Utiliser "fascist" dans une phrase
fascist exemples de phrases
1. and she asked me to prove it! I begged – but the fascist
2. ) The big exception to that is Panama in 1941, when he recognized the overthrow of a fascist dictator
3. ” Later Butler got his chance to stop bankers and protect the Bill of Rights, when some of Wall Street's elites tried to overthrow Roosevelt with a private army and set up a fascist state
4. “Them and them fucking fascist cocksuckers at the paper
5. Coughlin is often falsely portrayed as a fascist because of his later anti Antisemitism, but had not made his hatred of Jews public at the time the Union Party was formed
6. Some wealthy elites hated Roosevelt so much they plotted to overthrow him and put in a fascist dictatorship
7. Some were pro fascist, even working with Hitler and taking part in the Holocaust or plotting to overthrow FDR and install fascism in the US
8. If that does not happen, the Confederacy could develop its own fascist movement in the 1920s and 30s
9. It may become fascist itself and ally with the Axis
10. Moorish troops took the fascist side
11. But fascist Spain did draw up lists of Jews and watch them closely
12. After the war he presided over an enormously benevolent occupation of Japan, transforming a fascist state into an officially pacifist liberal democracy, one with an enviable progressive record of environmentalism, feminism, labor rights, and economic prosperity and technological development
13. He’d actually believed, fervently believed, that the world, by its own nature, would be a garden of Eden, if just a few fascist capitalists were removed
14. For these thoughts, Jeremy knew he’d be called callous, insensitive, maybe even a bigot or fascist
15. Bush a fascist, for instance, is absurd
16. (Italy’s stab at empire, under the fascist Mussolini ended early and had to be propped up by Germany
17. Thanks to fascist Hitler
18. One of the most reliable indicators of all foretelling a fascist order is a deep layer of fanaticism, intolerance, and hatred within the forces of ascending tyranny
19. An essential goal of fascist revolutions is to destroy the integrity of the mind
20. Hatred, the core element of the fascist mindset as the German Nazis so baldly demonstrated, may speak at first in muted tones
21. There may be no intent at the beginning to create a fascist system
22. A nation losing its social cohesion does not necessarily hurtle through the gates of a fascist “paradise” all at once
23. But societies such as the fascist horrors of the last century, and the fascist replicas of radical Islam and elsewhere today, demonstrate that an innate and natural moral structure can be overwhelmed
24. ” In a fascist society where evil is institutionalized in the state the scope of available evil is enormously enlarged
25. And all this they did in the name of their greedy white-male God! In the name of Christianity, in the name of their white-male religion, and in the name of white-male capitalism, these rich Christian pigs tried to obliterate every other race, every other culture, every other religion, every other living creature! These rich greedy Christian fascist Nazi-scum pigs tried to exploit and subjugate everyone and everything! Death to all Christian rapists! Death to all Christian fascists! Death to all Christian mass murderers! Death to all Christian Nazi scum! Death to all rich greedy Christian capitalist exploiters!"
26. (in Fascist Italy they were called corporatives) which made rules and regulations for the governing of each phase of each and every industry
27. “A Road to Gāndhi” by Director Christian Troberg is a short film about Herbert Fischer, a 22 year old German who fled fascist Germany in 1936 to be with Gāndhi
28. “No, let the fascist prick die
29. It had been a similar case in England when the two men tried to convince several fascist organizations to affiliate but with little success
30. The meetings reinforced beliefs in apartheid; they inflated egos and encouraged bullying with their strong fascist content and their white supremacy messages
31. "Joking! Joking! The bloody fascist police
32. After all, they were dealing an active member of a right wing fascist group, possibly a terrorist, and people had been killed
33. While JFK was trying to work for peaceful coexistence, the CIA was acting like the dirty tricks faction of fascist thinkers and counteracting presidential control of foreign policy
34. I’d say why not stop even the possibility of a far right, fascist, assault on innocent people and seek a more humane system preemptively
35. An investigation underway when I spoke to my friends last month indicates that Cecil Banks may be a spy for the Germans, though the motives for his treason are unclear as they can uncover no fascist sympathies or other connections to Hitler’s regime
36. inquisition fits the bill for a corrupting Fascist entity historically,
37. He was resentful that far from countering the 'infamous fascist slander against the USSR', the Sikorski government had not found it necessary 'even to address questions to the Soviet Government or to request information on the matter'
38. The obvious collective Fascist conquest of America in the very
39. lies that we are all being fed by the corrupted fascist, indirectly
40. the barnyard beasts of the stables and fields that the Fascist elite
41. reigning order upon the population and a collective Fascist
42. ruling Fascist elite was making use of to steal the prosperity of the
43. fact that the ruling Fascist elite is attempting to reduce the
44. “This collective Fascist system is in support of the Bollobane
45. any way, then the Fascist legal system always takes sides with the
46. smearing the glory from the past onto the Fascist dung that this
47. Sir Winston Churchill for example once stated that if he were an Italian he would readily have donned the black shirt of Il Duce’s fascist party
48. Mussolini, with Hitler’s backing decided to establish a new fascist republic in German occupied northern Italy
49. At this stage of the war the tiny island still had a tremendous reputation, according to Fascist propaganda; it was a second Gibraltar or Malta
50. A deranged Hitler, dejected by the betrayal of Göring and Himmler, and learning of the manner of death of his fascist partner Mussolini, decided on his fate