Utiliser "ethical" dans une phrase
ethical exemples de phrases
1. "No," Glenelle said, surprising herself with the speed that word was out, in spite of the racing heart her ethical misgivings were causing, "I just need to understand who I am and where we are
2. It is intended to be solely determined by our allowing ourselves to be gripped by the ethical God, who reveals Himself in us, and by our yielding our will to His
3. It was from none other than Medical Ethical Oversight and no doubt it was concerning his people’s questioning of people in their Logistics Operations
4. All but two of the original members of Medical Ethical Oversight were still on it
5. with al ethical and moral dilemmas that can
6. We’ll see how ethical living weakens the self-centered desires that make us dissatisfied with life
7. of course, by adhering to a strict ethical code
8. What I do not doubt is that he was the furthest thing from ethical, having molested women whenever he could and wherever he could
9. going to have the most ethical and ethnically/racially balanced ad Also recall
10. that, he said in the transition period that he was going to have the most ethical and radically balanced administration in history
11. The first he chose had ethical problems, so he tried with a second woman, who also had ethical problems
12. For those who have in any way believed Bill Clinton"s claim to have had the most ethical administration in history, I urge a careful reading of the following: „Absolute Power," and „The final days
13. His own ethical dilemma was nothing compared to her pain, and he felt childish when he thought back to the marches he had attended
14. The CC had been in power for many centuries, its groups of leaders working as a team, consigned to the responsibility of all civilized worlds in the galaxy, and creating the biggest ethical dilemma(s) ever known
15. It (MR) advances the proposition that no single value (or moral) is exceptional in itself; that is to say, (conventional) moral or ethical assumptions do not properly reflect objective or universal truths, and concludes with (N) rejecting moral authority altogether
16. Suspicious ‖suicides‖, in particular, do not seem to make much of an impression on liberal journalists eager to protect one of their own by glossing over the legal and ethical failings of their favorite sons and daughters (which is putting it mildly) and reporting them on page 23 of the Washington Post or the New York Times; that would otherwise have discredited a Republican Administration and brought it down to its knees
17. The gradual erosion of church authority, grounded on the written body of teachings of the Church, in favor of moral and ethical palliatives, has occasioned special accommodations for private viewpoints rather than conformance with precedential systems of principle teachings designed to guide and to promote proper Christian Attitudes
18. Many of them sought to instill the highest moral and ethical standards in its citizens reflected by the nation‘s political and social institutions in a manner consistent with Judeo-Christian principles
19. It occasions remorse when an individual behaves contrary to his or her moral or ethical directive
20. Otherwise, it would seek the spiritual guidance of moral and ethical teachings rather than the support of legal authority
21. Moral Relativism lacks a supporting structure; that is to say, lacks a universal standard by which to (correctly) assess the proposed merits of some moral or ethical proposition whereas Moral Absolutism, drawn to its own (unconditional) point(s) of reference or final conclusions, oftentimes assumes too heavy a burden that must otherwise be lessened by degrees or fall under its own weight
22. Having integrity for me means being ethical and following a moral code that is both
23. Its flawed assumptions oftentimes fail to consider, however, that every Individual is subject to his or her own private set of moral and ethical assumptions that are naturally resistant to categorical imperatives or the conscientious ―merits‖ of narrow-minded viewpoints that seek to impose their (myopic) moral authority on others
24. Use every legal, moral and ethical means appropriate to the situation
25. Modern Society is in the throes of a revolutionary Revolt of Conscience; the solitary by-product of moral and intellectual parochialism that is gradually revealing itself in the vested self-interest(s) and manners of unbridled Individualism that has undermined equalitarian idealism, that once defined the national culture, by rendering every individual the sole arbiter of his or her own conscience and ensuing choices without giving proper pause to how such choices may otherwise impact, for better or for worse, other individuals or to a transcendent authority that each must (inevitably) be held accountable; that is to say, whose (social) consequences existing outside the provincial boundaries of that individual‘s (own) estate are no longer limited by (moral) restraint or prescribed rules of moral and ethical conduct but conditioned rather by circumventing designs contrary to the proportionate interests of a well-ordered society
26. is in an animal‘s inability to properly apply Logic and Reason to what has been learned or to adapt itself to the social, moral and ethical requirements of learning
27. Notwithstanding our human shortcomings, however, how far should any society be expected to tolerate, for ―unity‘s sake‖, irreconcilable moral and ethical misconduct that is quickly gaining momentum within political circles? Who remains accountable for the unseemly actions of our public officials who seem unwilling or unable to reform themselves, if not the Conscience of the American People? In what manner does that society continue supporting notions of unity in view of prevailing (double) standards that falsely qualify appearances as uncharacteristic or unimportant? In what manner does that society achieve consistency between public and private matters where
28. Beyond the ethical and practical issues, relying on mercenaries is a way to get around having to seek and maintain popular support for a war
29. A friend and I were recently discussing the (practical) merits of stem-celled research; an area that I am not totally comfortable with because of moral and ethical objections that continue to trouble me
30. No ethical considerations came into play
31. How does one reconcile his greatness with such massive ethical failures? In all three cases he failed to challenge the experts around him, failed to see the bigoted immorality of old money anti Semites in the State Department, Anglo-American farmers and scientific racists, and the amorality of military planners in love with their own weapons
32. So then, there are people who consider that delaying this war is neither ethical nor practical, but rather irresponsible and suicidal
33. Adams was committed to the rule of law and ethical negotiations
34. The only principles worth focusing on are spiritual, ethical, or moral
35. The problem is that there are so many moral standards and people want the opportunity to make their own ethical choices
36. Every process happens without the utilization of the physical money or official coin for all the participators of this Project, such as: benefited people, lacking people, voluntary people, Social Philanthropy Networks, Use Network, Solidary Economy Network, Economy of Communion, Global Ecovillage Network, Red de Trueque Solidario, Ethical Bank, altruistic people’s communities (forum, debates, BBS), Kibbutz, among others
37. In case you don’t find Bank3Sector in your region, consult in Internet or seek the non-profit financial organizations, such as: Ethical Banks, Social Banks or Credit Unions
38. Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers:
39. America is no longer the ethical and moral leader of the free world as it once was
40. requirement and rules of moral norms into specific ethical behavior
41. As an illustration, within our everyday ethical framework, we may think that not returning too much change given to us in a shop is a fairly forgivable sin
42. However, in planning and executing your actions be objective, focused, cool, and calculative, and never, ever cross ethical boundaries
43. "ethical tricks,” strategies and methods that I've shown to thousands of business owners, professionals and sales
44. It is imperative at this stage and to ensure ethical drivers in the future, the
45. You’re making money off sales, but you are attracting affiliates that you don’t have to ethical y
46. If a learner acquires such education what will be its benefits apart from its inherent ethical and humanistic desirability? Firstly the
47. manifested as corruption in ethical and economic domains
48. Here it is the animals that are said to have a “right” to ethical treatment
49. What is ethical is defined by a society in which those affected participate
50. The PETA folks take on the mindless ferocity of the animal while supposedly granting the animal a basis for thoughtful and ethical consideration