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    Utiliser "easel" dans une phrase

    easel exemples de phrases


    1. One of his photos of the 747 has been blown up poster-size and is on an easel beside him

    2. The prosecutor aims his pointer again at the easel, but this time it’s holding a big, grainy portrait of Teekra

    3. Also, if the Earth was not to be empty before God started describing his creative work to us, would there be any sense in describing it at all, if we assume that it should all have happened on the first day? To demonstrate this more clearly: When an artist describes how he goes about creating a painting, we would not find it strange that he would start by telling us that he would need a clean canvas mounted on an easel

    4. I set up the diagram on a big easel on the stage and drew lines with a heavy felt marker to show what could be happening

    5. Sitting in his study with the contents of a case folder spread on the surface of his desk, he would place on an easel the appropriate board

    6. Pictor - The Easel

    7. Maurice observed an easel, a crate of paint, a toolbox, and two boxes of books

    8. On the large easel was a two-meter high by one and a half meter wide canvas

    9. Here is my cousin’s old easel and some canvases and frames

    10. An easel with blank white newsprint and

    11. ” Billy said as he reached the easel

    12. 'Not bad, you could set up your easel over there' said

    13. Outside the office there was a table and four chairs, against the wall an easel and blackboard, Mr Hawk took Mr Crow and Murray into the offices, three of the rooms had a camp bed and a cupboard in each, the fourth room had a table and chairs, refrigerator and microwave oven, electric kettle and a sink with a cold water tap

    14. � Jodl let two subordinates install an easel with a map board on it near Hitler, then started speaking, pointing to various spots on the map with a stick as he went

    15. to the easel that was situated slightly behind him and removed the cover

    16. suavely turned his attention from the Maynwarings to the easel

    17. He removed the graph from the easel

    18. Ingrid used the minute or so that it took for the corporal to come back to examine the aircraft status blackboard sitting on an easel in a corner

    19. Seeing a large drawing pad sitting on an easel in a corner of the office, Ingrid pointed at it

    20. What good is the artist‘s works sitting on an easel in the

    21. Can you imagine doing it on an easel, with the canvas vertical? The effect would have been different because the water would have been flowing down

    22. spotting a sketch on an easel he took out his mobile

    23. I could still hear her as I approached Father’s door again, and saw that he had turned, and was looking at his easel with great sadness

    24. He scrambled to his feet and loped across the room to his easel

    25. ‘Spares,’ Father said, stepping in front of them and waving towards his easel

    26. ’ With great reluctance, he propped it gently onto the edge of his easel

    27. The easel was empty

    28. He explained his injured wrist by saying that he cut it on a nail when he was retrieving an easel at the gallery

    29. Walking into his office, he set up the easel to start a new painting

    30. It’s written all over your face as clearly as that paint on your easel

    31. He bought a set of paints and an easel and went to work

    32. They spent weekends in the country and stopped at little hostels where Tony would set up his easel and paint landscapes, and when they got hungry Dominique would spread out a picnic lunch she had prepared and they would eat in a meadow

    33. Kate walked over to the easel, where Tony had been working on a painting, and she stopped and stared at it for a long time

    34. " Kate looked at the painting on the easel for a long, long time, then turned back to Tony

    35. In upstate New York, Tony Blackwell was standing before his easel in the garden of the sanitarium

    36. The painting on the easel was a jumble of colors, the kind of painting an untalented child might do

    37. Ben placed his brushes in the solvent and shifted his easel away

    38. An apprentice archivist followed, awkwardly carrying an easel

    39. “I have an explanation, and possibly a path towards a solution,” she said as the young man set up the easel

    40. She fumbled with it, smoothing it out against the easel board and clipped it into place

    41. For in the continual observation of anything you have set your easel before day after day, comes a series of impressions, more and more commonplace, as the eye becomes more and more familiar with the details of the subject

    42. In one corner there was a canvas resting upon an easel

    43. the computer and missed the easel that I used extensively in my medical office

    44. Of his picture, the one that stood now on his easel, he had at the bottom of his heart one conviction—that no

    45. There would be a time for Europe, I thought; all too soon the days would come when I should need a man at my side to put up my easel and carry my paints; when I could not venture more than an hour's journey from a good hotel; when I should need soft breezes and mellow sunshine all day long; then I would take

    46. After lunch, Hedy took her easel and paints into the mews, picked a spot, set up, and began to paint

    47. But I could see the journalists perk up when they caught sight of me—let’s say it: a young, decent-looking guy—and then the PR woman placed a cardboard poster on a nearby easel, and it was a blown-up photo of Amy at her most stunning, that face that made you keep double-checking: She can’t be that good-looking, can she? She could, she was, and I stared at the photo of my wife as the cameras snapped photos of me staring at the photo

    48. There was a rope line leading to a table with a blowup of her picture on an easel behind it, and another easel holding a poster of her book jacket

    49. A large photo of my parents together stood on an easel to my left

    50. He tossed the lizard into a cardboard box and went over to a blueprint of the Dakota that was set up on an easel

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