Utiliser "elderly man" dans une phrase
elderly man exemples de phrases
elderly man
1. John takes his tray and finds a seat beside an elderly man, who is staring off into space, drooling
2. ‘Is that Miss Grey?’ an elderly man’s voice asked
3. First with words, then suddenly the elderly man threw the first blow, flattening his hand across the young man’s face
4. But one day an elderly man came walking with his spaniel along the path that led to my bench seat
5. I believe this could actually have happened for I heard an old detective talking about a case in which an elderly man died when some kids kicked a ball passed his head without even touching him
6. The two Israeli girls were no longer there, but in their stead, there were a number of volunteer clerks and an elderly man with white hair who seemed to be responsible for the entire operation
7. (In at least one case the inmate had a history of mental illness and another was an elderly man hard of hearing
8. Then, pointing at the wrinkled, white haired elderly man beside the woman, he gasped: "What is that?"
9. An elderly man promptly accepted, and she assumed his place near the head of the queue
10. He was an elderly man that stood slender in size, grey hair, and masculine to be his age
11. Helping an elderly man from the train, the station
12. building lurched to the side, throwing the elderly man over the side
13. There is an elderly man covering his ears with his hands standing near his 6-year-old granddaughter
14. “Can I help you?” the elderly man asked at the counter
15. Selma tapped on the shoulder of an elderly man
16. The other was an elderly man who, seeing a strange car with a foreign
17. boyfriend (an elderly man who lived in Aruba and who would lend her money)
18. I'm sure the interim DA Shannon will run and you know what they say ―any publicity is good publicity!‖ Shannon is so tough on crime that he seeks death against an elderly man! The press coverage on this trial will be like free political advertising
19. An elderly man was profiled
20. The elderly man quickly closed his door
21. „I"ll have that one," the elderly man announced firmly, pointing to one of Bill Smith"s more colourful works - Crotch Itch
22. ‘ The elderly man let the young men‘s hands fall, turned, and disappeared into his study
23. When they entered an elderly man who owned it greeted them
24. "I strongly disagree," broke in Taurus the chancellor, an elderly man in an ermine-fringed robe, whose features were lined with the cares of his long service
25. “Okay, the Europeans who lived at the house just down the road called Mountain View employed Cassia; she was nursing an elderly man called Von Cramm
26. Ritchie asked, “He was certain that an elderly man was with them?”
27. An elderly man found Terry lying on the pavement with blood coming out of his nose and lying still
28. Further down the corridor and shadowed by the smoke, I saw someone; an elderly man wearing a dressing gown open to the waist, crawling on his hands and knees out of his room
29. was not long before an elderly man coming towards the
30. dressed elderly man who offered to prove, for the price of
31. A chubby, short elderly man with thick black hair in an overcoat covered with flecks of snow had walked over to the lockers
32. They were greeted by an elderly man in a Federation Admiral’s dress uniform
33. Sitting behind the counter was an elderly man, perhaps in his early to mid-seventies, greasy haired and slim
34. I figured if Santa Claus, an overweight elderly man could do it why couldn"t I
35. The elderly man drove straight to the nearest gas station filled the station wagon with gas and then drove back onto the highway
36. He was about to unite very elderly man and a young distraught woman in the bond of marriage
37. The elderly man was definitely in his seventies or possibly older and was holding a cane with his left hand even though he was seated
38. The elderly man had a sinister expression on his face
39. “You mean the Explorer?” the elderly man inquires
40. It was the elderly man holding a cane
41. gift to Zoe before he goes home,” requested the elderly man
42. The elderly man’s palate wasn’t quite satisfied though
43. thin stack of twenties, handed the thin stack to the elderly man
44. The elderly man
45. The county clerk was a wise, elderly man
46. As soon as the elderly man took notice of me he flashed me
47. As soon as I was within arm’s reach the elderly man
48. ways, but not before I convinced the elderly man to go to the
49. We conversed with the elderly man for a few minutes before
50. We waved to the elderly man when the bus