Utiliser "front tooth" dans une phrase
front tooth exemples de phrases
front tooth
1. ” Babs grinned showing off his new gold filling in his front tooth balancing the one he commissioned some nearly four decades previously
2. That funny little chip off the front tooth
3. His messy hair hasn’t been cut in years, his clothes are old and he has a front tooth missing
4. She grinned a giant grin at her uncle, which revealed a missing front tooth as she nodded
5. A broken-off human front tooth
6. "Is there a dragon?" asks a boy missing a front tooth
7. The fact that the watches were of American make, and some peculiarities in connection with the gold stopping of his front tooth, appeared to indicate that the deceased was a citizen of the United States, though his linen, clothes and boots were undoubtedly of British manufacture
8. He grinned at me and I saw that he’d lost another front tooth
9. “Are they distinct? Some one—a man, of course—has said that if Cleopatra had been without a front tooth the whole history of the world would have been changed; and Heine, you remember, when asked about Madame de Staël, remarked that, had Helen looked so, Troy would not have known a siege