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    Utiliser "filibuster" dans une phrase

    filibuster exemples de phrases




    1. The President and Congress looked forward to a Happy New Year finishing off their work of dismantling the American Republic behind the barricade of their 60 Senator filibuster proof majority

    2. That includes the Senate rule requiring the magic 60 votes to stop a filibuster that the Democrats lost when Brown’s election reduced their majority to 59

    3. The Democrats are in a state of panic because the loss of their filibuster proof Senate majority means they may no longer be allowed by a Tea Party aroused public to pay off the public employee unions as their part of JFK’s Faustian bargain

    4. law can be filibuster and it takes a majority of 60 Senators to stop the filibuster

    5. They had expected him to look concerned, filibuster, but eventually start to be more pliable

    6. Filibuster should be made illegal

    7. It is more of a filibuster of an investigation than an investigation, controlled entirely by J

    8. A senior Congress leader admitted to me, ‘You know, every time Renuka Chaudhary tries to shout and filibuster her way through a debate, we lose another 100 votes!’

    9. He suffered stoically, accepting the pain as a solitary struggle, until a dizzy spell after a contentious filibuster in 2176 forced Henry Marek to haul him into the office of the distinguished neurologist Doctor Phillip deGuire

    10. He would filibuster for hours, opposing any bill not compatible with his vision, and singling out other Senators for ridicule

    11. and wait for the one member of the other party to filibuster the bill, forcing

    12. MY FATHER CAME BACK to Washington for the first time in July, to be there to cast the deciding vote to stop the Republican filibuster of a Medicare bill to reverse cuts in payments to doctors that the Republicans had made

    1. I mentioned sequestration and filibustering earlier and both hinder progress in the system since passing laws becomes passé

    2. "I won't allow young men! It's all these manifestoes? It's an assault on society, sir, a piratical attack, filibustering

    1. An American private army, or filibusters, invaded Canada

    2. His opponents set new records, the most filibusters in US history, government shutdowns, and refusals to allow officials to be appointed

    3. "Filibusters?" Andrey Antonovitch said thoughtfully

    4. "Filibusters!" he yelled still more shrilly and absurdly, and his voice broke

    5. "Enough! The filibusters of our day are unmasked

    6. "Filibusters!" shouted someone from the other end of the room

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    Synonymes pour "filibuster"

    filibuster filibusterer procrastination interference