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    Utiliser "foreign exchange" dans une phrase

    foreign exchange exemples de phrases

    foreign exchange

    1. It was a question of foreign exchange, and balance of trade

    2. Also, consider that Brazil loses annually more than 50 billion dollars in flight of foreign exchange, contraband, maintenance of the exchange or falsification, besides the tax evasion in consequence of high tax burden and of the lack of income

    3. speculation, of the foreign exchange and of the lack of income

    4. ” He sounded like a foreign exchange student learning English, his words coming out in a staccato-like fashion, speaking with proper grammar, lacking the idioms or slang terms which most native speakers use

    5. Despite the importance of the auto industry in terms of both production and sales, the level of auto sales is not an economic indicator widely followed by foreign exchange traders

    6. "Meaning she has access to all bank accounts, transactions, loans, mortgages, foreign exchange, bonds," said Zinoviev

    7. The above approaches are not limited to trading in the foreign exchange

    8. inflation, GDP, foreign exchange, and the level of technology are constantly evolving,

    9. There’s been no reaction that I have noticed on the foreign exchange markets, either

    10. We must realise that foreign investment is not about the foreign exchange entering the country but more about the transfer of management skills, intellectual property and technology

    11. Single-White-Female (24) Seeks Female; Pregnant Mother of 3; College Student; Foreign Exchange Asian Woman—all are crossed out, if only out of necessity

    12. India is required to maintain gold and foreign exchange reserves of Rs

    13. "I have always wanted to have a foreign exchange student, and with Alexis and Natalie getting along so well these days, the timing couldn't have been better

    14. "We will have to arrange a foreign exchange program for you

    15. Sombolos made a lot of money by trafficking in foreign exchange and Egyptian antiquities

    16. Especially due to the fact that her mother was the headmistress of the school, and she had figured out that a certainmid-year foreign exchange program to Paris (the city of love) was going to occur

    17. ” He took out the four hundred pounds he had changed at the foreign exchange

    18. And before breakfast is half over (they were late today), a baby is deposited in her lap, and she must guard the sugar basin while Tom Grandage reads the golfing article in the "Times," sips his coffee, wipes his moustaches, and is off to the office, where he is the greatest authority upon the foreign exchanges and marked for promotion

    19. Corporate actions, buy-ins, dividends, rolls in futures, interest rates in forex accounts, currency conversions for assets held on foreign exchanges, and options assignments can all cause issues, so develop an obsessive habit of checking statements and records after any of these events

    20. The advantage of the ADR is that it allows American investors to invest in foreign companies without going through foreign exchanges

    21. In the future, proprietary traders might learn as intraday equity traders but then pick up options and then futures and then foreign exchange (FX)

    22. Consider the challenges posed to the would-be global investor by local corporate governance and management practices; restrictions on capital movements; variations in taxation; differences in language, culture, and political stability; unusual hours at which trades are executed; complexity of foreign exchange transactions; currency risks; and logistics involved in managing custody of foreign securities

    23. In any one of the examples I could easily have substituted a hypothetical price history for the Nikkei 225 index, or a specific stock like Bank of America, or price of gold, or the Euro/US Dollar foreign exchange currency pair

    24. Foreign exchange markets that have very high liquidity and 24-hour trading will be less susceptible to gapping than lightly traded stocks

    25. Whereas the majority of the examples up to this point in the book have focused on the FTSE 100 index for consistency, in this chapter and the next I demonstrate stop orders in the contexts of other markets including individual equities, foreign exchange currency pairs, and international (non-UK) indices

    26. He prefers to trade foreign exchange (FOREX) currency pairs via his spread betting account

    27. This example demonstrates the use of a trailing stop order in the context of a foreign exchange (FOREX) currency trade

    28. Cochrane (1999) had the foresight to stress parallels among carry-oriented strategies in equity, bond, and foreign exchange markets as well as volatility selling and convergence trading

    29. It also works in fixed income, foreign exchange, and alternative assets, as well as across asset classes

    30. ) The past decades have been an extremely turbulent time in the foreign exchange markets, with the monthly returns of the European currencies themselves experiencing an annualized SD of 10

    31. They also let you trade commodities and currencies without having to open a separate futures or foreign exchange trading account

    32. Scalping, when used in reference to trading in securities, commodities and foreign exchange, may refer to, a fraudulent form of market manipulation, or, a legitimate method of arbitrage of small price gaps created by the bid-ask spread

    33. However, I felt that futures and foreign exchange currency trading (forex) were suited only to traders sitting behind a desk at a large bank or institutional trading firm, so it took me a while to finally venture into these markets

    34. You will even see cash transfers in or out of the account and foreign exchange transactions

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