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    Utiliser "floppy" dans une phrase

    floppy exemples de phrases


    1. Moreover, she is always trying to sabotage me in various stupid ways: She steals my back up floppy discs and accuses me of losing them, yet I see them as soon as she opens her drawer; she refuses to show me some useful things on the computer; she gives me to type the wrong texts and then she says I am the one who doesn't work right; she drops hints I am illiterate and I don't know the computer program, and so on

    2. SAMANTHA: Neither likes a three-and-a-half-inch floppy

    3. He had on a soft cable-knit pullover with a huge floppy collar, and snug silk slacks that were the height of fashion in the last news they were transmitted

    4. floppy brown felt hat with a wide brim, and put it on his head

    5. He was a thin guy in a big mountain shirt and a floppy beret hairdo

    6. Here and there next to the house, wherever there was a crack between rocks, thick twisted vines with small clumps of long floppy leaves grew large, brilliant and aromatic flowers and hard green pods

    7. The lid was held in place with a satin ribbon, tied with a floppy crimson bow at the top

    8. floppy breast shoved into his back

    9. In fact, she’d hold them down by their floppy ears to prevent them from wandering away in the middle of a wash

    10. Wyll chimed in, “They do know about the brace, but according to Floppy, one would have to be specially built and quite expensive, too

    11. Floppy nodded eagerly, and a few minutes later, they were in Lickspittle’s Books & Antiquaria, perusing the shelves

    12. Yet as soon as they were out, Cheeryup crouched and hissed to the boys, “Follow me!” She stole behind the structure, Wyll and Floppy trailing her, and made her way to a window that was half-open

    13. Floppy looked at them with half fear and half amusement—indeed, he had several sisters and knew all too well how fierce they could be

    14. Cheeryup, Wyll, and Floppy were paralyzed with fear in the closet

    15. “It was us two, along with Floppy Parfinn, the lad I…errrr…screamed at you about last night,” said Cheeryup sheepishly

    16. Included in the group was Millin Parfinn, who, much to his horror, had lost another three kids in the raid, among them, Bean, Floppy, and Rowdingle! Back at the gaol, poor Nutylla Parfinn was catatonic, despite the reassuring efforts of her remaining children

    17. We call him Floppy

    18. Finally, they were all prepared to leave, but there were still two decisions to make—what to do with the injured Wyll and the slow, game-legged Floppy Parfinn

    19. Before she knew it, the two pirates grabbed Floppy roughly and pushed him up against a tree

    20. “When nightfall comes, either your friend Floppy makes his escape or else, some of the fine creatures of these woods will come investigate when they smell all that delicious meat juice

    21. It was late in the day when young Floppy Parfinn awoke

    22. Then he remembered—there had been pirates! Floppy tried to run at the thought, but then felt the ropes that bound his body tightly to an oak tree

    23. Floppy took stock of his surroundings and burst into tears

    24. Floppy started sweating profusely, which he realized was probably the last thing he should do when a wild beast is stalking your scent

    25. As the light from the fire grew, Floppy could see more of his surroundings

    26. Floppy knew this fellow!

    27. Her son Bean had been found in the clearing, injured but alive; still, the kidnappers had Floppy and Soapy

    28. They were further joined by Nutylla Parfinn, who hadn’t stopped hugging and kissing Floppy all morning

    29. We all wanted floppy Australian type bush hats which was only manufactured up to 1976 and thus scarce

    30. That did not give nearly as much shade as a floppy hat but worked well enough

    31. The BIOS manages the order of system boot items, such as floppy (yes, there still is such a thing), CD/DVD optical drive, flash drive and hard drive

    32. Floppy moustache poked me in the chest with the barrel of his gun

    33. Floppy moustache lent forward, gently inserting the barrel of his gun into one of pig-dad's nostrils

    34. As floppy moustache joined his companion by the exit door, I made up my mind that pig-dad was indeed incredibly stupid

    35. Floppy moustache prodded Uncle Hobart with his gun

    36. Floppy moustache dropped to the floor, out cold

    37. 5 inch floppy disk backups

    38. First the shirt, a soft, cottony-white colour, big and streaming out in the tails, with huge floppy sleeves, and big cuffs with no buttons

    39. Tight sleeves came halfway down his forearms then just kind of stopped in a cone-shaped pansy-like floppy ring

    40. The Nungs wore floppy jungle hats

    41. They were all dressed in black pajamas, soft floppy camouflaged hats, and wore black rubber sandals cut from old tires

    42. With my long floppy ears

    43. On his feet were well-worn gumboots, with a floppy cloth cap on his head

    44. The eyes were mostly obscured by a floppy knitted hat and fairly long and dirty hair

    45. It was wearing a floppy hat and a loud stripy waistcoat, and had a sack face with holes for eyes and a twisted slit of a mouth

    46. They left the yard and rounded a group of derelict buildings, but their route was blocked by a lopsided figure in a floppy hat and a stripy waistcoat

    47. Vinnies and she wore her floppy dugs at waist level, as though to haul

    48. It was soft and floppy but she wasn’t

    49. He dabbed some of Musafir's, “scent of seduction” aftershave, Applied some gel to his floppy hair and combed it back, he wanted to look presentable, yet cool

    50. “I’m so in love with him, never felt this way before,” Bilo began to picture Suraj with his cheeky smile and floppy hair

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    Synonymes pour "floppy"

    diskette floppy floppy disk