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    Utiliser "flagging" dans une phrase

    flagging exemples de phrases


    1. It was a large room with stone flagging on the floor

    2. Whenever social costs begin to (marginally) exceed their intended benefits because (limited) resources are either inefficiently allocated or mismanaged or depleting revenue is (simply) unable to keep pace with spending requirements or whenever non-recoverable anti-social attitudes begin to compromise that society‘s quality of life or whenever that society‘s efforts to rehabilitate its economic, intellectual or moral infrastructures or restore flagging morale are no longer effective or have lost their (spirited) momentum or whenever (public) proposals fall short of (private) expectations is that society said to be in a state of decline

    3. Evil has acquired a quasi-mythical character whose ―primitive‖ notions are considered unworthy of any ―right thinking,‖ ―enlightened‖ individual whose flagging (moral) perceptions no longer seem to bewilder the imagination

    4. wagging her tail, a practice which goat raisers call flagging

    5. He had become adept at scanning a balance sheet and immediately flagging any incorrect or weak entries,” Babcock remembers

    6. One of the worst problems was flagging paper on neglected boards that hadn’t been sold and couldn’t be sold in the condition they were in

    7. flagging them down because I could not see the numbers properly

    8. She had no trouble flagging a cab, and she was at her

    9. The sight of a dark-suited, dog-collared fellow of about forty, seemed like a beacon of kindness in a world suddenly turned hostile, so I approached in the hope that, like Jesus, he would gather up this lost sheep and offer shelter – or at least wise words that would assuage the hurt, bolster my flagging self esteem, and set me on the path to redemption

    10. ’ She nodded coolly, led her flagging entourage to a negrav chute and disappeared heavenward

    11. ‘If those criminals are playing tricks, I’ll get them,’ she said loudly in an increasingly vain attempt to bolster flagging courage

    12. Almost tempting his flagging appetite

    13. Conjuring, she wove the spell to fix the broken bones and torn flesh but could do nothing yet to fix the flagging core of his strength

    14. Did he know I was here? Could he have known about that rotten flagging? Where is he now, girl?"

    15. He also knew that Todd would be the best man to accelerate the flagging numbers in Europe with his brash, bigoted opinions

    16. Conan turned in his horse at a certain gold-worked gate, and rode into a court where a fountain tinkled and pigeons fluttered from marble coping to marble flagging

    17. She finally spoke in a near whisper, her voice still trembling with fear and pain, as Ingrid was flagging down a taxi

    18. " He launched into an obscene but hilarious and probably effective method of recapturing a man's flagging interest

    19. It was becoming clear that the flagging job could not provide

    20. Perhaps He brought me here for a reason, perhaps to restore my flagging faith even as the shadows of the Inquisition behind me grow longer

    21. Imagine the fucking chaos at the airport with every damn bomb sniffer flagging red at the same time

    22. She had read carefully through most of it, flagging a few pages of particular interest to her, when a loudspeaker announced the arrival of the plane carrying Sarah and Hien

    23. Michael tried to cheer them up and rally their flagging spirits but was

    24. “Perhaps most important, they’re going to tell you that GrandGoods and other big box stores like it are the only option for saving your flagging economy

    25. There was quite a bounty to be had from a union with House Galador, though, and the Kessant fortunes---his fortunes, now---were flagging

    26. "Purdy performs the best tipping & flagging in the world

    27. She glanced over to the stage and saw a worker flagging her over

    28. When she pulled up to the white mansion, she could see the blonde flagging her down

    29. Flagging, his blows lessening, they

    30. The rest of his followers endured, impeding the flurry of trepidation flagging them

    31. By the curb toward the edge of the flagging,

    32. Sancho had recourse to the larder of his alforjas and took out of them what he called the prog; Don Quixote rinsed his mouth and bathed his face, by which cooling process his flagging energies were revived

    33. But, what yet increased the oddity of this strange fancy was the gentleman being young; whereas it generally attacks, it seems, such as are, through age, obliged to have recourse to this experiment, for quickening the circulation of their sluggish juices, and determining a conflux of the spirits of pleasure towards those flagging shrivelly parts, that rise to life only by virtue of those titillating ardours created by the

    34. He was reading a book, and thinking of what he was reading, and stopping to listen to Agafea Mihalovna, who gossiped away without flagging, and yet with all that, all sorts of pictures of family life and work in the future rose disconnectedly before his imagination

    35. Mammy though she intended to force the food down Ellen’s throat should she see signs of stood beside the table, watching every forkful that traveled from plate to mouth, as flagging

    36. They were flagging in the rays of the bright sun, winter sun shining in a pale cool sky though it was; their heads were down and their tongues lolling out

    37. As a huge aid in flagging contingencies, risks, and uncertainties of all sorts

    38. A key aspect to technical analysis is the development of specific signals flagging likely reversal

    39. But Stochastics moved upward strongly, flagging the likely uptrend that began in response

    40. Through the sound of the shivering glass I could hear the "ting" of the gold, as some of the sovereigns fell on the flagging

    41. Mrs Horsefall summoned up her flagging energy again

    42. It was generally remarked that his dinners and suppers, usually simple and short, were now prolonged, and that he began to sustain his flagging energies with spirits

    43. Napoleon at once availed himself of this hesitation to support Berthier’s flagging hopes, and assure him that they were still in a position to wait, and finally sent the officer back to Murat with the full conviction that he would spread the notion in the advance-guard that the Emperor had his plans fully thought out and decided upon

    44. I certainly must go to Razumihin even if it were not close by … let him win his bet! Let us give him some satisfaction, too—no matter! Strength, strength is what one wants, you can get nothing without it, and strength must be won by strength—that’s what they don’t know,’ he added proudly and self-confidently and he walked with flagging footsteps from the bridge

    45. It was said that Ippolit Kirillovitch was in a tremor at meeting Fetyukovitch, and that they had been enemies from the beginning of their careers in Petersburg, that though our sensitive prosecutor, who always considered that he had been aggrieved by some one in Petersburg because his talents had not been properly appreciated, was keenly excited over the Karamazov case, and was even dreaming of rebuilding his flagging fortunes by means of it, Fetyukovitch, they said, was his one anxiety

    46. All the generals, officers, and soldiers of the French army knew it could not be done, because the flagging spirit of the troops would not permit it

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    Synonymes pour "flagging"

    flagging drooping