He tried to remember some film or info-sense experiential that might have somehow subliminally insinuated itself into his head
This time he didn’t really get the experiential feeling of being in space; just a projected view into his retinas
In fact, there was nothing in his experiential lexicon to relate this sensation
So, admittedly, she was glad to only be connected through a proxy experiential control
He'd said he had an assistant and Gerrid, with other matters on his mind, didn't question this any further; but presently a mental image formed of how she would appear under a concealing white lab-coat – rather like an AR fantasy figure from one of his first adult experientials
This is how karma plays out in our lives in the present moment – how we live it experientially
Meditation can lead to an intuitive experiential under-standing, which facilitates a shift in perception
Experiential knowledge of what the Lord has done in, and through, and with
survey respondents had experienced an OBE, with experiential data highly dependent on the age
You are a real, unique, and experiential individual
experiential evaluation conflicts with the constraints of infant theory, the difference between
betrayal or surprise couples to the experiential content of the illusionary perception while the real
of old ways, for once a theory can no longer be maintained, once experiential forces stretch a
new experiential judgments fit into old theoretical spaces, then the theory is judged to be
experiential blocks together, we begin to acquire a picture of the unified volume as it is relative
photograph, we should believe in the existence of the experiential field more so than the patterns
experiential marker whose meaning purports to lead to a goal, but when followed does not, we
An experiential subject either lives up to one’s expectations or it does
and only after a denial of experiential expectation
about the world, and subjects the tentative statement to the experiential, logical, and consistency
gravitation we have, more humbly, theories concerned with particular collections of experiential
Joseph's simple experiential interpretation was the same as
in having an experiential knowledge of these ideas, as well as an intellectual one,
3:18-19 that God’s love fills ALL directions, meaning that for God His idea of infinity and eternity goes every direction and way possible!!! Wow!! He’s so AMAZING! There are infinite infinities, and infinite eternities worth of experiential knowledge in God, because the attributes of God’s love cause infinities to go in every single direction and way possible! Now this is incomprehensible to the natural mind, so don’t try to figure it all out at once
It creates an experiential source of knowledge of oneself that never runs
level, but on an experiential one (which means that one can truly touch each
Now we simply need to believe and receive the experiential manifestation of that victory into our lives! Hallelujah!
His experiential love is the answer!
Holiness means separating ourselves from everything that might try to prevent us from experientially knowing God’s love
By now I hope that every person has received a greater revelation, impartation, and experiential manifestation of the love of God! This has been quite a journey, and I’m so grateful to have shared it with you! Realistically though, this is just a small beginning
These two approaches — one theoretic and the other experiential has been used by scientists and mystics, respectively
The mystic’s knowledge is experiential; scientific knowledge is analytical
In trying to communicate with the 1d observer and trying to relate to the latter’s theories, the mystic often tries to interpret his 3d experiential knowledge in the context of 1d analytic knowledge, after getting acquainted with the latest 1d theories and then extending them to fit his observations
In doing so, he has to tether his higher dimensional consciousness now to a lower dimensional consciousness in order to relate his 3d (experiential) knowledge to the existing 1d (analytical) knowledge
Secondly, his 1d knowledge would be so extensive and intensive that the mystic would have a hard time trying to relate his 3d experiential knowledge to this vast 1d analytic knowledge of the scientist
They are experiential traditions
One limitation of experiential mystical knowledge is its increased subjectivity, since, most of this knowledge is axiomatic
Knowledge would become totally axiomatic and experiential
Furthermore, the difference between holistic experiential knowledge and ‘analytical knowledge by parts’ is the difference between knowing 12 edges or lines and their relationships and seeing a cube
There is also a movement towards experience (and experiential knowledge) and greater subjectivity (a movement from theorems to axioms)
The subjectivity of 3d experiential knowledge means that the mystic cannot share his experiences with linear analysts in a direct way
The only difference between an empirically-tested theory and an experientially-tested theory is that in the former the measuring instruments are non-human (or more generally, not self-conscious)
even if for only a short time, will sit higher on the scale of experiential mastership
Education in its highest form would be experiential
By accepting all of reality as experiential, one can learn from all things, without ever asking a controversial question: are they real or fake
When awareness knows itself as the miracle underneath all life, there is an experiential knowing of what unconditional love is
This must be done experientially
Without knowing this experientially, you will be in the illusion of separatness and unenlightened
What is the day of rest? It is an experiential day of Being, of hopefully residing in the true self
He addresses the issue of going beyond intellectual knowing into not-knowing which is an experiential knowing of infinite reality
One must experientially live a koan and be changed by it in order to benefit from it
Sensations - the sole source of experiential truth and reality
) This is definitely true when the whole of your experiential information consists of little more than 5 or 6 basic directions
Jesus exhorted his followers to exercise experiential faith
Relatedness that occurs not as a response to danger or humiliation, as a means to safety or esteem, but for the sake of affiliation itself is qualitatively and experientially
Living truth is dynamic and can enjoy only an experiential existence in the human mind
“The apparent question that arises next is - have we always existed in the same form as we exist today? Has humanity existed without any measurable change in its existence all along through the course of time? How can we know the answer to this? Is there any experiential evidence to support either conclusion? Again, our brief individual existence prevents us from seeing a bigger picture that is obscured by our need to believe, not based on knowing, but on the need to have something to hold on to; whether this manifests itself in believing in God, in whatever form we can imagine, or believing in the idea of Evolution as an ongoing continuum of change over the course of time
Hebrew thinking “doctrine” is about teaching that is lived out experientially (Act 1:1)
Hebrew thinking - Doctrine is teaching that is lived out experientially
· Confidence – Have her experientially know she can perform exercises she previously thought she could not do
Rich educational and experiential information has the signature of the conscious mind sharing inspiration
We are expanding experientially, aesthetically, into the global emergence that is catching us up into this Beautiful Unfolding of Love's dream
In this way we can see how ignorance and transcendence can be experientially confused when the sensorum is an inability to perceive
This is a literal and experiential description of truth
In this case the question itself points to a bigger truth than any answer, even an experiential one
When this is only grasped intellectually and not experientially, such a belief can lead to all kinds of distortions and justifications for terrible actions
It is much more than an exposition about our true nature as infinite consciousness, it offers an experiential exploration of who we really are, not only through the transmission in the words, but through the many thoughtful questions it raises
consciousness, that is the basis of the seven prior consciousnesses, contains all experiential
The experiential memory of the expansion and contraction of the two 2-dimensional Universes, the causal memory of this dualistic expanding and contracting process of in and out was already indelibly implanted inside the 2-dimensional Universe before it became 3-dimensional
Instead of raising the Experiential Dynamic Balance of other Energies by dissolving them slightly as parts-per-million in trillions of tons of water
Not by instinct or animal cunning: but through experiential learning
Needing to accumulate process and digest more experiential knowledge, needing more brain capacity to learn how to use tools: its brain grew in size and complexity
Experiential adaptation outstripped and replaced genetic adaptation as its basic survival technique
The dynamic of experiential feed-back enabled them to adapt to their environment so quickly and so well, that the laws of natural selection no longer applied to them
Their form of adaptation became experiential rather than genetic
In other words: the only way our ape ancestors could learn from experience… the only time we could learn experientially more than genetically… the only time our ancestors could learn anything self-reflectively: was by doing something with tools, with something dead between their hands and in their hands
But… the growth and maturation of human growth and awareness is away from all instinctual intelligence, towards experiential intelligence: until that experiential base becomes dominant
How much of an infant's responses are instinctual? How much are they experiential?
the more a human grows, the more its behavior is experientially determined by what it learns
Instinctual control diminishing: while experiential control increases
At what level-degree is each of these two survival adaptations functioning at each point in this process? How much are they connected, or related to each other? In what way? The human brain is a layered organism: a large experiential processing center wrapped around a small primitive instinctual core
But: with experiential life-energy, known as a human personality-self-awareness-psyche-soul… it could not dissolve-flow-change
Without the ability to learn experientially at a very high speed, humans could never have survived
Beginning as a half-developed fetus: half instinctual and half experiential
When does an infant-child stop exploring-stop asking questions? Why? When does it learn how to fear? When and how does it lose its sense of pure wonder? Why do all humans lose their sense of wonder? This infinitely subtle process is both genetic and experiential
about the genetic and experiential factors involved in human growth and learning is silly
and that experiential-genetic, (psychobiologic) development will imprint itself upon that fetus indelibly even before it leaves the womb
But how do parents know what a child needs? How can they discern if what a child wants is what they really need? Where do you get that instinctual-subconscious-conscious wisdom? Since there is no experiential or instinctual-genetic basis of comparison that is universal for child rearing, we ignore the question
As the half-formed fetus-baby develops into a child and then into an adolescent: experiential part gradually takes over more and more of their awareness
By not experiencing something that is too painful, this experience is then stored genetically and experientially in the body-brain-emotions-psyche
We evolve only experientially
human experiential life-energy does not flow genetically as a form of dynamically balanced Splitness: it only accumulates
What happens when you are faced with too much food… and all of your genetic and experiential knowledge and wisdom tells you that you better make the best use of any windfall: because in a few short months you may be faced with starvation? You start getting as much food as you can
Without the learned ability to change and adapt experientially to new environments, they would have remained nomads
Polarity is the primary reality here and duality is the experiential result
We live by accumulation, we survive by the experiential accumulation called: learning
The experiential memory tape of our ancestors was designed to replace our missing genetic memory code as a repository of experiential wisdom that should have been used by living humans to evolve further
They effectively split-off onto a different energy level-dynamic of experiential evolution which is non-genetic
The history of our ancestors is merely the necessary adaptive, integrative, accumulation of experiential wisdom, which would have enabled our species to continue to evolve genetically in a condition of dynamically balanced Splitness
As long as our experiential DNA is missing, we cannot evolve any further