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    Utiliser "forcing" dans une phrase

    forcing exemples de phrases


    1. "Yeah, but do you think I am forcing her dead body to twitch using electrical impulses? Do you think if you cut me open you would find some crystal implanted in Tdesi's head?"

    2. He corners her by the back door and, neatly forcing her to yield up the handful of wallpaper she is holding, dexterously pushes it down the back of her t-shirt as she squirms and squeals

    3. The big man was glaring at him and breathing loudly through his nose, forcing the air out in short bursts

    4. was low and narrow, forcing Danton to move forward with his knees bent, crouched

    5. Once I get inside the house, despair takes over … I sit and stare into space for hour after hour, forcing myself to eat something, yet not caring what it is … and the tears never stop

    6. Trying to put the impending meeting with the residents out of my head, I go and make myself a sandwich, forcing myself to eat it despite the churning which is going on in my stomach – not morning sickness this time thank goodness – but just plain nerves

    7. Through it all Beniamin, while forcing himself to join with us from time to time, seemed to be holding something in reserve, as if he could not quite let go of his inner thoughts

    8. There followed a storm of soundless lovemaking during which she engulfed him, forcing his penetration ever deeper until they ultimately found their symphonic tempo, and always, even in climax, their eyes remained locked together

    9. She closed her eyes, forcing her memory back … ‘I had lunch at the hotel … yes, that’s right

    10. A glance at the clock speedily obliterated her self-satisfaction and set her running … her train was due to leave in five minutes’ time! Safely on the train, though still panting from the exercise and more than a little overwhelmed by the crowds of commuters thronging the station subways, she settled herself in a seat and, leaning her head against the headrest, closed her eyes, forcing herself to relax

    11. The ceiling was low and narrow, forcing Danton to move forward with his knees bent, crouched down beneath the mountain

    12. into the old vibration of forcing, trying, struggling or

    13. In the end, she retaliated by forcing him to use the birdery daily to correspond with Lintze, stating that if he didn’t at least do that, she would use the authority she had to have him thrown out

    14. She felt guilty for forcing Alan to adapt to their culture and guilty for insulting Luray by forcing Alan to mate with her

    15. your hands forcing my arms into the soft yield of cotton sheets,

    16. TONY-LEE: He wasn’t forcing her

    17. You will achieve nothing by forcing your unwilling muscles where they would rather not go

    18. He was also offered a promotion to the position of Head of Light Entertainment with the BBC, which would have been fabulous had someone on the board of governors not insisted on inserting a clause in his contract forcing him to keep a whole twenty percent of the schedule for factual content

    19. Before the separation she would have refused this experiment just to piss him off, now she was forcing it on him

    20. forcing her up and out of her hiding place

    21. The lights went out; a gunshot shattered the silence; the taxi driver cursed and jammed the gas pedal to the floor, forcing her the rest of the way into the back seat

    22. Without apparent difficulty, Sheila grabbed Chrissie’s hands and, forcing them over her head, pinned them down in the mud with one hand

    23. ’ Ozzie said, half forcing her to move across the kitchen towards the door

    24. pulling his clothing tightly around himself, he started forcing his way

    25. Forcing himself to keep going, he

    26. Roman had deliberately set it up where the Hollow narrowed, forcing Johnny’s

    27. He began to walk, forcing my father toward the

    28. “Coming!” Lao said, forcing the door open, carrying with him a squirming

    29. Forcing her forward, Breaking her hold on the arm rail

    30. one splashed around in my mouth a little more, forcing me to taste it

    31. Heather stared directly at Roman, forcing him to look her in the eyes

    32. "Don't lower your pretty face to no one" he demanded, grabbing her chin and forcing her to look straight at him

    33. pressing on the eyelids, forcing the thug backwards

    34. Franticly forcing her diamond studs into her ear lobes, she started for the steps

    35. " His face was intense, forcing his brow up to a peek each time he said years

    36. Then without notice he swung his hand under her chin and pressed his lips to hers, she didn't even try forcing him away; when he moved beyond her lips, to tease with her tongue, she didn't resist

    37. "What the heck, do you think you’re doing?" she protested loudly, forcing his hand from her body

    38. Forcing herself from his tight grip, she demanded even before she was completely free, "I want a divorce

    39. Releasing her hand, he plowed through the newly fallen powder, forcing it off to one side, as he raced ahead

    40. Forcing her against the wall, he screamed, "Stay here, the car – I’ll check the car

    41. His mage-fire encompassed the weapon, animating it, forcing it to circle clockwise in the air, its razor edge leading the way

    42. The stench of moldy cheese overpowered Brice, forcing him to step back

    43. Every now and then Alec came to his senses and pushed Nathalia away, forcing her to rent out her own quarters at the Wayward Inn

    44. I have spent the last two decades training my army, forcing them to endure the most brutal physical conditioning iMaginable, while teaching them swordplay in the Ancients' ways

    45. After ages of rulers, the series of halls had long since overflowed, forcing the dwarves to spread their tomb throughout the bowels of the Gorian

    46. His cape rippled out behind him as he walked, and Emily could tell by the sluggish movement of his incredibly long legs, that he was patiently forcing himself into a slow, measured pace in order to match that of the children

    47. One thing she did know, it was within this room that LeCynic had enforced his horrors on them, and that whatever he had done, it had damned them for eternity, forcing them to live lusting for life and lusting for vengeance, cravings which could never be satiated

    48. “That's true my friend but I really don't hold with holiday stealing and then forcing people to pay a second instalment for something they had already paid for

    49. forcing the vessel to be pulled in two separate directions

    50. But more thugs were piling into the ditch behind them forcing them forward so that they fell onto more caltrops which punched into their exposed chests and faces

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