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    Utiliser "due north" dans une phrase

    due north exemples de phrases

    due north

    1. Kortrax was past due north, so she called it Afternoonday and got out of bed

    2. The thing for you to do now is travel just about due north, directly at the primary

    3. On the seventh day of the northwest tack, we crossed a large frozen river and turned due north for the next four days

    4. As the sun dipped low and approached due north in its daily circuit, sleep had not found Lieutenant James

    5. stubborn left kept marching due north and, as they followed the current in its easterly direction,

    6. side of the border we briskly walked due north

    7. I gazed due north, finding a direct path that led me in the direction of Oregon and Washington state

    8. When I reached due north of the Greyhound Bus Station, I descended southward

    9. direction due north up a steep hill

    10. I’ll have to fly due north above the mountain, continue

    11. I can walk due north towards the children’s playground and then

    12. The Williamsville Zoo was a couple of miles due north

    13. Because the vehicle was heading due north, on my junction I

    14. walked due north on a nicely build walkway

    15. This would also explain why she and the boys had never been able to stay on a course due north

    16. Hurricanes usually moved due north after they hit land, which meant that in Texas, the flooding would be far inland and moving up into Oklahoma

    17. From where we’re standing, you are only about a half mile due north from your mother’s farm

    18. Cussing mildly, she tapped the altimeter and gave the gyrocompass a gentle flick, frowning at readings which, refusing to budge, still showed due North and an elevation of only 250 feet

    19. They sailed on, due north past Alexander Bay and the mouth of the Orange River, seeing no signs of life except for flocks of Cape cormorants heading home, and a flight of colorful greater flamingos

    20. “Swing us north, due north,” Levi said, climbing out of the cabin into the boat’s cockpit

    21. I suggest driving to a location about thirty miles due north of here and utilizing a pay phone

    22. Its propeller churned the waves and it headed due north at a speed of fifteen

    23. and here the sun is due north

    24. Roger Morris and Gordy Adam, up front, struggled to keep the bow of the boat pointed due north under the relentless push of the quartering waves

    25. They started before dawn one clear August morning, going due north in groups along the banks and hedges

    26. By his advice they decided to make nearly due North from his house,

    27. In the Northern Hemisphere, when at its highest point in the sky, the sun will be due south; in the Southern Hemisphere this noonday point will mark due north

    28. Fortunately he sailed due north, and within a week was in the track of the Spanish merchantmen plying between the West Indies and Spain, and was picked up by one of these vessels homeward bound

    29. We can thus also understand the fact that the Alpine plants of each mountain-range are more especially related to the arctic forms living due north or nearly due north of them: for the first migration when the cold came on, and the re-migration on the returning warmth, would generally have been due south and north

    30. The Western State shall be bounded by the Mississippi, the Ohio, and Wabash rivers; a direct line drawn from the Wabash and Post Vincennes, due north, to the Territorial line between the United States and Canada, and by the said Territorial line to the Lake of the Woods and Mississippi

    31. The middle State shall be bounded by the said direct line, the Wabash, from Post Vincennes to the Ohio; by the Ohio, by a direct line drawn due north from the mouth of the Great Miami, to the said Territorial line, and by the said Territorial line

    32. Your committee are strongly impressed with the propriety and expediency of dividing the said Territory, so as to form of the same two States, whenever the population, within the limits of each section, shall render it just and proper; and they respectfully submit to the Senate the following divisional line, between the western and eastern sections of the said Territory, viz: up the Mobile river, to the point nearest its source, which falls on the eleventh degree of west longitude from the city of Washington; thence a course due north until the line intersects the waters of Bear Creek; thence down the said creek to its confluence with the Tennessee River; thence down the said river to the northern boundary line of the said Territory

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