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    evening prayer exemples de phrases

    evening prayer

    1. The gate was formed of cutting winds; but Gerda repeated her evening prayer, and the winds were still as though they slept; and the little maiden entered the vast, empty, cold halls

    2. At each Mass and in his evening prayers he strove for and sought and prayed fervently for humble submiss�ive�ness

    3. Morning and evening prayers always included reading and prayers from other religions

    4. On 30 January 1948, he was going for his evening prayer and lecture session

    5. He would preach in his evening prayers and write articles in newspapers about equality of all humans and respect for all

    6. following the evening Prayer)

    7. Finally, with both Nancy and Maryam satisfied that the designated section leaders had the correct heading set on their compasses and knew where they were and where they were going, the Afghan women lined up and turned towards the Mecca before kneeling for the evening prayers

    8. After the nuns had chanted the psalms for Evening Prayer, one of the Sisters read a reading from the Bible about giving up everything for the sake of the Gospel and then Henri pronounced his vows, kneeling at the feet of the foundress

    9. May I join you for meditation and Evening Prayer, Vespers, and then chat with the community after dinner?”

    10. The Hindu monastic made his way over to the oratory for some private meditation before Evening Prayer was to be celebrated

    11. My time of meditation in the oratory before Evening Prayer brought great clarity to my thoughts

    12. They began with Vespers, Evening Prayer, the day after he died and continued through with the various liturgical ceremonies of psalms, readings, intercessions, closing prayers, and blessings that made them up from rising through night the next day

    13. I was praying Vespers, Evening Prayer, for and with him because he was so weak that he could barely pick up his Office book and read the psalms and other prayers making up that service

    14. Therefore, when he stands to perform the communication with God during the evening prayer after having a little of food and drink, he will be wholly directed to God and wholly present in His presence, and then his spirit will fly soaring in that supreme heaven with no obstacle that may block it and no screen that may stand between it and its Creator

    15. My dearest students, the sunset prayer(maghrib), the evening prayer (Isha-i) and the dawn prayer (Soubhi) are performed loudly

    16. He used to recite a daily religious lesson to his murids[37] between sunset prayer and evening prayer

    17. These men are true repentants and have attended the mosque in order to perform the evening prayer behind you

    18. Therefore, when they stand to perform their communication with God during the evening prayer, after having taken a little food and drink, they will be wholly directed toward God and completely in His Presence

    19. ’ Our officer said, ‘Then we will all gather today at the evening prayer in the mosque

    20. He used to recite a daily religious lesson to his murids[105]between sunset prayer and evening prayer


    22. She will come after evening prayers

    23. morrow, after the hour of evening prayer

    24. The next day, after evening prayer, the Caliph entered the hall, and was followed

    25. But in her excitement she had forgotten her evening prayer, so sitting up in bed, she prayed fervently to God

    26. Sitting up in bed, they then said their evening prayer

    27. His father was less inquisitive; but when the time came for the chapter from the Bible which was always read before evening prayers,the Vicar observed to Mrs Clare—

    28. ‘O God! What will become of us if she dies, as I always fear when her face is like that?’ thought he, and placing himself before the icon he began to say his evening prayers

    29. Jean went away, and that evening after the hour of evening prayer she saw a gathering of men squatting with the headman in front of his house; they were all old men, because there were very few young ones in Kuala Telang at that time, and young ones probably would not have been admitted to the conference in any case

    30. I said my evening prayers at its conclusion, and then chose my couch

    31. He then went about his evening prayers, took out his idol, and removed the paper fireboard

    32. In his fervent prayer he did not beseech God to lighten his darkness but only thirsted for the joyous emotion, which always visited his soul after the praise and adoration, of which his evening prayer usually consisted

    33. And what does it matter to you, little worm, if I implored the Divine mercy for her, great sinner as she was, as I said my evening prayer? I might have done it because I doubted if anyone had ever crossed himself for her sake before

    34. “O God! What will become of us if she dies, as I always fear when her face is like that?” thought he, and placing himself before the icon he began to say his evening prayers

    35. Often I would find a great and fearful pleasure in stealing over the grass, in the black shadow of the house, until I had reached the hall window, where I would stand listening with bated breath to the snoring of the boy, to Foka’s gruntings (in the belief that no one heard him), and to the sound of his senile voice as he drawled out the evening prayers

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