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    Utiliser "divining" dans une phrase

    divining exemples de phrases


    1. daubed them with untempered mortar, seeing vanity, and divining lies to them, saying, so says the Lord God, when the Lord has not

    2. Restadicus laid his hands over the scrying glass and again uttered the divining spell

    3. This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining

    4. divining the future, though I had always felt that I possessed this

    5. treasure than a modern day sorcerer divining lottery numbers, Smith eventually hatched a scheme to make his own treasure out of thin air

    6. It is a divining process, similar to the one I used to locate McCoy on the Einstein

    7. ” But instead of divining the irony of the Islamic martyrdom that the cartoon highlighted, the Musalmans the world over reacted in a way that validates the Persian adage - Ba Khuda diwaana basho, Ba Muhammad hoshiar, which means, Were it about ‘the God’, rant as thou want, Weigh thy words if it comes to Muhammad

    8. Mohammad Amin felt a growing sense of optimism at what he had been told, and whispered to the sorcerer, ‘Let’s go! Bring what you need to practise your divining and come with me to the place in question

    9. divining wisdom that has been known throughout history as the long-lost Philosophers’ Stone of

    10. analysis there was no divining power whatsoever, only an instinctual force driven by the

    11. Just at this moment there came in at the gate of the inn a man entirely clad in chamois leather, hose, breeches, and doublet, who said in a loud voice, "Senor host, have you room? Here's the divining ape and the show of the Release of Melisendra just coming

    12. Cide Hamete, the chronicler of this great history, begins this chapter with these words, "I swear as a Catholic Christian;" with regard to which his translator says that Cide Hamete's swearing as a Catholic Christian, he being--as no doubt he was--a Moor, only meant that, just as a Catholic Christian taking an oath swears, or ought to swear, what is true, and tell the truth in what he avers, so he was telling the truth, as much as if he swore as a Catholic Christian, in all he chose to write about Quixote, especially in declaring who Master Pedro was and what was the divining ape that astonished all the villages with his divinations

    13. "By God," said Sancho, "your worship has relieved me of a great doubt, and cleared up the point for me in elegant style! Body o' me! is the cause of my soreness such a mystery that there's any need to tell me I am sore everywhere the staff hit me? If it was my ankles that pained me there might be something in going divining why they did, but it is not much to divine that I'm sore where they thrashed me

    14. Aided by the remaining fragment, I guessed the rest; measuring the length of the lines by those of the paper, and divining the hidden meaning by means of what was in part revealed, as we are guided in a cavern by the small ray of light above us

    15. They had not gone very far, however, before the people, divining what they were going to do, began to follow them and while they were hesitating what course to pursue, the Socialist van, escorted by five or six men on bicycles, appeared round the corner at the bottom of the hill

    16. Shaking them, holding them to their ears like shells, and rolling them on a flat table with their small, thick hands, as if divining a fortune

    17. ‘It’ll be all the better, Agafea Mihalovna, it won’t mildew, even though our ice has begun to thaw already, so that we’ve no cool cellar to store it,’ said Kitty, at once divining her husband’s motive, and addressing the old housekeeper with the same feeling; ‘but your pickle’s so

    18. What would Kitty say? But Stepan Arkadyevitch gave him no time for reflection, and, as though divining his doubts, he scattered them

    19. `Yes,' she said, divining his thought, `it is not permitted to speak of

    20. He a model steward, possessing in the highest degree the faculty of divining the needs and instincts of those he dealt with

    21. She caught the unfinished word in its flight and took it straight into her open heart, divining the secret meaning of all Pierre’s mental travail

    22. The divining party again laid their heads together: apparently they could not agree about the word or syllable the scene illustrated

    23. The coincidence was of course a chance again, but how he knew the inmost core of my nature ; what insight, what penetration ! But if he so well understood one thing, why was it he utte"rly failed to understand something else ? Was it possible he was not pretending, could he really be incapable of divining that it was not the noble rank of a Versilov I wanted, that it was not my birth I could not forgive him, but that all my life I had wanted Versilov himself, the whole man, the father, and that this idea had become part of myself

    24. “At this very moment, as though divining my thoughts, Rogojin raised his head from his arm and began to part his lips as though he were going to laugh—but he continued to stare at me as persistently as before

    25. Perhaps Aglaya’s sisters had merely been pumping Varia for news while pretending to impart information; or perhaps, again, they had been unable to resist the feminine gratification of teasing a friend—for, after all this time, they could scarcely have helped divining the aim of her frequent visits

    26. She heard Mosgliakoff's exclamation, and, divining at once what had happened, trembled with terror

    27. He was a model steward, possessing in the highest degree the faculty of divining the needs and instincts of those he dealt with

    28. ” All of which sounded so well that he speculated anxiously upon the probability of any of the said fellows divining how very little he knew about the matter, after all

    29. Figures of the Divining Rod, 202, 203

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    Synonymes pour "divining"

    discovering finding anticipating apprehending