Utiliser "dynamically" dans une phrase
dynamically exemples de phrases
1. Reality moves ever onward though, dynamically bringing about changes big and small of the previous circumstances that had been so artistically portrayed on the canvas
2. The publication Nursing Science is quoted as advocating a new feminist approach that is “open-ended, ambiguous, dynamically constructed, incessantly questioned, endlessly self-revising, never set, but floating and moving with the river of life
3. Dynamically, this can
4. perspective, and dynamically oriented psychology has, to this day, followed suit
5. This is powerful, as it gives you the capability to dynamically extend your wired
6. And in that same blink, the flood rate of national moneys increased dynamically into the coffers of the oil companies, the steel companies, the defense companies, the banks, and a lot of subcontractors, some of which were doing nothing for their money
7. some variables must be held constant when in reality, they would change dynamically
8. However, Formo-systems of Worlds are not suited to describe some properties of focused-by-Us NUU-VVU-Forms because each of them objectively expresses a result of an instantaneous quality state of realization Forms of absolutely all living creatures whose wave Configurations are “encrusted” in this narrow diapason of dimension, starting with characteristic vibrations of atoms and molecules, wind and water, plants and minerals, animals and people, and ending with all Planetary, Star, and Galactic Entities Whose specific Forms are also dynamically manifested at this instant in this narrow-frequency range of Energy-Plasma
9. Indeed, the development Vectors for rotation Cycles in Formo-systems of Worlds of each Reality type change dynamically (during each SSFU-UNGSS-Shift) not just in one Direction but on all possible Levels (for a given type of Collective Intelligences) of Synthesis (within Self-Consciousness structures of their Forms) that involve both background and dominant Aspects of Qualities (among all the Qualities that are typical of a given Reality in a given Continuum)
10. All scenarios of possible Life circumstances for “all other you” already exist simultaneously (that is, they are dynamically manifested) in all Formo-systems of Worlds from the moment you are born
11. All these waves of different kinds and types and all possible combinations of them are nothing else but VVU-Information modeled (dynamically manifested) in Space with the help of Energies modulated by identical wave structures of Self-Consciousnesses (VVU-Configurations) of all Forms around you
12. In case of the highest Levels of your Self-Consciousness, the SFUURMM-Forms, which you (the Formo-Creators of the brain) “borrow” from an OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-system, remain (in the form of an already dynamically “unfolded” Experience, that is, comprehended and available for further use) a wave part of the Self-Consciousnesses of higher-qualitative NUU-VVU-Configurations of the same Stereo-Form that continue to live in inertially-next time intervals (scenarios) of this rotation Cycle
13. If we consider only the “material” aspect of this process, then all this is the manifestation of creative frequency fluctuations of the Collective Intelligence of “a dynamically floating quantum” or SFUURMM-Forms “quantized” in a certain manner — someone’s Thoughts, Feelings and Desires incarnated in Formo-Matter through the intensive creative dynamics of someone’s Aspirations and Actions
14. Tensor tension can be also associated with the dipolar moment of a magnet or a charge-polarized system, but, in case of such tensor, any tension manifests dynamically, in multiple aspects, because it is simultaneously conditioned by different types of Fields-Consciousnesses
15. dynamically, that is, linking the breath with movement
16. Another Universe emerged from the other side; it had to, there was no other way any of this could have happened in order for the emergence of our Universe to balance dynamically
17. Only after the entire process that formed the Universe reverses itself and our Universe returns back to its original 2-dimensional Condition… and goes back to where it came from… only then will the dynamic process of the Big Bang be finally Dynamically Balanced
18. Infinitely Large space and Infinitely Small energy particles were created at the same time because the Condition of Infinite Largeness of the Universe had to be dynamically balanced by a Condition of Infinite Smallness
19. There was no other way the Universe could have emerged and remain Dynamically Balanced
20. These dynamics happened because they were all Dynamically Balanced in a strict Causal Sequence
21. It became an ongoing process of Dynamically Balanced Splitness
22. It already had been a process of Dynamically Balanced Splitness
23. It had been a process of Dynamically Balanced Splitness long before the Path of Splitness created our Universe
24. All three began a process of Dynamically Balanced Splitting, creating Connected Separations as they split
25. Only after Energy emerged out of what Science calls a ‘Singularity’ which was actually a Dual Split of two dynamically balanced totalities, did 3-dimensional Spaces start to be created in-between this unseparated singularity or totality of Energy on our side
26. The Causal process of Time splitting: enables Space and Energy to undergo an infinitely complex series of dynamically connected-separated-balanced splits in a three-dimensional Condition
27. All Three Aspects are dynamically connected-to, and separated-from each other
28. At the half-point of Time’s Infinite Splitness after the first Major Split was finished, the entire process of Connecting and Splitting flipped over and began running in reverse in order to dynamically balance itself
29. The strength of this explanation is its simplicity, and its logic: all three aspects of our Universe: Energy, Space and Time can be logically explained as being governed by only one dynamic principle: the Dynamically Balanced Path of Splitness
30. The principle of Splitness explains how the slowing-down of all coalescing Energy is dynamically balanced by the expansion, or speeding up of expanding Space
31. It exists in a Condition of Splitness as dynamically balanced Condition of Connection-separation between Energy and Space
32. The 2-dimensional Universe had to balance itself dynamically
33. The Scientific search for any kind of absolute certainty has proven to be a futile quest because no matter what it studies; it does so selectively, and because the Universe is dynamically Relative to itself and always changing its relative relationships
34. Even though it is a dynamically balanced mirror of the other half
35. It gives our Universe an opportunity to explore all the Infinite Possibilities and Probabilities through the process of Dynamically Balanced Splitness by going through an Infinite series of Permutations
36. all dynamically balanced by the act of its own splitting
37. Every quark and lepton in your body, in the Earth, in the Sun, in this Galaxy, inside all of the Infinite Galaxies of the Universe: is actively seeking out, finding and establishing dynamically balanced equalities all the time
38. A Triality of three interrelated, Dynamically balanced aspects, or Conditions; playing off each other, in a state of Dynamically Balanced Splitness
39. In other words: for energy to function dynamically in 3-dimensional space: there have to be three energies: not two
40. They are merely trialities or Dualities, or Totalities: with an in-between buffer that balances them dynamically: like this:
41. That is why they balance more dynamically with each other
42. everything in the universe is Connectively Fractionalized, Dynamically Split, Balanced and Harmonized in this manner
43. Through a dynamically balanced process of: fusion and fission
44. Because the 13th factor is a buffer in-between two dynamically balanced totalities
45. Besides: most Relative Equalities: are always changing so dynamically, and so subtly, and so fast… that they cannot be measured by Science in the first place
46. Only to be re-created again in a different permutation which is more dynamically balanced
47. If you use the proper mathematical model of 12 as a Totality: you will become able to detect the hidden buffers: simply by noticing when and where the natural 1-12 structure is interrupted and dynamically balanced by that buffer
48. The only reason electricity exists is because the moving electrons are trying to balance themselves dynamically between two imbalanced potentials
49. to such a subtle, highly balanced state, that chemical processes could become dynamically active on the diluted level of parts-per-million in the liquid medium of water
50. The dynamically balanced condition ofO literally took over the entire surface of the Earth in three conditions: as a gas, a liquid and a solid