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    garnet exemples de phrases


    1. The fold gathered over her shoulder was bound by a large garnet

    2. " Eva lifted her hand to show Zoe the gold ring with an emerald colored garnet at the center

    3. Hopefully, Anna's friends, Patty and Garnet Reed with their close affinity to the rugged, inhospitable coastline, would be able to offer more realistic theories

    4. "Garnet Reed was born on Vancouver Island, served in the RCAF on west coast anti- submarine patrols during World War Two

    5. "Ah, an impatient searcher," observed Garnet Reed, pushing back his mop of sandy grey hair

    6. "It's not called the Graveyard of the Pacific for nothing," said Garnet Reed grimly

    7. Garnet Reed was not ready to yield to such angry impatience

    8. Trying hard to conceal his excitement, Travis turned to Garnet Reed

    9. Garnet Reed took the Polaroid and examined it with Patty looking over his shoulder

    10. The fishing equipment has long been stripped off," said Garnet Reed

    11. husband, "Garnet, stay close to that man Travis

    12. "A Mister Garnet Reed called

    13. "It's seen better days," Garnet Reed agreed sourly as the cruiser headed out across the bay in pursuit of John-Paul

    14. "Don't fret! We'll catch the old gillnetter," Garnet Reed cried optimistically, peering into rain that smothered a dark grey dawn

    15. In moments, Garnet Reed had a radio-telephone call through to Vancouver

    16. Garnet Reed replaced the microphone and offered Travis a fresh mug of hot rum

    17. Eventually, he turned to Garnet Reed and J

    18. Garnet Reed's jubilant bull roar broke up the boring poker game and brought Harry Travis and J

    19. The grinding, flapping noise of the helicopter, the deafening gunfire, the stench of fired ammunition, and the wild manoeuvres of Garnet Reed's attempts to escape the attack, left him stunned

    20. Unconsciously, Garnet Reed was zigzagging towards the aerial machine skimming across the water

    21. Earlier, he had tried to provoke Garnet Reed into an argument over the mysterious Russian radio transmissions picked up and recorded by Tubby Paulson, but Reed had deflected Curran's barbs with a big, understanding grin

    22. Garnet Reed estimated there was another thirty minutes to high tide and the safe point

    23. "She's moving! The gillnetter's moving!" cried Garnet Reed

    24. The big boulder that wiped out the Alliford Bay landed on the fly-bridge, pulverised it, smashed through the cabin taking the helm, the controls, the chartboards and Garnet Reed's dead body with it, and disappeared leaving a gaping hole in the bottom of the boat

    25. Garnet Reed had mentioned back at Port Hardy that John- Paul was reported to have a trading post somewhere on the west coast

    26. One of the last things he remembered on the Alliford Bay before it went down, was the mad American, Curran, or Dracos, whatever his name was, shooting Garnet Reed

    27. While the television pictures flashed meaninglessly before his dark, immobile face, he recalled the last moments of the Alliford Bay -- the foolish old man, Garnet Reed, dead on the floor, Harry Travis, shocked and angry at the shooting and trying to be brave as he struggled with the helm while falling rocks smashed the old wooden boat to matchwood

    28. "It's so unlike Garnet not to call

    29. That’s where Harry Travis, Garnet Reed and J

    30. "Unless something happened in World War Two to reorganize the hunt,” he said, and his mind went back to recall Garnet Reed’s story of lighthouse keeper Tubby Paulson hearing a voice speaking Russian in 1944, and how all wire recordings were confiscated

    31. The first looked like an eagle in flight; the second appeared to be a red garnet and the third, ivory quartz

    32. But a red garnet is too close to call…

    33. The four weapons consist of an electric chabazite, a garnet light-blaster, a raven snapper and finally the most deadly of all – the quartz poi­son dart

    34. The seller offered 250 garnet pendants for one cent, and the # of bids is 283

    35. Deneb triggered a lightning; Garnet caught hold of its tail and swung Deneb on the other end of the lightning, to the other side of the void

    36. Deneb then sucked back the lightning, which pulled Garnet to him at the Rebel end

    37. “Well, we’re still in the budding stage and have no idea what we can do if we can fine-tune our powers by practice and precision”, Cleo said when Garnet jumped in with a question, “How can we turn more powerful?”

    38. Let’s hit the class now”, Garnet cheered her teammates up

    39. “What the hell was that?!” Garnet cried, when Cleo fell into a deep thought

    40. “Why don’t we consult the customs officer that checked immigration of people aboard Haven into the provinces, and check the list out?” Garnet asked

    41. “How do you suppose Garnet?” Cleo inquired, “They don’t know that we actually know about their conspiracies and that they are searching for the one with the RAM

    42. “This is cool!”, Garnet cried as they entered the lab, “James Minto or whoever it was, is kinda wizard, a genius without equal

    43. My memory doesn’t say that”, Cleo said, when Garnet asked, “Said, he deleted some of his memories

    44. “He seems familiar!”, Garnet said frowning at the photo, and cried as she remembered who it was, “Oh my God, it’s James Waltor, the blue-naut!”

    45. “What should we do with these ass holes?”, Garnet asked her hands tinkling with a crave for adventure

    46. Cleo was in a deep thought when Garnet volunteered, “You don’t wanna use the potion

    47. ”, Garnet was about to say something, when Cleo intervened, “Let him complete!”

    48. Then she turned to Garnet and said, “If Alcor returns, ask him Rigel’s house address and let me know about it”

    49. Garnet nodded and then Cleo left in haste

    50. Garnet sensed her thoughts and smiled at her, espousing her ideas

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