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    final blow exemples de phrases

    final blow

    1. “I found his ring on his middle finger,” he said, knowing it was the final blow that would dash any hopes she may have had that he might still be alive

    2. with the final blow after the chase was completed

    3. But as the triumphant victors were about to land their final blows, Grindel's voice cut across the melee

    4. Ch’o’s visions and explanations proved to be crucial in delivering the final blow which won them the war

    5. However, when Zeus sent a messenger to them to ask them to join the Three in a discussion about the present events, they decided that would be a good opportunity to give them the final blow and win the war

    6. She paused for a while and then delivered the final blow

    7. But as the calls began coming in about my father’s statement to the world, from my friends, colleagues and many of the people I had met and worked with in my life, it was the final blow

    8. It is now that the final blow falls

    9. The Asian raised his arm for the final blow to Penn’s

    10. It was her father's final blow

    11. “I think the final blow to this nation should be done by Babylon

    12. The clang of the hatch door’s impact on its frame was the final blow for Wendy and Rachel who burst into tears

    13. He wanted to keep it, and of course it was never a bad idea to strike a final blow, just to ensure that one’s prey was dead and not merely stunned

    14. above his head to bring it down at full speed, Sam quickly rolled low and cut his stony thigh and then went behind him to deliver the final blow

    15. He waited for the final blow, hoping it won’t hurt too much

    16. Juko stared ahead, his stomach beginning to turn, "What was the final blow?"

    17. I waited for him to deliver one final blow and wipe me from existence

    18. It’s true I struck the final blow that killed McAdams, but only because I owed it to my souls, her parents, who deserved to be avenged

    19. He would deliver a final blow, reviving his dignity and position of power

    20. Chaos settled in for a final blow when a strong breeze whipped by him

    21. Priscilla hung back, reluctant to deal this final blow to the heart that had endured so many

    22. What would be the effect on her of this final blow? The thought of it haunted Lucy and spoilt all the last days before her marriage, days which she otherwise would have loved, because she very quickly became infected by the boyish delight and excitement over their secret that made Wemyss hardly able to keep still in his chair

    23. With a final blow, Gruesome ended its miserable existence

    24. prey for the final blow, bellowing it into submission

    25. It annoyed Duval, somewhat, that it would not be he who would give Ravan the final blow, but he would suffer, and it would be a grave lesson for his men

    26. But before the final blow could land Felix reacted

    27. 1945, the final blow came

    28. But the final blow came at the end of 1956: in December of that year Mandela

    29. In February 1974 came the final blow: the Conservatives called an election,

    30. The final blow came in November 1979, when the U

    31. Now as I passed 50, the final blow was that I have diabetes

    32. I felt I should act but before I could move he took the guitar and smashed it several times on the hard dirt floor, the boy having what looked like a fit, the final blows leaving nothing of the instrument but the neck with a vicious looking shard of wood attached

    33. seeing the final blow as it came down on her and severed her head

    34. Besides, had he not begged of Morcerf not to mention his father's name before Haidee? Lastly, he had taken Albert to Normandy when he knew the final blow was near

    35. of Rohan, but Saruman seems to have meant to finish off the king and all his men with one final blow

    36. ‘People are surprised, I dare say,’ he said, ‘that I did not let my reserves be used in order to secure a more decisive result; but you see I was obliged to save them for the final blow which we must deal before we can enter Moscow

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