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    Utiliser "fluted" dans une phrase

    fluted exemples de phrases


    1. cut square blocks, others cut fluted columns using a

    2. antiquity, with fluted columns, a triumphal arch motif to

    3. And a nice room it was too, reminding one of Liberace’s boiler room, all fluted columns soaring into the corbelled vaults

    4. great fluted pillars rising 30 feet in the air to

    5. Slim white marble fluted columns with delicate orange veining now ringed the room six meters in from the perimeter of the black obsidian hemisphere, placed every six meters

    6. Slim white marble fluted columns with delicate orange veining now ringed the room twenty feet in from the perimeter of the black obsidian hemisphere, placed every twenty feet

    7. At this cheery point she fluted in my ear, "I am displeased with this latest sentient acquisition of yours

    8. fluted and embroidered edges falling over her shorts

    9. Terri held her fluted champagne glass out to him and

    10. is fluted also matters

    11. Strange fluted designs also adorned the hull, which culminated in a number of large protrusions extending into the air

    12. “I am nothing until you choose;” a laugh fluted her hair, whistling past her

    13. Three fluted marble pillars stand on either side

    14. The air crackled with festive chatter and waiters served us fluted glasses of French Champagne

    15. He found a fluted bowl, chipped

    16. I was grateful for that repetition now, as I listened for the key lilting high notes, as the fluted melody filled the cavern with an ancient rhythm

    17. Fluted glasses jingled from suspended holders

    18. down to the sides, which, in the same stuff, were figured with fluted

    19. With some cunning too, from floor to ceiling the walls were a mass of statues, gargoyles, bas-reliefs and fluted columns that cast weirdlymoving shadows when the dragon gave an obliging illumination at Twoflower's request

    20. And finally he found the Grand Salon, featuring its own theatrical stage and talking-picture screen, with more Persian rugs, formal divans and armchairs, fluted walnut pilasters, hand-carved molding, wide windows hung with velvet curtains, and another high, domed rococo plaster ceiling

    21. The lining of it, embossed cloth, represented a wild forest foliage, from the top, down to the sides, which, in the same stuff, were figured with fluted pilasters, with their spaces between filled with flower vases, the whole having a pay effect croon the eye, wherever you turned it

    22. The ceiling of this portion of the building is upheld by sixteen fluted columns of Jura stone, with white marble capitals, forming a portico

    23. A glance capable of piercing all that mist deeply would have perceived at some distance a sort of little sutler's wagon with a fluted wicker hood, harnessed to a famished nag which was cropping the grass across its bit as it halted, hidden, as it were, behind the hovel which adjoins the highway to Nivelles, at the angle of the road from Mont-Saint-Jean to Braine l'Alleud; and in the wagon, a sort of woman seated on coffers and packages

    24. The man was sick, and his lips fluted back in pain from his large, discolored teeth

    25. Its calliope fluted up malodorous steams of music

    26. His wife stood tall and silent by him, her fluted lips pressed shut, and her large eyes wet and tragic

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