Utiliser "factory farm" dans une phrase
factory farm exemples de phrases
factory farm
1. Although factory farming of chickens began in the 1930s the
2. glamorize the factory farming of chickens
3. Like other factory farmed animals,
4. compared to what is emanated from factory farms
5. A large factory farm can accumulate more waste matter than
6. In addition, these same factory farms were forgiven of past
7. Factory farms were requested to monitor
8. many factory farm owners would be paying heavy fines and seeing
9. Homes that are located near a factory farm are usually
10. factory farms, animal laboratories, the clothing industry, and
11. air like a factory farmed animal on a conveyer belt and then
12. The dependence upon chemically triggered eroticism and the escalation of aggressive sex are aspects of a love carelessly stripped of the rich top soil of sensuality – the wham, bam, thank you mam, ubiquitous to both factory farming and techno-fucking
13. Now the pictures were of slash-and-burn farming, oil slicks, factories belching smoke, cities congested with traffic, nuclear power plants, thousands of chickens pressed together in crowded factory farms