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    Utiliser "eight" dans une phrase

    eight exemples de phrases


    1. Fifty eight miles was too far to hang out, more than an all-day journey by coach and lakerunner

    2. Different people require different amounts of sleep, but seven or eight hours is considered the average amount of time necessary for rest and regeneration

    3. Eight Stories About Ironing

    4. That makes you a hundred and thirty eight

    5. "That ended twenty eight hours ago," she said

    6. She was having a hard time staying awake after twenty eight hours

    7. It was after breakfast in her world, still on a twenty four hour daily cycle, not twenty eight hours and thirteen minutes, more or less

    8. It was eight hours before she heard from her sister again

    9. The Rockasaur had wheels on it eight feet in diameter at this time, with a convertible frame slung low to the ground between them, hanging from a great backbone arching above

    10. The Rockasaur's trucks have an eight foot wheelbase, so most streets are one way when it's abroad

    11. This is the ultimate goal of the Eight Limbs of Yoga

    12. ‘Sometime between seven and eight thirty I should think … depending on the traffic

    13. "But yeah," doostEr said, "I moved some big timbers for one of them about eight miles out and a windwheel assembly for another who's at least twenty five miles out

    14. Only sixty eight percent of aluminums change hands without being tested, seventy nine percent of the aluminum that changes hands is shipped between financial institutions in sealed and indexed plastic pouches

    15. " Crates, boxes and piles were stacked at least eight feet high on top of the crate he pointed to

    16. The wider wheels are smaller, only six feet in diameter instead of eight, leaving the backbone a foot closer to the ground

    17. By the time Kortrax approached noon they were supposed to be nearing their destination, the counter on the wagon wheel said they had come two hundred thirty eight miles already

    18. two mill, but as things stand we’ll probably go for eight hundred thou

    19. Even without the missing years, she'd spent more of her life on Gordon's Lamp than at Sol, a good part of it here in this null point and most of her last eight years in this base

    20. We hadn’t got back here until nearly eight; it had taken a while to pack all the stuff into the cars and close the house up

    21. She stepped back off the carpet and found herself stepping down onto the sand again, the home disappeared and the wild pristine beach front was all around them with a beautiful Persian carpet hovering eight to fourteen inches off the sand

    22. "You're pretty comfortable with the whole cloning thing now aren't you?" The mechanical replica lying in a lab at the Kassikan was a replica of this Ava, not the one who separated from her when they went to B, eight years ago in her time-line

    23. After eight hours none of the automatic scanners had detected the proton signature of a cooling coiled furball from the planet below

    24. There were a few shouts with him, not one in eight of the men assembled, but still it was bedlam

    25. In verse eight, Paul, by inspiration, commands that prayers are to be made: "I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and disputing

    26. I have a luxurious lie in … not getting up until just after half eight

    27. Klowee followed him out, blonder and even more willowy than her mother, she would now be almost eight in Earth years

    28. The natives derided cut timber as 'plank-up' and deemed it temporary construction, even if the beams were eight by sixteen

    29. There were two levels of bridge across the mouth of the yacht basin where she lived, the drawbridge of the keda teams that he and paddlers could get under, and that of the pedestrians eight floors above that

    30. The shaftwoods were dark green bigleafs, the trunks about sixteen inches at the top of that house, about six feet apart, the housing looked to be six by eight trunks, five or six more floors

    31. It was only fifty eight miles to one of the points on the far side, but the land is not rugged in this region

    32. "There were eight of us gone now

    33. His shell was a heavy eight seater, but they saw he did have extra paddles and the floors looked like the bilge was dry

    34. She would have to get the vagabonds together and give her swamp lecture, there were eight or ten in the crew who hadn't been thru here before

    35. A thonga is a lower, wider, eight legged version of what Alan always pictured a 'cow' would be like

    36. The area was thickly scattered with twiggy brush about six or eight feet tall

    37. The bedrooms were done in the same way, all eight of them

    38. Five of eight was action,

    39. Of course the Shempala Lakes Tourist Council that had published these highly symbolic maps four centuries ago could have exaggerated the size of the lakes by a whole lot and the lakes might really be thirty eight and twenty nine miles long instead of the hundred ten and seventy that was shown on this map

    40. The going wasn't real fast that first Afternoonday, they probably made eight or nine miles

    41. A great number of these students were seven, eight, and nine years old

    42. Then I remembered a long-forgotten memory of when he once came to visit me in Trevean, I think I was about eight years old at the time, and we had gone down to our local beach to gaze at the murky sea and get some stones for my collection

    43. Yarin and Lmore and about eight more of the crew had started a tenks game up in the kitchen and would probably be there for hours

    44. As I said at the beginning of chapter eight, the Yogis name constipation as ‘the Mother of all diseases’, and here we might aptly name devitalized food as ‘the mother of all constipation and digestive disorders’

    45. Breathe in to a count of four, hold the breath to a count of four and exhale to a count of eight

    46. They were flying in a tight figure eight and flaming dragons as they went through their formation when a large black dragon dropped down out of nowhere and flamed at Jake

    47. I drove it and it took nearly eight hours with a stop for lunch

    48. 'I teach younger kids though, class five to eight

    49. “My Lord,” said the lieutenant, “if it is of any consolation, they took eight of the Scathers with them

    50. Once upon a time I too had maiden aunts and one Sunday, just around the time of the first Great War when I was seven or eight years old, my mother took me to visit her sisters in a house they shared near Macclesfield

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    Synonymes pour "eight"

    eight eight-spot ashcan school 8 eighter eighter from decatur octad octet octonary ogdoad viii