half of it would be reduced to walking tents for all that
8. Do not the changes of these two types of trees aforementioned prove the existence of a hidden potency that deprives the first one from life in winter while it supports the other with it unceasingly?
9. Thus, the verse “Their harmony with the travel of winter and summer” serves: “Oh My servants! If you consider the harmony between the creatures and the changes of seasons, you will know that there is a Mighty Provider and a wise Steering of this universe who moves and stops, gives and deprives and directs all this universe within for nothing but their good and advantage
10. After that, God clarified that the denier deprives himself of the weal which God prepared for him and draws misery and loss upon himself by his evil actions
11. Do not these changes in these two types of trees prove the existence of a hidden potency that deprives the former of life in winter, while supporting the other with unceasingly life?
12. Thus, the verse “Their harmony with the travel of winter and summer” is telling us: “Oh My servants! If you consider the harmony between the creatures and the changes of the seasons, you will know that there is a Mighty Provider and a wise Controller of this universe Who moves and stops, gives and deprives and directs all that is within the universe, for no purpose but, their own benefit and advantage
13. He deprives her of all these special treats
14. This deprives the
15. In addition, all the while, one deprives oneself of
16. Sorry, but this is some scientific anachronism, to put it mildly! Everything, absolutely everything is alive and has Self-Consciousness! Yes, its perception and principles of existence are absolutely different, as compared with ours, but this fact by no means deprives it of the vested right to be in spite of anyone’s conceptions to the contrary! Indeed, we don’t try to negate or prohibit the possibility of existence near us of sea and terrestrial animals, birds and insects only because they have different structures and think not the way we do!
17. � It's an identity that deprives us of our power to act successfully in the present
18. Sanity deprives them all of the fear of death,
19. Life is our most precious possession; death is the worse punishment because it takes everything from a person and deprives of all the life and joy a person would have had, and the second death will deprive of eternal life and joy in Heaven, of an eternity of ceaseless years of joy beyond any joy we can now even dream of; it is an infinite punishment in that it takes an infinite amount of life and joy from a person
20. The second death is a real death, just as real as is the first death; both the first and second death are both an end of life, as the first death deprives a person of all psychical life and is the final end of all earthly existence, so the second death is the final end of all existence after the resurrection to judgment
21. The Bible speaks of two deaths, the first and the second, if the first death is death but the second death is eternal life being tormented by God then it is not death; the second death is a real death, just as real as is the first death; both the first and second death are both an end of life, neither the first or the second death are life in another form or place; as the first death deprives a person of all psychical life and is the final end of the earthly existence, so the second death is the final end of existence after the resurrection to judgment
22. Death deprives us of all life
23. And therefore he who shall preserve the life bestowed on him, and give thanks to Him who imparted it, shall receive also length of days forever and ever, But he who shall reject it, and prove himself ungrateful to his Maker, inasmuch as he has been created and has not recognized Him who bestowed the gift upon him, deprives himself of continuance forever and ever
24. But if this were the effect of inspiration, inspiration would be fatal to revelation; since revelation consists in making truth known to the nations through language, and inspiration of the quality supposed deprives words of their proper meaning and affixes one diametrically opposite
25. prove himself ungrateful to his Maker, inasmuch as he has been created and has not recognized Him who bestowed the gift upon him, DEPRIVES HIMSELF OF CONTINUANCE
26. How can that be? he replied; pleasure deprives a man of the use of his faculties quite as much as pain
27. "My dear," said she, as she took the pen, "is it not vexatious? An unexpected incident, in the affair of murder and theft at the Count of Monte Cristo's, in which he nearly fell a victim, deprives us of the pleasure of seeing M
28. Yet even an elderly investor should not sell her stocks merely because they have gone down in price; that approach not only turns her paper losses into real ones but deprives her heirs of the potential to inherit those stocks at lower costs for tax purposes
29. In addition, part of the beauty of a prepack is that the process deprives public bondholders of any incentive to hold out, because this is not a voluntary recapitalization technique
30. This conception is the one handle by means of which the material of history, as at present expounded, can be dealt with, and anyone who breaks that handle off, as Buckle did, without finding some other method of treating historical material, merely deprives himself of the one possible way of dealing with it
31. Universal suffrage has this admirable property, that it dissolves riot in its inception, and, by giving the vote to insurrection, it deprives it of its arms
32. And so he deprives me instantly of his favor, and not at all from badness of heart
33. Therefore, the arbitrary separation of the metaphysical and ethical aspects of Christianity entirely disfigures the doctrine, and deprives it of every sort of meaning
34. It is not true, because violence does not protect humanity, but, on the contrary, deprives humanity of the one possibility of a true protection through the establishment and diffusion of the Christian public opinion as regards the existing order of life
35. In the first case, he, though not at once, frees himself from his passion, the more, as he the more sincerely recognizes the truth; in the second, he strengthens his passion and deprives himself of every possibility of liberation
36. They are wrong, because violence does not protect mankind; but it deprives men of the only possible chance of an effectual defense by the establishment and propagation of the Christian principle of life
37. It is neither theft, nor robbery, nor murder, nor fornication, nor fraud, but falsehood, that particular hypocritical falsehood, which destroys in men's conscience the distinction between good and evil, which corrupts them and takes from them the possibility of avoiding evil and of seeking good, which deprives them of that which constitutes the essence of a true human life,—it is this which bars the way to all improvement
38. And therefore security of maintenance is a condition most harmful to an artist's true productiveness, since it removes him from the condition natural to all men,—that of struggle with nature for the maintenance of both his own life and that of others,—and thus deprives him of opportunity and possibility to experience the most important and natural feelings of man
39. Such is the false tendency of science which deprives it of the possibility to fulfil its duty in serving the people
40. Every imaginary property calls forth in me a non-corresponding want which cannot always be gratified, and deprives me of the possibility of acquiring for my true and sure property—my own body—that information, that skill, those habits, improvements, which I might have acquired
41. And in precisely the same manner, according to the measure of their folly, do they acquire self-conceit, which deprives them forever of all possibility of return to a simple life of toil, to a simple, clear, and universally human train of reasoning
42. Such is the false course of science, which deprives it of the power of fulfilling its obligation, which is, to serve the people
43. They are mistaken, because force does not protect humanity, but, on the contrary, deprives it of the only possible means of really protecting itself, that is, the establishment and diffusion of a Christian public opinion
44. Our Life has Reached the Extreme Limit of Misery and Cannot be Improved by any Systems of Organization—All our Life and all our Institutions are Quite Meaningless—Are we Doing what God Wills of us by Preserving our Privileges and Duties to Government?—We are put in this Position not Because the World is so Made and it is Inevitable, but Because we Wish it to be so, Because it is to the Advantage of Some of us—Our Conscience is in Opposition to our Position and all our Conduct, and the Way Out of the Contradiction is to be Found in the Recognition of the Christian Truth: Do Not unto Others what you Would Not they should Do unto You—As our Duties to Self Must be Subordinated to our Duties to Others, so Must our Duties to Others be Subordinated to our Duties to God—The Only Way Out of our Position Lies, if not in Renouncing our Position and our Privileges, at Least in Recognizing our Sin and not Justifying it nor Disguising it—The Only Object of Life is to Learn the Truth and to Act on it—Acceptance of the Position and of State Action Deprives Life of all Object—It is God's Will that we should Serve Him in our Life, that is, that we should Bring About the Greatest Unity of all that has Life, a Unity only Possible in Truth
45. In the mouth of a coarse man, who deprives himself of nothing, such a statement might afford food for laughter
46. interest for the use of any sum of money which, by a loan, he puts at hazard, and the use of which he deprives himself of
47. The true cause which deprives it of vegetables and animals is the extreme saltness of the water, which is vastly stronger than that of the sea
48. The doctrine which deprives Congress of the power to establish banking monopolies, equally forbids them in every case, and for every purpose, other than those specified in the clause to which I have adverted
49. On the question of concurrence with the committee in striking out the second section of the bill, which deprives of his right to the privileges of citizenship any citizen who shall depart from and remain without the limits of the United States for a term of two years—the yeas and nays were, for striking out the section 71, against it 43
1. “And my depriving her of Red Hawk’s affection is the camel-breaking straw,” she finished
2. 'We have no intention of depriving you of a voice,
3. Artificers, manufacturers, and merchants, can augment the revenue and wealth of their society by parsimony only ; or, as it is expressed in this system, by privation, that is, by depriving themselves of a part of the funds destined for their own subsistence
4. The followers of Luther, together with what is called the church of England, preserved more or less of the episcopal government, established subordination among the clergy, gave the sovereign the disposal of all the bishoprics, and other consistorial benefices within his dominions, and thereby rendered him the real head of the church; and without depriving the bishop of the right of collating to the smaller benefices within his diocese, they, even to those benefices, not only admitted, but favoured the right of presentation, both in the sovereign and in all other lay patrons
5. The child had eyed Jack with blatant derision, as the one who was responsible for depriving her of all her mother's attention
6. of untimely losses and near misses depriving Osborne of the coveted title
7. Avoid printing non-authorized copies; it is illegal, besides depriving the interested people of participating officially in the XUSING Project
8. “If you tell her, you would be depriving her of the choice I’m giving you now
9. Some of his friends told him they would have celebrated with candy or appropriate beverages, but certainly with something more usual… Naturally, his celebration did not last long and he is not going to shed any tears, not even crocodile ones, depriving himself from such meats in the future
10. I was fortunate to have that before my Dad passed, and I hated depriving my kids of it
11. Roger proved his case, but there was not enough time to stop the shameful effect of depriving Roger of the first salary warrant after the summer vacation
12. Leaving the engine running, he slams the door as he gets down and dashes toward us at vampire speed, depriving me of the expression on his face
13. You have naturally heard of the strategy of striking your enemy where he is most vulnerable and depriving him of his leadership wherever possible
14. ‘Yes it will,’ replied Aden as he walked towards the door, the Chancellors watched in shock as his elbow thrust out smashing one of the two chamber guards directly in his wind pipe, instantly depriving him of his weapon and pushing his falling body into the path of the second guard who was in the process of drawing his sword
15. "Why did you leave that ship intact instead of destroying it and depriving them of that resource?"
16. This is a human being who is depriving
17. Theft is the act of intentionally depriving someone of his or her property
18. and while depriving himself of all the good things in it, bad ones he left intact
19. She is dead and gone, and as they say, the dead have no problems, but my crime has made me a lifeless corpse! Wouldn’t it be burdensome living in the denial mode? It serves me right for depriving the possibilities of her life!’
20. Not only is there an omnipresent sense of unease over this, but they are depriving the world of their unique gift
21. "They're depriving you of sleep," said the man on the upper bunk
22. When looped over a person‘s head to their neck and jerked tight the device became deadly, depriving the victim of air with soundless collapse all but instantaneous
23. armies to be unattended, depriving the regiments of their
24. Feltus glanced over his shoulder and frowned at the inopportune time to resume the proceedings, depriving him of a chance to make further assessments of the mysterious preacher
25. But, if the slaughterer was of those whose hearts are worldly absorbed and who have been utterly disconnected with their Provider depriving themselves of tasting the delight of being near to Al’lah in their lives, that is to say, he had been dead-hearted, how then, could he perceive such supreme sounds and taste these beautiful high states?
26. Then this parasite worm continues its harmful activity in sharing man his food and depriving him of its benefits, in addition to the neural and digestive effect and many other negative ones
27. Depriving ourselves of sleep will have many negative
28. him lose his spatial awareness, thus depriving him not only of the
29. along the cancerous portion thereby depriving normal cells with nutrients
30. I realized how much I’d been depriving myself of a real life over the years
31. ‘Why no,’ she said eagerly, afraid that her silence would otherwise silence him depriving the excitement she was experiencing
32. The activities of the poacher are much more negative in that not only are they depriving the farmer, they are also scaring the tourist from returning to Namibia
33. I had only been depriving myself as she was a breath of fresh air, whose presence had a knack of bringing life into my soul
34. She always knows how much she can give without depriving hers of what they need, and does so, knowing that when she and those in her care are wanting, others will do the same
35. but those who desire the lowly life depriving themselves of the graces and blessings of true belief in God and of rendering good actions those are the people of wretchedness and meanness, therefore the Almighty God says:
36. Anyone who neglects his ability to think, consequently will be inactive depriving himself from Divine exaltedness and highness because the Almighty God has graced humanity with the ability to think that they can attain higher rank of approaching God and render good actions to approach nearer to Him, however the prophet (cpth) contemplated and thought about the cosmic wonders (signs) such as the sun and moon, the day and night …etc
37. She thought that the great attachment he had had for her since he was a baby, had led to his depriving his wife of his love and care, and she felt this to be totally unacceptable
38. He’d wanted to be with me, but I kind of doubted that meant he’d been depriving himself all these years just in case I changed my mind
39. that their own activity creates the conditions depriving them of clarity,
40. There is no sense in depriving the Major of his sleep
41. He was too happy to curse his fate for depriving her from him for twenty-five years
42. For instance Hitler’s actual plan on invading Russia was not the usual frontal assault but a pincers invasion that was designed to go behind Moscow, depriving Stalin of all of the industrial factories and resources: which was later proven to be the only intelligent plan that would have worked
43. depriving his brother of his inheritance
44. If you can control yourself, reduce the way you eat, reduce the large amount of money you spend on entertainment and luxury enjoyment, getting rich is not all about working day in – day out, but by depriving yourself of some certain things that are not important, but basically enjoyable, for example; if you do rent 5 movies weekly, costing a total of $50, yet you have a internet connection in your home, why don’t you stop renting your money to the movie renters, instead download the movie online, by doing so you are saving $50 and at the same time owning a copy of the movie
45. According to physicians, the best diet is the one that allows you to lose weight without depriving you of the optimal amounts of nutrients that you need
46. was the man, I should very likely be depriving myself of the means of getting further evidence against him
47. Thus do pass the wretched life that remains to me, until it be Heaven's will to bring it to a close, or so to order my memory that I no longer recollect the beauty and treachery of Luscinda, or the wrong done me by Don Fernando; for if it will do this without depriving me of life, I will turn my thoughts into some better channel; if not, I can only implore it to have full mercy on my soul, for in myself I feel no power or strength to release my body from this strait in which I have of my own accord chosen to place it
48. "It is no wonder, senora, that your highness should be confused and embarrassed in telling the tale of your misfortunes; for such afflictions often have the effect of depriving the sufferers of memory, so that they do not even remember their own names, as is the case now with your ladyship, who has forgotten that she is called the Princess Micomicona, lawful heiress of the great kingdom of Micomicon; and with this cue your highness may now recall to your sorrowful recollection all you may wish to tell us
49. The same was said to Zoraida's father, who replied, "Anything else, Christian, I might hope for or think likely from your generosity and good behaviour, but do not think me so simple as to imagine you will give me my liberty; for you would have never exposed yourselves to the danger of depriving me of it only to restore it to me so generously, especially as you know who I am and the sum you may expect to receive on restoring it; and if you will only name that, I here offer you all you require for myself and for my unhappy daughter there; or else for her alone, for she is the greatest and most precious part of my soul
50. Tell him, too, that I do not care a farthing for the threat he holds out to me of depriving me of my profit by means of his book; for, to borrow from the famous interlude of "The Perendenga," I say in answer to him, "Long life to my lord the Veintiquatro, and Christ be with us all