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    Utiliser "faceless" dans une phrase

    faceless exemples de phrases


    1. lunatic grins, where you become faceless among the beloved,

    2. The faceless systems that underpin the digital communications revolution aren’t playing a straight bat

    3. “You should not have brought me here, Caretaker Rapheal XM591,” the faceless being said in a thunderous electronic voice

    4. Phlegm shot from his lips as he shouted at the faceless man

    5. Anon became a pillar of flames, a faceless giant of white fire

    6. Anon no longer had need of it; the faceless one was his true form now

    7. And his happy-go-lucky partner in crime for all of his life was also to receive special protection as a result of this very real, albeit faceless menace

    8. What was she hiding, what was happening, and who was endangering her? Who were these nameless, faceless monsters in the dark?

    9. Appearing faceless and dark as night, waving an elongated finger and shaking their heads in admonishment, as if to a small child

    10. Inhuman doctrine that would turn human beings into a faceless herd of cattle

    11. They were faceless

    12. I feel that the reason for her unqualified support is that this attractive figure‘s rags to riches story has keenly affected the (starved) imaginations of individuals who have come to know her ―intimately‖; unlike the nameless, faceless individuals routinely hatching plots inside corporate board rooms

    13. Bathing by the seaside would take moral courage, but no more than the courage of, ‘the faceless ones,’ the thousands of nameless, wounded infantrymen who haunted the street corners in every part of France

    14. God faceless, with a trinity of faces!

    15. She felt herself spinning around and around the smile on the faceless person growing and growing till it was laughing at her, then the wheelchair going around and around the man in it reaching for her but never quite able to touch her, the faceless smile stopped laughing and started screaming building up into such a high pitch she thought her head would burst open

    16. At one end is the individual, endowed with inalienable rights, at the other end are clods of faceless putty in a uniform mass

    17. sounds of camera shutters clicking, and of the faceless men’s voices

    18. The memories of the faceless killer holding a bloody knife and my aunt’s shouts haunted me again

    19. The image of the faceless pilot whose bunk he had taken began super-imposing over the picture of Pintail Four exploding

    20. Nucleus became a real, separate being, not just another faceless member of society

    21. And so it had continued—a series of encounters with faceless men Simon hardly knew

    22. He remembered the teachers had always treated the units as faceless regiments, but Barrad now knew otherwise, with the faces of the men looking up to him for hope and their desperate eyes burning into his soul

    23. The faceless ones had wives and children, parents and loved ones that now depended on his untested ability as a leader

    24. I have not even mentioned the positive army of faceless bureaucrats with a strong anti-business agenda

    25. Why am I telling you this depressing story? Because I don't want you to become one of these faceless billions

    26. Televised revolutions are never faceless

    27. and elsewhere to stay in hundreds of faceless high-rise holiday apartments so they can destroy their ears, lungs and livers in noisy night-clubs; take drugs and fuck and gorge themselves and shout and vomit

    28. The strange figure looked back and glanced at Peter with his faceless head

    29. On the floor lay the prisoner, still alive but faceless, searching and scouring the floor for his missing face

    30. The way of The Faceless Man

    31. “My great, great grandfather was one of the few who met the Faceless man and survived

    32. First of all what with all this names - The Faceless Man, Man with the face of the shadow,

    33. Faceless Man represents is much bigger than our universe

    34. face, that is why The Faceless Man has no face, ergo the names

    35. I believe that The Faceless Man’s victims dive into to such moment and he makes them realize that it’s

    36. you’re a part of natural order and The Faceless Man bears a part in it too

    37. You see Michael, there is nothing mystical about The Faceless Man

    38. unreasonable deed and he created The Faceless Man as well

    39. truly lost get attention of The Faceless Man, why in all stories I’ve heard, men who’d been through

    40. something terrible become The Faceless Man

    41. and so will The Faceless Man

    42. who had to take his turn in entering the circle, to continue the legacy of The Faceless Man

    43. others? If any should be chosen by The Faceless Man, it’s them

    44. Because that meant The Faceless Man wouldn’t be coming for him

    45. He could not see the faceless rider anymore

    46. And by cutting corners what do they get but bits and pieces of accretion? Oh, how they have to take care to remain faceless while still active in their occupation! And in time, they insensibly melt into the multitude of the retired to continue their humdrum existence but not before contributing their mite to corrupt the system

    47. I read the iron-bound books of Skelos, and talked with unseen creatures in deep wells, and faceless shapes in black reeking jungles

    48. faceless terrors which wanted to "gobble you up"

    49. In a brief moment, the angry commotion of one faceless individual renders him dead, with a lot of unanswered questions

    50. The faceless individual was later identified as 47-year-old Terry Sanders

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