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    Utiliser "foreign currency" dans une phrase

    foreign currency exemples de phrases

    foreign currency

    1. They learned not to waste anything which is a good tactic in any war and saved millions in foreign currency

    2. During the time of the ministry of the Son of Man on earth, the temple priests had set up a money-making scheme by requiring that all foreign currency had to be changed into the local Jerusalem currency in order to pay the temple tax

    3. Bonjour! Thank you for your generous donation of 100 Euros but I regret that I must return your check because the Defense Fund's bank can't handle foreign currency exchanges

    4. The bank's inability to handle foreign currency conversion exchanges

    5. would have only foreign currency, the patrons of the bar bought all the beer he could drink

    6. Viruses and computer programmes have already been developed that can turn off a nation’s electricity, steal its foreign currency, open the sluice gates of dams and so on, all from thousands of miles away

    7. “Foreign currency, eh,” said Algar

    8. These folks followed his every move: his jaunts to Eastern Europe, quiet meetings with his handlers in Scranton, PA and the endless streams of foreign currency that flooded his overseas accounts

    9. The ODC is an EPZ management company, and as such has a zero tax rating (for ever) and is allowed to hold foreign currency accounts at local banks

    10. value more than rupees ten lakh or its equivalent in foreign currency should be

    11. position, Onassis could now obtain foreign currency at official rates and resell it in

    12. Resident holders of foreign passports, as I was, were free to travel but could not take foreign currency out of the country

    13. At the beginning of 1988, option volatility in the foreign currencies was extremely high, just coming off historically high levels in some of the foreign currency markets at the end of 1987

    14. dollars, foreign countries are able to get more for their money when the local foreign currency is inflated

    15. The Russian rouble was so weak that towns had special shops selling tourist tat, I mean beautiful souvenirs (mostly tuneless balalaikas and Russian dolls) simply to build up Russia’s reserves of foreign currency

    16. In a foreign-currency market, a trader may attempt to profit by borrowing a low-interest-rate domestic currency and using this to purchase a high-interest-rate foreign currency

    17. The interest rates may not be fixed, and over the life of the strategy, the interest rate that must be paid on the domestic currency may rise while the interest rate that can be earned on the foreign currency may fall

    18. He expects to do this with the foreign currency that he now owns

    19. If the value of the foreign currency has declined with respect to the domestic currency, it will cost him more to repurchase the domestic currency and repay the loan

    20. However, the evaluation method in each variation, whether the original Black-Scholes model for stock options, the Black model for futures options, or the Garman-Kohlhagen model for foreign currency options, is so similar that they have all come to be known simply as the Black-Scholes model

    21. Depending on the type of underlying contract, whether a stock, a futures contract, or a foreign currency, the model takes the current underlying price, the time to expiration, interest rates, and, in the case of stocks, dividends to calculate the forward price

    22. Going back to the forward pricing relationships in Chapter 2, where S is the spot exchange rate, we can see that the forward price for a foreign currency will fall if we increase the foreign rate (the denominator becomes larger) and rise if we reduce the foreign rate (the denominator becomes smaller)

    23. 1 We are referring here to options on the actual foreign currency rather than options on foreign-currency futures

    24. 7 Early exercise considerations may also be important in a foreign-exchange market if the interest rates associated with the domestic currency (the currency in which the option is settled) and foreign currency (the currency to be delivered in the event of exercise) are significantly different

    25. foreign currency options and, 99

    26. This could be a stock, an index, a foreign currency, an interest rate, or a futures contract

    27. The returns on non-dollar assets are mostly reported unhedged, in which case their dollar return includes the appreciation or depreciation of the foreign currency during the sample period

    28. Currency hedging can be done in various ways—selling expected FX proceeds using FX forward contracts, funding foreign asset purchases with foreign currency deposits, or directly buying non-dollar-denominated futures contracts

    29. A pip (price interest point) is the smallest unit of price for any foreign currency

    30. While China is chock-full of foreign currency reserves, its gold holdings are small—just 600 metric tons, or roughly 0

    31. 9 percent of the country’s total foreign currency reserves

    32. With large foreign currency reserves, a growing middle class, and a cultural propensity to work hard and save, the future will belong to Asia

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