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    Utiliser "drawback" dans une phrase

    drawback exemples de phrases


    1. There was, however, one significant drawback with the whole process

    2. one significant drawback with the whole process

    3. The only drawback to her

    4. The drawback was that we kept moving – a

    5. The only drawback of the house was that the only shower was out in that courtyard, splashing on the biggest flat rock on the property

    6. candlelight dinners, there is a drawback and a big one at that

    7. By the fourth of the rules annexed to the old subsidy, the drawback allowed upon the exportation of all wines amounted to a great deal more than half the duties which were at that time paid upon their importation ; and it seems at that time to have been the object of the legislature to give somewhat more than ordinary encouragement to the carrying trade in wine

    8. A drawback, for example, upon the exportation of European goods to our American colonies, will not always occasion a greater exportation than what would have taken place without it

    9. The drawback, therefore, may frequently be pure loss to the revenue of excise and customs, without altering the state of the trade, or rendering it in any respect more extensive

    10. The carrying trade was in effect prohibited in Great Britain, upon all ordinary occasions, by the high duties upon the importation of foreign corn, of the greater part of which there was no drawback; and upon extraordinary occasions, when a scarcity made it necessary to suspend those duties by temporary statutes, exportation was always prohibited

    11. They have obtained likewise the drawback of two-thirds of the excise duties imposed upon their commodity, even when exported without further manufacture

    12. All manufactures of leather may be exported duty free ; and the exporter is besides entitled to the drawback of the whole duties of excise

    13. Our manufacturers soon bethought themselves of the advantage which they might make of this circumstance; and in the year 1764, the duty upon the importation of beaver skin was reduced to one penny, but the duty upon exportation was raised to sevenpence each skin, without any drawback of the duty upon importation

    14. In order to obtain the bounty or drawback, the goods, it is well known, are sometimes shipped, and sent to sea, but soon afterwards clandestinely re-landed in some other part of the country

    15. That is their biggest drawback in my view anyway

    16. Another serious drawback with the procedural approach is that it does not model real world problems very

    17. drawback with macros is that they are not really functions and therefore, the usual error checking does not

    18. “The biggest drawback of using spies is getting filtered information

    19. The only drawback is explaining why you were in the broom closet if you are caught entering or leaving the closet

    20. Half-heartedness is a serious drawback and the cause of much

    21. That was of course generous of the hospital administration, but this generosity had a rather serious drawback

    22. The drawback with using analogies that give explanations of performance is that it is all too easy

    23. drawback is that the average man brings through no reliable recollection

    24. The only drawback is, whether or not it

    25. Given this drawback, Stallman

    26. The drawback is that after only

    27. worry about the meowing this is a drawback from primitive times

    28. There was one huge drawback to change in this manner: the drought of establishments that provided fresh, healthy fruits, meats and vegetables

    29. considered a drawback of house sharing

    30. drawback, mainly because you’ll be sharing the bills with your fellow house mates

    31. The drawback is that should any of your house mates let you down by not being able to

    32. In summary then, although the timely payment of utility bills can be a drawback to

    33. If this scenario only happens once a year then it can’t really be classed as a drawback,

    34. newcomers quickly then this still isn’t a real drawback, however those that like routine

    35. This potential drawback really only applies to established house shares and lodging in a

    36. All of them have the major drawback of not taking into account the information available in the ATHENA files brought from the future by Nancy Laplante

    37. However, they still have the same drawback – you do

    38. The other drawback is especially relevant for learning dictionary pages by heart

    39. The only drawback to having Elroy at the office was that the staff often complained about his persistent smoker’s bark

    40. “The only bloody drawback is that half of it never gets to your stomach

    41. The only drawback was a slightly bulkier suit than with the flexible jumpsuit models but that could be partially alleviated by good, thoughtful design, something that had been done according to her suggestions

    42. An additional drawback to the use of DMSO is the strong garlic-breath one is left with after its application

    43. The drawback with this plan, he discovered, was that it’s very uncomfortable crawling on your belly on red-hot sand when you don’t have any pants on

    44. That was the only drawback in running around with virtually no clothes on; you froze your tits off in February

    45. drag her off, only realising the drawback of this course of action when Rod squealed in pain

    46. The drawback is that instead of needing to operate a physical security system to protect the code books and so on, we now need to control cyberspace to prevent the computers and their contents being compromised

    47. Another drawback was that most communications were by telex

    48. If not, how would they become believers in the first place? But, if we were to go by the static inscriptions of their scriptures, then, the one common drawback with all the religions is the diktat to conform to their unique dogmas

    49. The only drawback is that people in the courage level have not had any huge substantial evidence or success in their lives and they need to build up their ‘portfolio’ of success and progression

    50. The only drawback of being in this level of reason is that they are unable to separate the subjectivity of the study from the objectivity

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