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    experience of life exemples de phrases

    experience of life

    1. My experience of life might seem deplorably meagre to many, but still had those moments to cherish, and I believed, sitting in the back of that van with Robbie, that I would have a life full of such joys

    2. shared experience of life, or a living, waking dream

    3. matter, to gain the experience of life in the existence’ strata presented by it, or simply: to try life

    4. His experience of life, whatever it was, apart from early childhood, was lived within the confines of that institution, oblivious to their lives and experiences and where they took them

    5. In truth, I possess an experience of life spread over 7,000 years

    6. Heracles got a bad feeling from all this but, at the age of eight, his limited experience of life had ill prepared him for such a situation and he basically did as he was indicated to do

    7. When we pass this test, we bear the fruit of love which is the rights knowledge in product form, we don’t need to go through the experience of life to come up with it

    8. Is it simply to make us feel that the experience of life was worth living even though afterwards nothing at all matters, not even love? Or is there a bigger picture? One that will only reveal itself in that other realm once we all eventually fade into it

    9. The first experience of Life and death … the experience of Infinite Life and Infinite death and Infinite birth, happened only once in the beginning when the two 3-dimensional Universes were first born out of the single 2-diemensional Universe of Everythingness

    10. the real experience of life

    11. � However, even in a dominator/conformist environment, we can encounter critical moments where our meaning perspectives come into conflict with our direct experience of life

    12. After Self’s ‘physical’ death previous selfish and inconsiderate behaviours may be now exponentially experienced by Self’s Self, because these past experiences will incongruently contrast strongly with the mystical relational love inherent in the experience of life on the “other side”

    13. Not so much for the moral influence they exert, of which we have heard so much, but that people may be led through the vision of the artist to enlarge their experience of life

    14. In short, your awareness level is your experience of life

    15. Dorothea was amazed at the ardent language of the girl, for it seemed to be far beyond such experience of life as her tender years gave any promise of, so she said to her:

    16. Like many another, he made a bad choice, because he had no experience of life; whereas those who came from earth and had seen trouble were not in such a hurry to choose

    17. If she could have been but just created, to discover herself as a spouseless mother, with no experience of life except as the parent of a nameless child, would the position have caused her to despair? No, she would have taken it calmly, and found pleasure therein

    18. It now seemed clear to him that all his experience of life must be senselessly wasted unless he applied it to some kind of work and again played an active part in life

    19. It was evident that Kutuzov despised cleverness and learning and even the patriotic feeling shown by Denisov, but despised them not because of his own intellect, feelings, or knowledge- he did not try to despised them because of his old age and experience of life

    20. Not merely in these cases but continually did that old man- who by experience of life had reached the conviction that thoughts and the words serving as their expression are not what move people-use quite meaningless words that happened to enter his head

    21. This other method of attaining a newly revealed truth and transition to a new structure of life consists in this, that men do not attain the truth simply because they perceive it with a prophetic feeling or experience of life, but also because at a certain stage of the dissemination of the truth all men who stand on a lower stage of development accept it all at once, out of confidence in those who have accepted it in an internal way, and apply it to life

    22. He despised them because of his old age and experience of life

    23. Not merely in these cases but continually did that old man—who by experience of life had reached the conviction that thoughts and the words serving as their expression are not what move people—use quite meaningless words that happened to enter his head

    24. Moreover, his experience of life must have been considerable, for already he had squandered much love, friendship, activity, and money

    25. The socialized man of the present day is brought by experience of life itself to the necessity of abandoning the pagan conception of life, which is inappropriate to the present stage of humanity, and of submitting to the obligation of the Christian doctrines, the truths of which, however corrupt and misinterpreted, are still known to him, and alone offer him a solution of the contradictions surrounding him

    26. Men do not only assimilate a truth through recognizing it by prophetic insight, or by experience of life

    27. All these men, in spite of their apparent youth, evidently possessed a large experience of life, an easy manner, a bold approach, and some hidden, suspicious cunning

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