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    Utiliser "dragon" dans une phrase

    dragon exemples de phrases


    1. "Loser!" Their roars cracked into squeaks (dragon teens can be mean but are still really awkward) and they pushed him around

    2. Every day after dragon school, Eddie went down to the cliffs and stared at the water, wondering what it would be like to fly

    3. And so, the dragon gang leader pushed Eddie of the cliff

    4. Eddie's dragon instincts kicked in

    5. He told his parents he had the dragon flu

    6. His father, who had no tolerance for moping, cornered him while he was getting a dragon snack in the dragon kitchen

    7. Eddie's father scratched his dragon head

    8. It was launched in spite of the fact that the loss of the Resplendent Dragon was made public only a month before

    9. There is a huge poster of a dragon on the wall – one of the semi-mythical ones set in a rugged landscape … it is all shades of green with the dragon a gorgeous greeny-bronze

    10. We continue in Revelation 12 and we find that the dragon is cast out of heaven (this is a reiteration of the first 6 verses), and that he makes war with the woman

    11. It sounds like some sort of dragon

    12. The dragon took 5 paces and was soaring off the hillside

    13. The dragon climbed high and higher still until it

    14. As the dragon had reached the peak before going into its dive, the

    15. The dragon was still diving

    16. The dragon continued its dive, completely unaware of what had

    17. But whilst the dragon was in its

    18. If you had ever seen a dragon with two

    19. the grass, but when they saw who was on the back of the dragon,

    20. “This is Ethereead, the dragon” said Cosmicblasto

    21. “Hello” said the dragon

    22. looking for the dragon” said Fred

    23. last week” said Joe, who was still stroking the dragon

    24. as the dragon gave a little run and lifted it self towards the sky

    25. And as the dragon soared away, they turned and started to

    26. But the dragon continued flying on

    27. Jodechians, when they flew in on the dragon

    28. “And there really is a, a dragon?” He watched her intently for her answer

    29. The smell of ammonia told me that it was dragon piss


    31. As my eyes focused better I could see there was a dragon caring for two rather large eggs that seemed to be cracking

    32. As they emerged the large female dragon looked them over

    33. This was a dragon meant for me and me alone!

    34. Ages ago man and dragon were a team on this planet

    35. There would be a large feast, and all the dragon riders would come and mingle with the people

    36. The dragon extended the wings and took a few steps and was

    37. And then the dragon searches for his telepathic link

    38. ” the dragon shouted

    39. The dragon stayed steady whilst Cosmicblasto was looking

    40. One of the benefits of Dragon & Rider is that the aging process slows

    41. Each rider and dragon is enhanced to his or her full potential

    42. The Jodechians held on whilst the flying dragon swooped

    43. dragon was upon them

    44. Michael met me on the pathway and told me that thru his dragon he was aware that Jake had hatched

    45. The dragon soared into the air, but

    46. He was looking forward to his dragon hatching soon also

    47. The flying dragon rose steadily over the hills and as soon as a

    48. still on the dragon, and Ethereead was still doing acrobatics

    49. Ethereead continued to fly around until the dragon came upon its

    50. Cosmicblasto and Catwhiskers got off the dragon

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    Synonymes pour "dragon"

    dragon flying dragon flying lizard draco firedrake tartar monster serpent snake