Utiliser "embargo" dans une phrase
embargo exemples de phrases
1. One could make the case that America at least in some sense invited the Pearl Harbor attack by imposing the trade embargo on Japan and freezing their financial assets
2. it was an oil embargo (sanctions) which led to Japan attacking Pearl Harbour
3. Whether the United States should suspend its forty-three (43) year embargo against Cuba and resume normal trade relations with that country‘s communistic regime is one of the overriding questions presently being debated by our nation‘s political leaders
4. Jefferson's highly unpopular efforts to avoid wars by passing the Embargo Act and Non Intercourse Act
5. Jefferson's compromise was to pass first the Embargo Act and then the Non-Intercourse Act, banning trade between the US and both Britain and France
6. His embargo did fail in that it did not harm either Britain or France
7. Jefferson and his embargo became enormously unpopular
8. Carter and Castro did temporarily end the travel embargo on Cuba, letting 110,000 Cuban-Americans visit relatives in Cuba in 1979
9. Diplomatic intervention, arms embargo, and offering refuge could have saved at least one tenth
10. The partial embargo was imposed in September of 1960
11. That was a sign of how bad the 1974 recession triggered by the second Arab oil embargo within three years was going to be both on jobs and mortgage interest rates
12. In addition, due to the second Arab oil embargo, we could no longer buy the 100+ octane gas it required
13. retaliated by putting an export embargo on Cuba
14. Among the singular events: the deployment of the CGC Chase to the Persian Gulf to support the United Nations oil embargo against Iraq; Operation New Frontier which initiated the use of special pursuit boats and armed helicopters; training teams sent to the former Soviet Republics of Azerbaijan and Georgia to develop and train national coast guards; the development of coordinated pollution control and response plans with Russia and Mexico; a National Strike Force response to an oil spill in the Galapagos Islands; the combining of BM/QM and ET/FT ratings, and the creation of OS and IT rates; the global circumnavigation of the CGC Sherman; the largest Coast Guard port security operation since World War Two in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States; and the drafting of a terrorist resolution which was passed by the International Maritime Organization (Coast Guard, “Adm
15. Coast Guard cutter (USCGC) Chase was ordered to the Persian Gulf to enforce the United Nations Iraqi oil embargo
16. The Embargo Act of 1807 involved an embargo against France and Great Britain during the Napoleonic Wars
17. embargo and in Afghanistan after the war in 2001
18. � The recent decision to send Japanese troops to Indochina, to help the Vichy French there to resist the British based in Malaya, had resulted in an American steel embargo, an embargo that already had painful effects in Japan
19. This was due to the formers aggressive and expansionist policies, resulting in American economic sanctions against Japan that included an oil embargo
20. Laos in 1940, along with Japan’s alliance with Germany and Italy and the overtly offensive nature of its military actions caused the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and the Netherlands to place a trade embargo on Japan and freeze its assets
21. That gave Japanese confidence that combined with the influence of the trade embargo, hard-line insistence backed by religious conviction, and previous success against China and Russia with their comparable material resources, to lead to the bombing of the U
22. Rudolph had placed an indefinite embargo on the release of news of the surgeon’s death
23. But, even since the 1973 Arab oil embargo that closed gas stations and caused people to
24. If product supply disruptions, such as a drought, oil embargo or licensing restriction, limited product availability, prices of affected products would escalate
25. If you don’t, then the Spacers League will have no choice but to declare a space embargo on all space goods and resources normally sent to Earth
26. ‘’We could suggest to the Arabs to threaten the United States with an oil embargo if it doesn’t withdraw that interposition force
27. Sir Anthony, arrange with the Arabs a threat of an oil embargo against the United States
28. ‘’The British! Those hypocritical bastards! It isn’t enough for them to push the Arabs in putting in place an embargo on oil exports to the United States?’’
29. Just two days ago my new secretary of state, Christian Herter, got a visit from the Canadian ambassador, who told him in confidence that the Canadian government of Prime Minister Saint-Laurent is disassociating itself from British Middle East policies and will not support the oil embargo against the United States
30. embargo on press being allowed into the tented city
31. He forgets that the States is largely anti-Castro, and that there’s a trade embargo in force between the two countries
32. It is a self-love of plastic surgery to pretend perpetual youth, not seeing in one's conspicuous cosmetic consumption, a lost donation to surgeons repairing the malformations of disease and birth defects due to malnutrition, embargo and war
33. To appease our own hostage taking, terror-promising children, we Treat the world to our Tricks of cheap production by threatening them with embargo, divestment, and starvation
34. sin without; ~ embargo however, nevertheless; ~ que without, except that
35. There was some strange cultural embargo on bringing horses or anything shaped like a horse into the city
36. The indemnities they were forced to pay, the world, the trade embargo strangling them to death was not a figment of their imagination; it was real, the slow starvation of the entire nation, the Great Depression was not a figment of their imagination; it was real
37. Faced with the threat of another oil embargo by the Arabs and with rioting in the streets by every minority whose members had been deported from this country, who collectively made up the majority of Americans, President Quaid finally acted
38. Zhaspahr Clyntahn’s embargo had put a major crimp into the profitable nitrates trade with the mainland, but those same nitrates were just as important for the burgeoning munitions industry
39. Perhaps even especially these days, since his cellars were deep and he’d laid in an extensive collection of the harder-to-get brands—especially from Chisholm—before the embargo had shut down legal commerce with the heretical Out Islands
40. There were some, mostly competitors, who suggested—quietly—that at least a few of those bottles and casks had found their way to Zion after the embargo was declared, but no one paid much heed to such libelous accusations
41. The extraordinarily obese and self-indulgent sailor owned and commanded the twin-masted schooner Mairee Zhain, which had been caught running contraband—better than seventy thousand marks’ worth of Chisholmian whiskeys and Charisian luxury goods—into Gorath in defiance of Zhaspahr Clyntahn’s embargo and King Rhanyld’s own decrees
42. Carter and the Russian grain embargo (fight the Commies, forget the farmers), interest rates to 18 percent, price of fuel creeping up and then leaping up, banks going bust, countries she barely heard of—Argentina—suddenly competing in the market
43. In October 1973 the first Arab oil embargo occurred, and by 1974 the price of crude oil had increased fourfold to $13 per barrel
44. The Arab Oil Embargo of 1973 underscored the importance of crude oil to the global economy
45. During that year, the Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) placed an embargo on crude oil shipments to Western countries
46. Although OPEC’s influence on the markets has diminished since the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo, it still wields considerable influence over the oil markets
47. embargo on trade with Cuba
48. One year after the oil embargo began, it was over and so was the pullback in the stock market
49. His rather dashing successor, Helmut Schmidt, steered the country through the effects of the Arab oil embargo (see Chapter 17 for the lowdown on this) but he lost support when he allowed the Americans to station long-range missiles on West German territory and was forced out of office
50. Remember I shared with you that my first mortgage coming out of the inflation of the 1970s was a whopping 18% interest! There was also an “oil shock” in 1973, as an embargo caught the United States off guard, causing oil prices to rise from $2
51. It is probably no accident that all these benefits coincide—it is likely an artifact of two events, the oil embargo and supply crises of the 1970s and demand squeeze driving oil prices skyward in the mid-2000s
52. The combination of the Watergate scandal and hearings and the 1974 oil embargo by OPEC made 1973–1974 the worst stock market catastrophe up to that time since the 1929–1933 depression
53. The list would include President Eisenhower’s heart attack, the Cuban missile crisis, the Kennedy assassination, an outbreak of war, the Arab oil embargo, expectations of government actions such as wage and price controls, 9/11, war in the Mideast and, more recently, in early September 2008, when subprime real estate news got worse and the market expected a very liberal president to be elected
54. Macon said, already had many resolutions been submitted to the consideration of the House on the subject of our foreign relations, and the embargo; some for a total and some for a partial repeal of it
55. ) to see so many resolutions on the subject of the embargo, and none contemplating its entire continuance
56. "Resolved, That the same committee be instructed to inquire into the expediency of amending the act laying an embargo, and the several acts supplementary and additional thereto
57. It is time for those who think the embargo a lawful and proper measure, to come forward and declare it
58. I believe the embargo was right; that it was right to pass laws to enforce it; and believing this, I feel no hesitation in avowing it
59. I believe we have but three alternatives—war, embargo, or submission
60. That is out of the question; then, the only question is, whether in the present state of the world, the embargo or war is the best for us? Arm your merchantmen, as has been proposed, send them out, and you have war directly? If we are to have war, I should rather have it openly, and let the nation know that we mean it
61. I am for the embargo yet
62. said he wished to press a discussion on the subject of the embargo; for such was the state of public opinion in the Northern part of the Union, that but one general sentiment prevailed, that the embargo would be immediately raised
63. The proposition which he had the honor to move a few days ago, was consonant in some degree to the instructions offered by our Ministers to Great Britain and France, offering to remove the embargo in relation to either that should rescind their obnoxious decrees
64. said he would continue the embargo in relation to them both
65. The same conclusion will result, if we consider our embargo in relation to the objects of this belligerent policy
66. The embargo law of the United States, in its operation, is a union with this continental coalition against British commerce, at the very moment most auspicious to its success
67. I proceed at present on the supposition of a perfect impartiality in our Administration towards both belligerents, so far as relates to the embargo law
68. Our embargo co-operates with the British views in both respects
69. And what is the language of George the Third, when our Minister presents to his consideration the embargo laws? Is it Le Roi s'avisera? The King will reflect upon them
70. In whatever point of view we consider these embargo laws in relation to these edicts and decrees, we shall find them co-operating with each belligerent in its policy
71. These considerations required the arm of Government, and at this inauspicious period, when the clouds which had so long threatened and darkened our political horizon gathered to a thick and horrible tempest, which now seemed about to burst upon our devoted nation, the embargo snatched our property from the storm, and deprived the thunderbolt of its real calamities
72. The misrepresentations in this country, the violations of the embargo, and the hope of changing the parties in the United States, or of producing a separation of the States; these miscalculations have destroyed entirely the efficacy of this measure, and been a main cause why Great Britain has not relaxed in her injustice towards America
73. These islands have been reduced to wretchedness and want already, notwithstanding the violations of the embargo, and flour, we learn, has been as high as $20, $30, $40, $50, and $60 per barrel
74. The invitation of the British Ministry to your merchants to violate the embargo, and the burning of a friendly ship of war (the Impetueux) in your own waters, are circumstances too light to be noticed
75. And, upon whom does the loss fall? As it does now, through the operation of your embargo, on the planter, on the farmer, on the mechanic, on the day-laborer? No, sir; on the insurer—on the capitalist—on those who in the full exercise of their intelligence, apprised of all the circumstances, are willing to take the hazard for the sake of the profit
76. Yet who, before this committee, ever thought an election of one of two inevitable courses, made under such circumstances, "abject and degrading submission" to the will of either of the assailants? The second assertion, that "repeal in whole or in part of the embargo must necessarily be war or submission," the committee proceed to maintain by several subsidiary assertions
77. Our servile knee-crooking embargo says, "you shall, therefore, not trade
78. Johnson,) speaking of the embargo, said, that this was the kind of conflict which our fathers waged; and my honorable colleague (Mr
79. Admit, for the sake of argument, that the embargo, which restrains us now from communication with all the world, is precisely synonymous with that non-intercourse and non-importation which restrained us then from Great Britain
80. I must see, not merely that it is very desirable that Great Britain should be brought to our feet, by this embargo, but that there is some likelihood of such a consequence to the measure, before I can concur in that universal distress and ruin which, if much longer continued, will inevitably result from it
81. A view however of the embargo had been gone into in respect to its past effects at home, and its probable future effects at home and abroad
82. Bacon) as stating that the committee on our foreign relations had said nothing of the embargo
83. Speaker, that they should, for the embargo law continues in operation until repealed
84. But surely it must be recollected that the Committee on Foreign Relations in their resolutions seemed to consider the system which they recommend, as including a continuance of the embargo; and I trust I meet the committee on fair and firm ground, when I consider their assent to be implied to the continuance of the embargo, and that it is their opinion that the measures which they recommend, united with the embargo, form an efficient system proper for the American people to adopt at this time
85. I shall necessarily therefore endeavor to answer gentlemen who have considered the embargo as a wise measure for the American people; that they are competent to bear it; and that it will, if guarded more sedulously, yet work out the political salvation of our land
86. That the embargo is a measure severely felt by our country at large, and by some portions of it to a very eminent degree, cannot be denied
87. Campbell,) but men who, by the pressure of the embargo itself, have been driven to reflection, and by reflection removed the film from their eyes, and thereby seen their true interests more distinctly
88. In the course of the last Winter, the Legislature of the State of Maryland, believing that the Orders in Council justified the embargo, and that it was a wise measure, approved of it
89. Campbell,) that this is a delusion; that the people do not comprehend the subject; for that it is the Orders in Council which have produced our embarrassments, and not the embargo
90. I contend that the pressure on the people is caused by the embargo, and not by the Orders in Council
91. Test the market from Boston to Savannah, as to the price which you may get at ninety days credit, the embargo being continued, or on condition that the embargo be repealed in thirty days
92. Is there no difference in the price under these circumstances? I know well from experience, and the whole country knows, that if the embargo be now taken off, the price of every species of produce will rise fifty per cent
93. The depreciation in price then flows from the embargo
94. I hold these facts to be more conclusive than any abstract reasoning to prove that the embargo does work a diminution in the value of the articles which we have for sale
1. We quietly bought airtime on local stations in Rhode Island for an ad, which David Axelrod helped us with, and on a Friday in mid-February, word began to leak that I had taped an ad and given an embargoed interview to Rhode Island Monthly
1. Fidel Castro‘s supporters on the American Left have historically argued that 1) most embargoes are ineffective in subverting autocratic governments (note these are the same people who summarily called for embargoes against Iraq as a viable alternative to war), and 2) that such restrictions promote unnecessary hardship to its citizens and should therefore be lifted if not for humanitarian reasons, alone
2. Whence was derived a power to pass a law laying an embargo without limitation? There is nothing in the constitution about embargoes
3. We lay an embargo—is there any clause in the constitution authorizing us to lay embargoes? No, sir; we have a right to regulate trade, and we have a right to lay embargoes to protect it
4. I had a seat in Congress when each of the former embargoes under this constitution were laid
5. Calhoun observed, that he could offer nothing more acceptable, he presumed, to the House, than a promise not to discuss the Orders in Council, French decrees, blockades, or embargoes