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    Utiliser "festivities" dans une phrase

    festivities exemples de phrases


    1. As it happens, it is a Granny & Grandpa afternoon and, as Fred is a keen G&G attendee and frequently spends the afternoon crawling round the floor with the children, it makes sense to include the kids in the festivities

    2. It’s kind of all the organisations who use the hall regularly to invite me to participate in their festivities, but it is starting to wear me down

    3. It is full to overflowing and looks rather debauched now, spilling over with empty wine and beer bottles, the detritus of our festivities over Christmas and New Year

    4. She had also arranged an invitation to join Lord Tarak’s party to the festivities at Sea Hold that evening

    5. During the festivities, Tom noticed that Bram

    6. Even the remembrances of coronations and grand festivities in the Imperial Palace remained vivid, her father’s dashing smile and her mother lovingly admiring him in all his Legionnaire regalia

    7. ‘Watch! The festivities are about to begin,’ Torreano exclaimed

    8. After the festivities that day, Joseph and I attempted to talk with our son, but he refused to discuss it

    9. The festivities lasted another four days

    10. “And that will be when the parties in London will be at their fullest, during the festivities of the Christmas season,” he groaned, his shoulders slumping

    11. festivities, cranky, crabbed, and crusty though he was

    12. By noon the festivities were over

    13. The festivities had already started, but Jesús Paradela Fernández, Lucille’s first cousin and mayor of Pilar, was waiting for us at the pier with transportation to take us to the reunion venue

    14. There can be no doubt that the Easter festivities turned out to be spiritually enriching to me, but at the same time sociable and peregrine, not only in the religious sense, but also in the notion of wandering into a emotional past, for after that week of worship and celebrations, Ponferrada inaugurated the week of “book exaltation”

    15. For that reason, we resumed our travel towards Ponferrada to attend the very deeply rooted festivities of the Assumption and of San Roque in Fuentesnuevas

    16. A monotone voice instructed the staff and guest that there was no need for panic and that this was just a precaution to deal with the excessive protests that were being encountered at the bottom of Holyrood Road and festivities would re-commence shortly once the situation outside was stabilised

    17. A period of peace continued as the lunch and festivities continued

    18. He didn’t in the least regret the three Red Ales consumed prior to the evening’s festivities

    19. His embarrassing near-blunder at last night’s festivities at the announcement of the Last Holy Campaign as it was officially now named, had not gone unnoticed: it had become the subject of sarcastic comments and irony even at the lower echelons of the Ministry and the Army, but had only naturally been ignored by the Procrastinators in whole

    20. He had been studying hard for the end of semester exam and the Christmas festivities had taken their toll

    21. For an instant Molo was reminded of an usher of festivities or a lordly servant, but such an image did not do the Pilgrim any justice

    22. Then the festivities stopped suddenly and an old woman was speaking

    23. I hope we’re not late for the festivities

    24. The thought of eating hadn’t even crossed my mind as I was getting mentally prepped for the day’s festivities

    25. Now I understand why the Jews did not want to mix; the reason that the Catholic Church has replaced the pagan celebrations by their own festivities; or why they have replaced the pagan gods for the God of the Hebrews, the God of Catholics, the God of the Hindus, the god of the Buddhists, ultimately, by the one God

    26. legible scrawl that his “partner” was in the hotel at the time of his excursion into the market square during pre-Carnival festivities

    27. The theory is that the departed also partakes in the festivities and at the same time witnesses how the living still “loves” the departed by having a birthday party, at the grave

    28. The next day we again participated in the morning festivities; then, while the others went to the market, I claimed the need to run an errand for a while but promised to join them in the market as soon as possible

    29. The next day, the last day of the festival, most of the planned festivities were in the evening, so the whole day was unstructured

    30. The New Year festivities were instantly replaced by an

    31. Before I could throw a wet blanket on the festivities the doorbell rang

    32. Elena did not answer this question and they all headed back to the place where the festivities were still alive

    33. I was invited to the festivities, but preferred to stay with Gonzalo who took his army to wipe out the remaining pockets of Frances

    34. The music blared from every room and I remember the countless compliments on my unsurpassed beauty coupled with the usual laughter and rejoicing that comes along with festivities

    35. They gathered in groups away from the festivities

    36. We went back to the festivities and I never saw Andrew for the rest of the night

    37. But he had such pleasant memory of the Festival that, when the opportunity presented itself eleven years later, he joined the festivities once more, as some readers may remember from Odyssey Resumed

    38. In the last few years, he had composed some verses on Fuentesnuevas for the mid August festivities

    39. And then comes the festivities

    40. He was to arrive there on September 5th for the festivities of La Encina in which Julio Iglesias was to be the most prominent star

    41. He told Marcelino in, more or less, the following words: “whenever you can, ask Roger to write an allegory or something along that line to print in the magazine for the festivities of the Assumption and San Roque, and the festival of the sardine in August”

    42. To your lauded festivities of Corpus, San Roque and the Assumption,

    43. “I could have them flown in for the festivities

    44. On the other hand, Roque Escudero wanted still more from Roger and was looking to obtain from him another composition for the August 1998 festivities in Fuentesnuevas

    45. Fuentesnuevas for the festivities of San Roque and the Assumption of 1999, and the last Sardine Festival of the twentieth century in that locality

    46. When he arrived at the big downstairs room, the festivities had just begun but, as he scanned the gathering, he did not see Joyce

    47. (Sarah saw Ishmael watching the festivities concerning Isaac and that he was

    48. ” He teases as she hugs him and they return to the festivities

    49. While Janay enjoys the festivities, Torin is downstairs waiting for Janay with one single white rose

    50. We’re ready to continue with the festivities now, if you would?”

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