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    Utiliser "downturn" dans une phrase

    downturn exemples de phrases


    1. It can only transfer wealth! Every economic downturn is an opportunity for the Progressives and the Socialists to offer government as the new solution

    2. During the recent economic downturn we saw how easily money seemed to slip away, how difficult it became to acquire and to keep, how suddenly fortunes can disappear and prospects dry up

    3. In the first decade of twenty-first century, Japan had been experiencing economic downturn

    4. In another phase of economic downturn, the building trades lost business

    5. Haven't you heard there's a pisconomic downturn on at the moment?”

    6. Now Ambrosius was infected with this thing that was spreading over the world – call it a pisconomic downturn, the apocalypse, the evil tide; call it what you like

    7. Also, if some economic downturn threatens basic services and necessities, then production of luxury products will be curtailed until the economy improves

    8. an historic downturn church that had been converted, having cocktails

    9. Any downturn in sales would be magnified with a higher operating

    10. insolvency when a downturn occurs

    11. In a downturn, high tax

    12. the classic flight to quality that occurs in a downturn

    13. of this writing (2008), because it is over exposed to a downturn

    14. unsophisticated investors who have never seen a downturn

    15. prospect of a downturn

    16. Hence, in a downturn, those firms with small but steady growth are less risky

    17. The expectation of an economic downturn

    18. downturn looming on the horizon, it is probable that Kimberly-Clark may have raised

    19. appreciate the stock, consider the timing of such a move - at the beginning of a downturn

    20. during an economic downturn, we never assume that the cost of equity will decelerate, and

    21. outpace the cost of equity, stocks rise, but when a downturn erupts, earnings deteriorate

    22. staples during a downturn, is directly reflective of those sector's characteristically low

    23. This in turn creates a downturn

    24. downturn and the purchase of Washington Mutual by Chase Bank

    25. While I was trying to figure out the import of his financial downturn on his psyche, Rathi fetched him five-hundred rupees that touched his heart no end; oh, even as I gloated over my fortune for having been blessed with such a wife, how his eyes glistened grasping the sense of her concern for him

    26. The Mohammedan downturn in the 18th Century that enabled the dawn of the British Raj in India turned out to be a Godsend to the Hindu upswing

    27. Quick and efficient, she spouted relevant statistics, citing the change in population and work force through various stages of the town’s economic downturn as the furniture manufacturing industry, and all the peripheral manufacturing that went with it, moved elsewhere

    28. For example, Northrop Grumman’s foray into Knowledge Management was the direct result of the downturn of the defense industry in the 1990s and the massive layoffs of employees involved in the design and production of the B2 bomber

    29. Your economic downturn is only the beginning of worse to come with climate change

    30. There were new clothes, the downturn in libido, and the indications that Lester was re-thinking some career questions, and a lot less open discussion, a lot more pre-occupation these last few weeks

    31. Then with the economic downturn of the country, the slide downhill began

    32. For two years I was able to send them money which we squandered carelessly in expensive holidays and travel until the downturn arrived

    33. Strangely the downturn of my business came at a time of increasing foreign investments in Egypt

    34. When a downturn is expected, employers are more reluctant to speak to anyone who

    35. The Eastern people were the exceptions to the general downturn of the people of this land

    36. downturn apparently think the danger of a further

    37. A series of distressing hallucinatory episodes suggested a profound downturn

    38. Interestingly enough, both shows continued to air through the housing downturn as the flippers whose activities they recorded began losing money

    39. Real market action, of course, contains much more noise and variation than our simplified example, but much of the downturn in the line at point B in Figure B

    40. To reinsure this risk, TOMIC could buy out-of-the-money puts on the S&P 500 to protect against a large (25%) downturn in the market

    41. They need to know that initially, when the IV increases on their condor, the condor is going to have more delta sensitivity in a downturn than the model predicts

    42. Then, without waiting for their crossover or a downturn, place an order to sell short below the low of the latest price bar

    43. In area B, the opposite occurs—prices press higher, while a downturn of the A/D line calls for a decline

    44. This great imbalance indicated that the market was perched at the edge of a cliff and I needed to find some shorts for the coming downturn

    45. (no relation to former Treasury Secretary Henry “Hank” Paulson), was able to manage the housing bubble risk and handsomely benefit from the downturn, returning more than 570 percent in 2008 while most other financial institutions were hemorrhaging billions of dollars in losses

    46. TO: Yeah, you can see it on the chart, the volume candle and the downturn; the chart is lower

    47. It floated an IPO in 1992, during the downturn in the airline industry that followed the 1991 Gulf War

    48. With many buyouts thus priced and levered for only clear skies and smooth waters, a general rise in interest rates or a business downturn could be disastrous

    49. For the decline in stock prices was actually greater—both in dollars and percentagewise—in the recent period than in the postwar collapse, although intrinsically the 1937–1938 downturn was of much smaller importance, since it had relatively slight effect upon the position of American corporations generally

    50. America suffered its deepest economic downturn since the Great Depression and many argue that we are still far from full recovery

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    Synonymes pour "downturn"

    downswing downturn