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    en masse exemples de phrases

    en masse

    1. He roared his anger and fled as six more of his dragons attacked them en masse

    2. Even though they weren't large enough to be harmful as individuals, the fact that they seemed to be attacking en masse scared him

    3. were duly excommunicated en masse, and Saint

    4. As penguins can't fly, they invest in rocket packs and set off en masse

    5. We had no idea how long we would be staying there, as the war was still raging on and Russia was mobilizing its citizens along with Poles who flooded their country en masse

    6. There was a defining moment in our nation‘s history when the laboring classes (en masse) went from resenting the rich to emulating their lifestyles…or trying to, at least

    7. I could have walked away and all these people with their silly hats, all they could have done was go all wild-eyed and insist that I thought about it once more, and then perhaps cry alone or en masse for the coming Revelation, Armageddon, Rapture, or whatever they wanted to call the huge bitch-slapping that was about to hit home

    8. When the opportune time arrived, they would then probably try to breach the walls in their weakest point, or storm them en masse, whichever would seem to offer the best chances of entering the city

    9. Is it a realistic interpretation to believe that a multitude of poisonous snakes suddenly and unaccountably appeared en masse in a desert environment where scarce resources should have naturally limited their numbers? According to some accounts, the plagues of Moses, followed by the Exodus, could have been brought on by an environmental disturbance

    10. It seemed that the hand cannon were only useful when fired en masse, since they weren’t too accurate

    11. The girls were surprised to see me with a date, and when she went to powder her nose, I learned later, they paid her a visit en masse

    12. The tilt now increased more rapidly as the ice began to shift en masse

    13. tilt now increased more rapidly as the ice began to shift en masse

    14. ‘to promote the general welfare’ by offering the people en masse gratuities and doles

    15. Not in all of Jesus' subsequent earth life did another such en masse physical healing of mortals take place

    16. Creeping down the rocks Balthus felt his flesh crawl between his shoulders as he momentarily expected a withering blast of arrows from the green masses about them

    17. copies en masse, would reduce the value of the originals

    18. They quickly sorted out the decoys and attacked the cruisers en masse

    19. As the horses en masse approach your position, the pounding of the hooves on the dirt becomes deafening

    20. grated en masse over to the TX-0 control room, bringing the

    21. They jumped in en masse, swimming like birds flying through a sky gilded with fragrant bubbles, while José Arcadio, floated on his back on the edge of the festivities, remembering Amaranta with his eyes open

    22. Christians are guaranteed by God that we will be evacuated “en masse” by Jesus at the Rapture,

    23. As a warmonger, he believed right lies in strength alone and obsessed with schemes of killing others en masse so that his kind could rule supreme for a thousand years

    24. paradox that the activities were engaged in en masse, yet each young person was expected to complete the activity as an individual; little

    25. been executed en masse in an effort to silence truth and decency

    26. When the Japanese finally tried seriously to land troops en masse there, we were down to only a few dozen planes and were despairing of being able to repel the Japanese landings

    27. when, en masse, the crowd bursts to their feet and, together, release

    28. While mobile German antiaircraft guns did their best to protect the vulnerable columns and trains from Allied fighter-bombers, the Luftwaffe had also reacted strongly, throwing its fighters en masse in the battle

    29. Khrushchev knew for a fact that the people would follow en masse the Red Army against a secret police detested by all

    30. 'steam clean' shops and stores by steaming in and grabbing en masse

    31. Even though the evangelists failed to take the Hindu souls en masse on the Christian path of salvation, yet the British had introduced modern medical practices into the India’s hitherto neglected healthcare system for the public good

    32. Can it be changed? Will it ever be different? Can Greegs be changed back to their original form en masse? Is there a more effective way of stopping them from degenerating into Greegdom and keeping their Greegeromody under wraps than the current method of dividing them up into Carnivals? These are the sorts of bets we hope to settle on the Ultimate & Grand Greeg Carnival

    33. When boredom is the lack of stimulation and one is addicted to stimulation, thus willing to do anything to end the agony of boredom's incessant monotony of repetitive nothingness, then to create and suspend one's digi-dependence enables the game designer to stimulate boredom by destimulating the anarchist-gamers en masse

    34. The women are very much aware of this corruption of the process of a "secret ballot" and it heightens their desire to have the right to vote as they believe that they would refuse en masse to comply with despotic demands such as those of the mill owners," Olin informed him without realizing that it would be another 66 years before the ladies would have the lawful ability to test their theory

    35. "And how many have the Good Book?" The audience rose to their feet en masse

    36. They finally had to surrender the city, but the majority of the survivors regrouped in the northern part of the country and moved en masse across the Lore Mountains, a trek later called the Great Journey, hoping to find a place to settle on the other side

    37. And just when Kat tried to pull him back, they had moved in and attacked his position en masse

    38. Then they turned and fled en masse

    39. Thus those hellions assailed Skhanda en masse, seeking to overcome strength by

    40. They were either just wandering the streets en masse, or fully engaged with small pockets of violent outbursts

    41. migrated en masse, passing on what recollected

    42. Why? Because there was no reason to try and discipline weak, cowardly religious fanatics who could be easily killed; yet did not have the brains to realize that every time they revolted they would be killed again en masse

    43. En masse, by public transport they arrived at the factory, over one hundred strong

    44. Now that Science is pulling slightly back from the brink of that insanity: is it any less insane to invent and manufacture weapons of mass destruction that are not pure radioactive poison, but only designed to kill civilians en masse by the thousands instead of by the millions? But I forgot

    45. They were taken away from their country cottages en masse; just as brutally and efficiently as Stalin pressed millions of Russian poor into his Gulag death-labour camps

    46. They ripped it up until it was bleeding, and sowed alien domesticated plants…only to rip them up and kill them en masse also… until the soil died of exhaustion and nothing grew from the destroyed earth, and they moved on to another plot of land where they began again by killing in a few months or years, what took thousands of years to grow

    47. They set up shop as mass murdering scum: killing everything they could en masse

    48. Because nobody will let them speak out against things that the majority is guilty-of en masse

    49. This is the same scam that has been sold all over the fucking world to all the poor oppressed downtrodden masses for ten thousand years

    50. The eating of mass-produced sausages, the new level of eating slaughtered meat to poison the millions of industrialized slaves living in cities: animals slaughtered en masse by the thousands and hundreds of thousands: and then turning this dynamic of industrialized death around, and reversing it: slaughtering the slaughterers instead… what’s good for the goose should be good for the gander

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