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    detractors exemples de phrases


    1. detractors - and he was held in the highest esteem by the

    2. spoke out against their detractors and openly opposed his

    3. His most belligerent detractors on the Left have never quite forgotten his role in the Watergate cover-up although if the truth were known, ―Alger Hess‖ was the underlying catalyst behind their unwavering contempt for the man

    4. (Driving to the airport, waiting on line, checking luggage and walking through metal detractors is a (by-product) of modern travel however not traveling) American Roads have lost their quintessential charm

    5. Response: A very serious one indeed! Although I am not opposed to this practice in principle, (its historical origins as they relate to proportional ethnic/racial representation have been well documented), even its most ardent detractors, however, must applaud the creative resourcefulness of those responsible for engineering such elaborate arrangements that have given rise to disproportionate (racial) representation rising well above of the national average

    6. Clinton's detractors obsess over what a powerful man did below the waist, in a manner showing they are far more obsessed with sex than any philanderer

    7. That it has managed to contest and repel any number of assaults by its detractors says less about the resiliency of its defenders, perhaps, than its principle appeal, that all things considered, has superseded the sporadic misplacement of confidence and questionable examples of those (otherwise) entrusted to its care

    8. But replace the literalist understanding of the Bible with a parable understanding and their embarrassment would disappear, and so would much of the argument of their detractors

    9. Those who loved him thought he had a dry, sardonic wit that went over the heads of his detractors

    10. During the 1920s the economy expanded, all levels of earning increased, but Mellon’s detractors insisted he did what he did “only for the rich

    11. They sent several enemy detractors to be held in an Alex Lock Block

    12. The universal media disc has its fair share of detractors, limitations and issues

    13. And sensing the public mood, the detractors demanded punishment to the fathers as well for their failure to rein in their children

    14. He tried his best to avoid conflict with his detractors and his prowess in the boxing ring kept their barbed comments to the minimum

    15. As might be expected, Tarbell had detractors as well as admirers for her efforts

    16. The incredible agility and speed shown during those practices had in turn helped convince many doubters and detractors to treat her seriously as a fighter

    17. There are folks like that and I assume this is story where he is finding his niche so I would ask all detractors to be patient and give the story a chance to unfold

    18. ‘’Well, hopefully I will not end up on his guest list, Marguerite, although some of my sexual sins could land me on that list, if you listen to some of my detractors

    19. At the same time, detractors say, it

    20. Your detractors in Washington are eating crow lately

    21. She smiled to herself while thinking at the face her detractors in the Pentagon and among the Air Force old guard would do on seeing her pictures in the newspapers and magazines

    22. It’s clear from the Bible that Jesus was viewed as possessed, as indeed he was, but not in the way his detractors thought—something Jung makes

    23. Again that produced detractors

    24. Likewise, the socio-military consolidation that he could bring about in Medina finds reflection in his arbitrariness in dealing with his detractors

    25. Thus, it can be said that the Musalmans are the victims of a mind-set conditioned by the proclivities of their prophet, vicissitudes of his life, attitudes of his detractors and the credulity of his followers, which the mechanism of their umma perpetuates

    26. Their depravities and the disparities are real but the Indian Musalmans don’t seem to mind as long as Islam is not in danger, and egging on them to remain that way are their Hindu detractors in their pseudo-secular garbs, who routinely shed crocodile tears to score Brownie ‘secular’ points; if the Musalmans were to imbibe liberal attitudes, of what relevance could be the pseudo-secular platitudes of the media savvy Satan’s?

    27. But, would the Hindu majority, recovering from the humiliation of a thousand years of alien rule, suffer a foreigner taking the capital seat of Hindustan? The Congressmen, and more so women, though seem not to mind, unmindful of the perils of having a person of foreign origin as the country’s Prime Minister! Wouldn’t every nation be a hostage of its own history that lends itself to color its people’s thinking towards the other countries and their peoples? Could an Israelite origin Prime Minister be objective in India’s ties with the Palestine? What about India’s relations with the Western world under the premiership of some naturalized Iranian or an Iraqi? Wouldn’t an Indian political head of Bangladeshi origin, nursing a grouse of his sister’s molestation by some Punjabi fauzis during the crisis in his parent country be tempted to settle scores with Pakistan with India’s military might? Why, could any such one be what he or she should be as India’s Prime Minister; without a native Indian at the helm of affairs, won’t India’s detractors exploit the handicaps of a foreign origin numero uno to jeopardize the Indian national interests?

    28. The followers of Jesus tended to be an outspoken lot, unafraid to address their detractors

    29. With the closure of the Futures Exchange, or Hong Kong’s legal casino as detractors called it, a large number of brokers were backed up against a wall

    30. avidly among these detractors, and as she glanced

    31. against him and his detractors within would leave little to embarrass him taking advantage of the

    32. Now is your time to prove your detractors wrong

    33. Thomas and his friends pointed to the fact to prove to his detractors that Thomas

    34. During the weeks that followed her surprise party, while Rhett was partisanship, she gave no quarter to Scarlett’s detractors, whether they were her old friends or her blood kin

    35. "Well!" she would say to his detractors, "don't we all get hard as we grow old? Why shouldn't he get horny too? Stop telling lies

    36. Albert was a rogue, and even though he has attracted many detractors over the years, I for one will always be grateful for the day I happened to stumble across his article in the newspaper

    37. To its detractors, Unix is an outdated OS that relies primarily on an archaic, character-based interface

    38. Ask them about my list of her friends, her devotees, and her detractors,” Conklin said

    39. By using this pejorative sense, O’Neil’s detractors imply that he advocates the mindless buying of high-octane stocks as they streak ever higher

    40. O’Neil deals with detractors and critics by turning their negativity into a positive

    41. O’Neil used to say that life and business will throw plenty of enemies and detractors at you, so choose your friends, partners, and associates carefully and wisely!

    42. ” One of the detractors laughed with derision at the news

    43. My friends might give me grief if I was simply being lazy, or lame, but because I had a concrete goal—and one that they could identify with—they became supporters of my cause rather than unwitting detractors

    44. It has detractors

    45. To detractors, the benefits of the seeds aren’t worth the risks

    46. Some people said that she had her own reasons for accepting him as a lodger; but, be that as it may, as though in despite of all his detractors, Mr

    47. It is true that when the news of the prince’s death reached Monte Carlo, the princess, who was there at the time, showed various persons, on whose indiscretion she could rely, a holograph letter of condolence from the czar, and later unfolded to the amiable muddle-headed the intricacies of a lawsuit which she was instituting for the recovery of the estates in Poland; but her detractors roundly declared the holograph letter to be a forgery, and the lawsuit a fiction of her crafty brain

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