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    Utiliser "fleecing" dans une phrase

    fleecing exemples de phrases


    1. He was locked in a duel with a very experienced (at fleecing customers that is) young lady in a strange game based on knocking nails into a block of wood

    2. And Li can’t even pretend that we are fleecing Earth: we are shipping things at a low profit margin and have been for years

    3. This popular notion that the Spacers are fleecing Earth is false

    4. Joseph had to repress a content smile then: while the sum quoted by the woman was higher than even his best hopes, he didn’t want to give her the impression that he was fleecing her, so that he could come back on another trip and profit again from such good prices

    5. “Maybe the corporate health sector symbolizes the Goring Syndrome like nothing else; the assorted diagnostic reports sought by the self-serving doctors that rob their patients’ savings would only serve the auxiliary health services; even conceding that the capital involved in setting up a corporate hospital is mind-boggling, begging for returns on investment, that the doctors there allow themselves to turn into con men to trick the sick is in deed sickening; I wonder how these are better than the pimps fleecing the whores; in spite of their daytime black deeds, the fact that they are able to sleep at nights shows that they have self-anesthetized their collective consciences; even as Hippocrates could be turning in his grave, wonder how these fare in hell as and when they reach there

    6. How obvious a fact do you need to prove that the old-boy network of mutual corruption in all of business and government is still alive and well…? Martha Stewart, a wealthy, billionairess woman? Being jailed for a 40 thousand dollar investment peccadillo? While Ron Lay, who organized the largest corporate fleecing of the world, and his employees, and America in human history… to the tune of uncounted hundreds of billions of dollars: free as a bird? Along with all the other rich white males responsible for their corporate corruption scandals… like Tyson chicken, and the Gas Corporations, and the Power Companies, etc…? All unprosecuted, and free as a bird? Free to enjoy their spoils? The list is endless

    7. He asked me to raise money for him and promised to multiply it a hundredfold in six months! I do not know how many fools he hooked, but dramatic forecasts have always been good for fleecing the public

    8. And now you are fleecing me

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