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    Utiliser "fireball" dans une phrase

    fireball exemples de phrases


    1. "100 meters," Tig shouted out the fireball diameter as it read on the console

    2. " He stopped shouting out the size of the growing fireball when he could suddenly see it in flashes coming through the belt-iron steel radiation shield above

    3. “If it annihilated them the fireball would outshine Sol

    4. When she was finally able to lift the lid, the light blasted her like a nuclear fireball, its shafts stabbed within the chamber, searing her eyeballs

    5. Before the Commandant in charge of the cadets, or the First Mate of the ship could even voice the order to reverse course, the nearest facility erupted in a fireball that looked more like a nova than a mining disaster

    6. Then a dusty orange fireball forming tree-like, and finally the mushroom cloud so typical of these types of explosive devices

    7. Each time a ball of light struck the shield, it flared incandescent in the colour of the fireball

    8. Her car hit the thick reinforced concrete bridge buttress at seventy kilometres an hour, exploding into a fireball that left little but twisted metal and scorched bones

    9. To him, it was inconceivable that Brockenhurst Sett could erupt into an expanding fireball, devouring all before it– that badgers would die horrible deaths, beating at flames as they sprang into life on their fur

    10. Slikit squinted his eyes from habit, but he needn't have bothered this time because he had no trouble making out the great fireball that had suddenly erupted into the sky, blotting out everything before it

    11. “I meant things over here,” I said and saw a fireball explode a few dozen yards away, a gunner team narrowly avoiding it

    12. They watched the little bobbling fireball, all that could be seen of the projectile, as it sped towards the enemy ship

    13. As he did so, his gaze was fixed towards the direction of the fireball that had nearly killed them

    14. She commanded a fireball to race into the trunk's core, but again she had the same result

    15. Everyone was thankful that the Kombi hadn’t exploded while they were driving; otherwise, they could all have been incinerated in a fireball

    16. As the guys looked back, the Golden Fleece, full of petrol, landed on the road in a huge fireball

    17. As they ran from the Kombi, it erupted in a huge fireball, with an explosion that lifted it ten feet into the air

    18. What is there to lose if you try? Your vaunted pride? If you don’t do it now, there’s every chance we are going to miss the next fireball and that might be our last! Do you want to die here? Use the keystone! Find a way in!”

    19. Then the most amazing thing he had seen, only comparable with the fireball from before, unraveled before his eyes with astonishing speed and breathtaking complexity

    20. The sand turned to glass in a wide area around where the devise was ignited, a small “Sea of Glass” as it were, but only after the fireball of the explosion

    21. I placed it between my fingers and poured every ounce of concentration I possessed into creating a giant fireball which would save the day

    22. For miles around, the giant fireball could be seen from every

    23. Then Yania threw it with great force, desiring that it would become a huge fireball

    24. The sorcerer stared for a moment in shock as he saw the huge fireball coming toward him

    25. Most of the inside of the room caught fire as the fireball filled the entire room, and then dissipated

    26. ” Yazadril said as he emerged from his bedroom, looking much the same as he had before the fireball, but with a much shorter hairstyle

    27. And that fireball was thousands of times more powerful than the Flame spell should have been

    28. “A teacher must have the raw power to shield and contain his student’s power! Though such shielding is usually unnecessary until the student is attempting things more dangerous than lighting a candle! I could only train you and Dalia during your more dangerous stages because your mother or Alilia were there to shield you! When Alilia was trained, it was with the entire circle of senior wizards of The People of Life shielding her! And before you ask if Alilia could shield Mark, know that she could not! Mark is as much above Alilia in power as she is above me! If Mark slipped a bit while attempting to boil a pot of tea, he could… Great missing gods, there are no words for the possible destruction! Imagine if he actually attempted to cast a fireball! Furthermore, his power may have only begun to reach it’s potential!”

    29. ” Povon said as she blew a small fireball into her hand and snuffed it by closing her fist

    30. “The Eldest said we aren’t immortal, me and Talia, though you know what happened when we killed ourselves with the fireball

    31. Likely the blast would not be contained by a small room, as your fireball was, so the dust and mist that makes up your bodies would be much more widely scattered

    32. Rather than the few minutes your recovery required after your death by fireball, it could take hours, and drain hundreds of times as much of the curse’s resources

    33. I knew that Talia had been scattered a lot more energetically by the bolt than by the fireball, and so I was worried that the curse’s Restoration could fail

    34. Then Ria casts a huge inverted Battle Shield around this entire flight of twelve human Venaks, while Mark casts a Fireball of incredible power within it, and it’s heat is all the more devastating for being contained within her Battle Shield

    35. Then the tropical female opened her eyes and cast a Fireball directly across the clearing

    36. Thus she cast Fireball, which is slow for an attack spell but affects a large area

    37. His fireball flared and played just behind Bannister's eyes

    38. Before he was finished with his cigarette, he saw again Paul Austin's F-100 shatter and roll into a fireball

    39. ” she stated, then turned her head away and spewed a twenty-foot fireball that dissipated as it rose

    40. The final cart struck a rock and tumbled over the side of the ridge in a tumbling fireball missing its intended target

    41. Thinking about his okht, he manifested a fireball in the shape of her face above his stomach

    42. Many of them probably had their view blocked just as we did with the television cameras with just a huge fireball and a huge ball of smoke, they may not realize just yet what has happened

    43. "He said pertaining to the fireball that took place in Brooklyn," the desk officer responded

    44. After the blast and the disintegration of their windscreen, Emily and Jane saw the huge fireball rise noiselessly into the air, then followed a split second later by the deafening roar

    45. One of the bullets hit the tank and an explosion turned the boat into a fireball

    46. The vehicle flips over and is gutted with a fireball

    47. fearful fireball pitcher with the Cleveland

    48. She pointed the bulb-end of her Sugarstick at the soldier and fired a fireball into his back

    49. Another fireball passed his head and he turned again to Heliri

    50. A trembling Heliri released a fireball at Onn

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