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    Utiliser "devices" dans une phrase

    devices exemples de phrases


    1. These were much bigger devices, but similar in function

    2. Complicated devices and hazardous materials are to be handled

    3. "I doubt that either one of them is interested enough in 'Yingolian crystals'," they both chuckled over that expression, "to have devices down here

    4. Also there are various electronic devices such as Yard Guard (Arbico) that really work! Another helpful tool is your dog or cat since they can keep many animals at bay

    5. ’ Stephen muttered as we reach the car; he’s got one of those automatic unlocking devices on his car and, by the time the crowd have caught up with us, I am in the front seat buckling on the seat belt and he is starting the engine

    6. In the negligible gravity of this iceberg, those tons of devices, outweighing the bot by many times and much larger in size, could be simply strapped to its back and carried along

    7. "Those electronic devices are what the other people of my expedition live in

    8. They can hear only thru devices such as this," he pointed to his device, "see only thru cameras like I have in that phone

    9. Earth's industry pursued this technology to the point where the devices had more thinking power than a human brain, then to the point where they could simulate a brain

    10. "I was sixteen years old, that's two and a half decades here, before I found out that my parents were really androids, biomechanical devices which were being controlled by Angels, what you call ghosts

    11. by common devices, passing into the grounds of the church

    12. "Answering the question of whether they are devices or natural evolution of some kind will have to wait til we have a sample

    13. “How did he tell you all that; I didn’t see any communication devices?” The doctor was starring intently at Daniel

    14. Having shown us the finer points of the accommodation, Findel leaves us to our own devices

    15. Its devices might live on in the ruins and that protocol the avatar decoded might even be real, but the inhabitants of those cities have been gone at least a thousand years

    16. In life, there will always be little things, such as small talk, that can be devices of great success for you

    17. The house was stripped of the appropriate electronic devices and following a brief forensic examination of hard drives, flash disks and sundry other items of magnetic storage, the Detective Superintendent in command of the vice squad charged the young man with a number of crimes related to the storage and distribution of banned materials

    18. Before he could ask, Lord Tarak continued, “And yes, we tried it elsewhere; it only works here with communication devices

    19. Their logic devices had traces hundreds of atoms wide, they would hardly be effected

    20. He was glad that only he and Glayet had these devices

    21. devices: that was the way they could be seen

    22. It is simply scaling up the computational devices we are familiar with and programing the operating system itself with a self interest

    23. “In fact the decision has probably already been made and the devices are probably on the way

    24. God intervenes, but destroys the whole planet, just to make sure those devices don’t spread

    25. He stared awhile, flashed a grin and said, “These thermonuclear devices

    26. house was stripped of the appropriate electronic devices and

    27. He that is soon angry deals foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated

    28. The breakthru of manufacturing suntower devices was due and would have happened without contact with another star

    29. Most of it is used clothing, books, small audio devices with dead chips, sticky pieces of candy on playing cards, gummed up erasers and out-of-date crib sheets

    30. This left White Feathers to his own devices at the store and in the house

    31. devices during the summer festival

    32. Besides that, she wasn’t afraid of a cup, and that helped him hold his own when talking about living inside computational devices and information theory and the inner workings of the brain

    33. It was about a local decade that the devices reliably lasted

    34. Consumer durable goods were expected to last from a decade for cheap clothing, to a century for light duty devices that aren’t exposed to the elements

    35. The native devices that provide audio need a pressure source

    36. For now, having these devices gave him an advantage and he was glad to use it

    37. and communication devices in the end still answers to somebody

    38. There weren’t countless weapons and devices holstered to

    39. Tahlmute stared into his fire unresponsive, and left Jorma and Venna to their own devices

    40. And then she left the children to their own devices

    41. All around him, Jack could see highly-advanced technological devices

    42. The devices whirred menacingly

    43. During this time photonic logic was invented and all the photonic devices on the planet had been built

    44. He frustrated the devices of the

    45. She had never heard of devices like that even then

    46. This little impromptu 'team' meeting was greeted handsomely by the others as it had been their own experience that generally, orders were passed along to them for the production of a given set of drawings, then they were left to their own devices to accomplish what was demanded

    47. The fastest growing flowers, she found to be her own children, Jason may have bought the first computer, but by the fourth of July, the kids had turned one of the cottages into a small wonderland of electronic devices

    48. She found it amazing, how much a child would actually be willing to learn if given the right devices

    49. He looked at the six tablet devices still in their packaging and took three, got a knife from the kitchen to cut through the shrink-wrap, then laid them on the table in a row and started each one

    50. It was the city with the most of these devices

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