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    Utiliser "final stroke" dans une phrase

    final stroke exemples de phrases

    final stroke

    1. The final stroke of success may occur suddenly and even unexpectedly, but the preparation and toil take years and years

    2. When the three great final strokes were succeeded by silence, she got up from her chair

    3. A doom more credible, indeed, than that of endless existence in misery, but in another aspect not less awful,—for what can be imagined more tremendous, as the issue of an evil life, than to have incurred a death which shuts the sinner out of the universe forever, by driving him into the abyss of destruction? The horror of capital punishment on earth is the best representation of such a doom, though offering indeed but a feeble image of the catastrophe when a soul shall 'die in its sins’ by undergoing the final stroke of extermination as an enemy of God

    4. When she had left the room the prince again began speaking about his son, about the war, and about the Emperor, angrily twitching his brows and raising his hoarse voice, and then he had a second and final stroke

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