Utiliser "doss" dans une phrase
doss exemples de phrases
1. 'But it's only a place where single mums can doss out, isn't it?' Joanna replied
2. ‘There’s no spare bed, so as you’ve a double, Leon, he’ll have to doss down with you
3. Now head for the mist gates, Jerry, and lets get out of this stinking landlubber's doss
4. How unfair! Why should God afford his dumb creatures such natural pomp, whilst us Piscadors, so blessed with the gift of reason, are ashamed of our nakedness and have to don our beggardly rags each morning? This fish uses the whole world as its doss house, running like a madman undressed and unashamed, frolicking where it will – and we call this beauty? 'Tis perversion, just natural perversion so we forgive it
5. I think I’ll doss down in the car
6. Wahib Doss, the lawyer and head of the former institution
7. Another then put in his word: And they dressed him, says he, in a point shift and petticoat with a tippet and girdle and ruffles on his wrists and clipped his forelock and rubbed him all over with spermacetic oil and built stables for him at every turn of the road with a gold manger in each full of the best hay in the market so that he could doss and dung to his heart's content
1. It was not luxurious, as Wolfe had said, but Jess had dossed in far worse places in his life
1. dossing in the room was absent