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    Utiliser "force of attraction" dans une phrase

    force of attraction exemples de phrases

    force of attraction

    1. When the heat of their passion made them to shed their clothing, the force of attraction braced them back into embrace

    2. A la Ghalib, ‘of what avail is my beckoning her / wish she gives up self-restraint’, I hoped for long that the force of attraction would prevail upon her forcing her to seek me; well, she took my phone number before the fiasco of that seduction

    3. and this force of attraction is gravity

    4. This principle of gravity declares that a force of attraction by the

    5. Newton said centuries ago that gravity is the force of attraction there is between objects

    6. Newton said centuries ago that gravity is the force of attraction there is between objects that hold mass

    7. used as basis for science sees gravity as being a force of attraction and the force of gravity is

    8. 1) The natural force of attraction exerted by a celestial body, such as Earth, upon objects at or

    9. Gravity is the fundamental force of attraction that all objects with mass have for each other

    10. 4) The natural force of attraction exerted by a celestial body, such as Earth, upon objects at or

    11. Ever person associates gravity applying as “The natural force of attraction exerted by a celestial

    12. Gravitation is the force of attraction that operates between all bodies

    13. Looking at the astronaut float in space we believe there is a force of attraction between the mass of the earth and the mass of the person and this force of attraction is gravity

    14. falling, so where is the pulling “force” of the mass in any of the above pictures? This principle of gravity declares that a force of attraction by the value of mass of both solar objects is pulling to the value of mass in order to reduce the radius, therefore bringing the moon and the earth closer by reducing the distance between the two bodies by the square thereof

    15. They conceive of the all-pervading Presence as if there were no real sympathetic feeling in it not more than there is in the force of attraction, or in the diffused electricity of the globe

    16. As a result, the violet ones better attracted by the action of the Force of Attraction of the chemical elements of the material through which they pass, after what there is a spectrum

    17. Thoughts of home grew stronger the nearer he approached it- far stronger, as though this feeling of his was subject to the law by which the force of attraction is in inverse proportion to the square of the distance

    18. The temptations of power and of everything which it gives, of wealth, honours, luxurious life, present themselves as a worthy aim for the activity of men only so long as the power is not attained; but the moment a man attains it, they reveal their emptiness and slowly lose their force of attraction, like clouds, which have form and beauty only from a distance: one needs but enter them, in order that that which seemed beautiful in them should disappear

    19. Thoughts of home grew stronger the nearer he approached it—far stronger, as though this feeling of his was subject to the law by which the force of attraction is in inverse proportion to the square of the distance

    20. , on the effect of quantity of matter in modifying the force of attraction, xvi, 234

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