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    Utiliser "fly across" dans une phrase

    fly across exemples de phrases

    fly across

    1. I once told Nuke that an acquaintance said he had seen a delta-shaped UFO fly across a field in front of him, stop, reverse, and then cross it again

    2. “Okay that’s great, but we need to fly across the ocean

    3. "Maybe you're right for sheep like you, but the birds that fly across oceans tell me that they've seen herds of wild goats in far places, especially in mountain meadows, and the goats survive just fine without man

    4. Surya rapidly made a spin performing a hook kick which was so hard that made the creature fly across the room and hit the wall, leaving fractures around the place of impact

    5. Quickly rolling down his window, Nikita stuck his head out to better see, just in time to see four fantastic gray shapes fly across the sky at high speed just above Red Square

    6. back? Do we have to sprout wings and fly across the ocean?”

    7. The Darkálfar kicks Ross hard enough to make him fly across the room into the stainless steel kitchen

    8. “Walk?” Garret’s expression said he wouldn’t have been more surprised if she had suggested they turned themselves into birds and fly across the field

    9. There are no clouds to block it, no birds to fly across its expanse and no butterflies to mar its surface

    10. An expression Alaric couldn’t make out flitted briefly across Isabel’s face and she slowly sat up, wincing as she tried to stand

    11. “I’ve…” He paused, looking briefly across the meadow again

    12. She gasped as she saw sparks of blue light fly across his eyes

    13. were in an Iranian C-130 heading for the northwest coast of Russia and would try to exit into Finland somewhere east of Oulu and fly across Finland and into the Gulf of Bothnia and then head south past Stockholm Sweden toward the island of Gotska Sandon where

    14. She didn't see the pained expression that drifted briefly across his face, “I see… well Kyle may not be

    15. I’m sitting on the phone with her while she sits in a café, watching the notices fly across her phone as donations come in

    16. But the moment Sancho quitted his beast to go and help Don Quixote, the dancing devil with the bladders jumped up on Dapple, and beating him with them, more by the fright and the noise than by the pain of the blows, made him fly across the fields towards the village where they were going to hold their festival

    17. If he couldn’t go, however, she wouldn’t fly across the country without him, and she’d have to make up some excuse

    18. Your Daughter will fly across the Seas

    19. “Your Daughter will fly across the Seas

    20. ” My father’s hands continued to fly across the control panel

    21. It is an uncomfortable test of stamina to fly across the world to Asia, but I learn

    22. Why, it may be asked, has the supposed creative force produced bats and no other mammals on remote islands? On my view this question can easily be answered; for no terrestrial mammal can be transported across a wide space of sea, but bats can fly across

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