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    Utiliser "enamored of" dans une phrase

    enamored of exemples de phrases

    enamored of

    1. ' Titania wasn't so enamored of what she was perusing that she didn't notice their approaching figures in the reflection of the shop window, but not giving them much thought at first continued her inspection of the display

    2. She’s obviously become enamored of the prisoner

    3. But then she realized that Tragus was so enamored of her body, he’d never share her with an animal again

    4. enamored of the men and women who populated that branch of the service

    5. The children could only stare at him, speechless that he should be so enamored of a fish that was too small to see, that he should not even acknowledge how an evil, spectral hand had almost stolen him away

    6. Should he dare to propose to her as a way out, would she hesitate to repudiate, never mind her gratitude for his father? But, that way, wouldn’t his fear of rejection stop him in his tracks forever? After all, why should any girl like her ever consent to become his wife? Why, she would surely be averse to the idea itself! Looks like she was enamored of him, but was that enough to induce her to wed him? Couldn’t she picture the perils as his wife? Why not, given her high IQ? So it seemed to him that the choice for him boiled down to the rock and the hard surface

    7. She has become recently enamored of my erudition

    8. It’s possible that he is so enamored of his subject, so

    9. Strange that we should be so enamored of a book that was

    10. It thus seemed that young King Louis had fallen enamored of someone well worthy of his attention

    11. ‘Why, surely he’s enamored of me

    12. How I failed to notice the beauty of her hands all this while!’ While, he found himself fondling her hand, more to communicate his love than to envision her future, seemingly in a trance he thought, ‘Obviously enamored of the character of her main attributes, I became oblivious to the charms of her remaining features

    13. ‘It’s as though some magnetic force would draw women to him! Isn’t Tara, the veteran of many a fill, coy to him as if she were a virgin? It looks like he appreciates Tara’s undeniable charms but he doesn’t seem to be enamored of her

    14. Oh, how she admires him? He’s nothing short of an idol for her, is he not? And it’s quite possible that she’s enamored of him

    15. Once, such a one told me that she was enamored of me for my romanticism and as her persona didn’t trigger my passion, I realized that its woman’s sex appeal that brings man’s innate romanticism into play to provide the cutting edge for lovemaking, and unless combined by male passion and female amorousness, coition is mere sexual motion

    16. “Didn’t I tell you about a plain girl, who was enamored of me; much later, another I knew nursed the idea of marrying a romantic guy but was aghast as her father intended to get her married to a dull character; when she told me about her predicament, I said that though she was beautiful, yet she was not vivacious, and that it’ sex appeal that triggers romantics; I told her in half-jest that if she were sexy, I would’ve seduced her; that made her comprehend the sexual realities of her life

    17. Notwithstanding his fondness for women, Ayesha remained his favorite till the very end, though he was enamored of Mariyah, towards the end of his chequered life

    18. With the mainstay of the population, so to say, enamored of them, and they too having come to value the ancient Hindu philosophy, which got reduced to mere prejudice by then, the British loved India as best as their own interests would allow them to do

    19. ” Ram now realized that Sita was obsessed with and enamored of gold,

    20. He was enamored of her smile

    21. An enchanting young maiden was enamored of a certain young man and one fine summer’s day she picked a bunch of the colorful flowers to give him as a present

    22. Enamored of Teresa,though another's wife, he fled

    23. As we have become more and more enamored of personal independence there has been a corresponding propensity to resort to litigation as the preferred method for resolving our differences

    24. He’s become enamored of Adolf Hitler and recently purchased a two-volume set of the German dictator’s ideological opus, Mein Kampf, for thirty dollars at a Lubbock bookstore

    25. Bahrnabai Wyrshym had already demonstrated that he was less enamored of The Book than Green Valley might have preferred, however

    26. You will be happy to hear that I am less enamored of the postscript now, but I will say that perhaps all this mechanical thinking is only my way of insisting that we should not have to end when the final sign-off is made clear

    27. But the aunts did not speak of their fears, and he departed without knowing that he was enamored of Katiousha

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