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    1. Still, in our culture, we tend to enshrine the intellect while debasing

    2. Let me tell the House that a joint, international, Constitutional Committee has been meeting at a secret location for some months now to draw up detailed proposals which will enshrine and safeguard the interests of all parties to this agreement

    3. on the contrary, combined all the qualities of a hero's mind, and fate presented a statue in which she might enshrine them

    1. The policy of minimal intervention had originally set the foundation for the Temporal Directive, and remained enshrined in their doctrine for millennia; the change in philosophy only as a result of the invasion of Earth by their established foe, the Darangi

    2. children shall be directed to …the development of respect for …the principles enshrined in the Charter

    3. Apparently the remains of San Isidoro (I didn’t ask who he was) were also enshrined behind another altar

    4. A democracy without enshrined individual rights, is merely gang warfare - which gang, with the loudest demands can force their ideas upon the rest of us

    5. enshrined her forever in history as a victim

    6. It is easy to die in the line of physical battle when your courage is strengthened by the presence of your fighting comrades, but it requires a higher and more profound form of human courage and devotion calmly and all alone to lay down your life for the love of a truth enshrined in your mortal heart

    7. Job by this time had become disgusted with his friends and appealed again to God, and now he appealed to a just God against the God of injustice embodied in the philosophy of his friends and enshrined even in his own religious attitude

    8. David – chosen by the Lord Divine to be in history enshrined

    9. As long as we teach the child to pray, "Our Father who is in heaven," a tremendous responsibility rests upon all earthly fathers so to live and order their homes that the word father becomes worthily enshrined in the minds and hearts of all growing children

    10. If we truly appreciated that moment when, say, our new-born child, self-assembled from the information enshrined in just two gametes, a perfect wonder of the universe's innate technology, grips our thumb with an exquisitely constructed hand; if then, we truly appreciated this, we would be standing open-mouthed and wide-eyed for the rest of our lives

    11. had a fresh worm enshrined into its respective hook

    12. Her home in Baltimore was later enshrined as the “Flag House

    13. The liberal regulations of the constitution would remain enshrined just for appearances sake just as it was in that most liberal of all constitutions, the one devised by Stalin

    14. He liberalized the media and enshrined in France's legal code various civil freedoms

    15. Any amendments agreed in any one of these places will be put to the other two, and when agreed by all parties, enshrined in a revised Constitution

    16. Interestingly, the baggage of sin that the Christianity carries like a cross on its conscience might be a psychic relic of the not so human-friendly diktats of Jehovah as enshrined in the Mosaic Laws

    17. On the other hand, it is the paradox of the Semitic faiths in that while vouching for the selfsame God, who is believed to have enshrined the Torah, inspired the Gospel and gave the Quran, it was the Christians that ran the Crusades against the Musalmans, who had earlier oppressed the Jews

    18. True, the Hindu fringes, at last, got their God that the Brahmans so cruelly denied them, even one amongst their three crore deities, and what if the God was an alien One for they were never allowed to feel like the natives in the land of their own ancestors? Nevertheless, as the enshrined caste edifice was too strong even for the Almighty Allah to pull it down, and since their Mohammedan masters would have only condescend to descended with them, the early converts might have been truly squeezed in their new religious ghettos

    19. who lived thousands of years ago-is enshrined in the Upanishad

    20. within to see the enshrined Self

    21. “Since the Soul enshrined in a man is his friend as well as foe, it

    22. Soul enshrined in the human body, comes to rest firmly in his own etern-

    23. Krishn's sacred message that is enshrined in the Geeta

    24. teachings are enshrined, it is so simple, direct, and lucid that no reader

    25. In this country, the application of such prohibitions seems unthinkable, given the guarantees of free speech enshrined in the Constitution’s First Amendment

    26. Fanny was enshrined in his memory as the nearest thing to perfect loveliness he had ever known

    27. She was also enshrined there as a great promoter of ups and downs

    28. This is only one example of how we have whitewashed the truth about these ancient filth called Kings; and enshrined the biggest Christian Hypocrite Medieval King, as a living spirit of generosity… of pure hypocritical tokenism

    29. Soul as being that part of the ‘Creator’ enshrined in creation, akin to a mother connected to her baby and vice versa, and an artist to his, or her, art

    30. Smashed like a virgin on the rocks, many good heads have cracked & their thoughts now enshrined inside the black-stone-heart of the city, lay in eternal nightmare

    31. Don Quixote, then, having, as has been said, planted himself in the middle of the road, made the welkin ring with words to this effect: "Ho ye travellers and wayfarers, knights, squires, folk on foot or on horseback, who pass this way or shall pass in the course of the next two days! Know that Don Quixote of La Mancha, knight-errant, is posted here to maintain by arms that the beauty and courtesy enshrined in the nymphs that dwell in these meadows and groves surpass all upon earth, putting aside the lady of my heart, Dulcinea del Toboso

    32. In the range of the deserted vaulted rooms lined with books, full of august memories, and in the passionless silence of all this enshrined wisdom, we walked here and there talking of the past, the great historical past in which lived the inextinguishable spark of national life; and all around us the centuries-old buildings lay still and empty, composing themselves to rest after a year of work on the minds of another generation

    33. The minister knew well that he was himself enshrined within the stainless sanctity of her heart, which hung its snowy curtains about his image, imparting to religion the warmth of love, and to love a religious purity

    34. It was math yet again, geometry transformed into art, a confluence that had made painters like Picasso icons forever enshrined in history

    35. Vague plans of another historical work, wherein all the devotions to the regeneration of the country he loved would be enshrined for the reverent worship

    36. Certainly, if falling in love had been at all in question, it would have been quite safe with a creature like this Miss Vincy, who had just the kind of intelligence one would desire in a woman—polished, refined, docile, lending itself to finish in all the delicacies of life, and enshrined in a body which expressed this with a force of demonstration that excluded the need for other evidence

    37. He did not shrug his shoulders; and for want of that muscular outlet he thought the more irritably of beautiful lips kissing holy skulls and other emptinesses ecclesiastically enshrined

    38. The amazement, the anger, the stupefaction of Belshazzar when he saw the Mene-Tekel- Upharsin before his eyes is not to be compared with the cold rage of Grandet, who, having forgotten his nephew, now found him enshrined in the heart and calculations of his

    39. Judge Corbett and men of his class had gradually enshrined that inequality in law, and the highest court in the land had upheld its finding that “separate but equal” was good enough for everybody

    40. I stood in the middle of the linoleum floor of Fannie's apartment and tried to imagine her here, the ship's deck creaking underfoot as her weight shifted this way and that, as Tosca lamented from the phonograph, and the icebox door stood wide with its enshrined condiments, her eyes moving, her heart beating like a hummingbird trapped in a vast aviary

    41. Then the smallest man at the far end of the bar, turning, saw the curiosity enshrined in my all too open face and shouted, ‘You’re American, of course! And wondering what we’re up to? Do you trust my looks? Would you bet as I told you on a sporting event of great local consequence? If “Yes” is your answer, come here!’

    42. Lorkyn's learned from me and me from Lorkyn, and programs of study have been designed for Oberon and Miravelle, and we have talked the nights through with formulations and proposals in which they are enshrined and encapsulated, and their collective well-being has been institutionalized, and good will surrounds them and stimulates them-and my soul, my soul has remained steadfast

    43. Meanwhile Captain Ahab remained invisibly enshrined within his cabin

    44. ' This Lizaveta the Blessed was enshrined in the nunnery wall, in a cage seven feet long and five feet high, and she had been sitting there for seventeen years in nothing but a hempen shift, summer and winter, and she always kept pecking at the hempen cloth with a straw or a twig of some sort, and she never said a word, and never combed her hair, or washed, for seventeen years

    1. For, as Lightfoot says, 'The New Testament was written by Jews, among Jews, for Jews ’ (a Jud eis, atque inter Judaeos, et ad Judaeos); and if it is evident that the phrases Ages of ages, or generations to generations, were used by them in a strictly limited sense in relation to the subject of future punishment, it will be needless to pervert the plain meaning of the ordinary Greek words, used in the New Testament to denote the destruction of the wicked, or words used to denote limited duration, from deference to supposed Jewish idioms requiring them to be taken in the sense of endless misery; specially when it is proved that no such idiom exists in the Talmud (which enshrines the traditions of the nation from a period far more ancient than the age of the Pharisees), where we find the very phrases even of the Apocalypse used to describe a punishment explicitly declared to be terminable

    1. Yet, in our tireless quest to win, to own, to rule we shield ourselves from the ever-cycling communication of the Earth's living system by housing ourselves even after death in gate guarded rooms that we rent below ground in waste-caskets, or by enshrining ourselves in gilded boxes within marble tombs encased by McMausoleums vulture-perched on eternally manicured cemetery hills – where the winners, owners and rulers of the capitalist system still seek to be the grandest of the dead, vainly trying to take with them the energy that comprised them, a present that is ever on loan from the always giving universe

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    Synonymes pour "enshrine"

    enshrine shrine saint consecrate sanctify anoint hallow